Exhibitors 2024

Result for TAG "Retrocomputing"

Carlo Fonda, Marco Baruzzo, Gaia Fior, Debora Zanolla

A ZX Spectrum never gets old ;-) Eight of them, and a few cables, can even make a LAN! And now you can play multi-user games with the retro look-n-feel of 1983!


Della Design.

Arduino ( and compatible boards) Shield Interface for Televisions and monitors (HDMI cable interface)

P. Aisa, P.Aliverti, G.Galli, D. Gatti, E.Frisoni, A. Torrisi, N.Luciano, M. Ferrari

"Technical disclosure" for Makers: analog, digital and power electronics, coding, robotics, 3D printing, technical engineering disciplines in a easy way

Gianluca Rotoni

Take a telephone of the old kind, the ones you could once find in every home. Then take an Arduino and a book by a great Italian children's writer. Et voila!

Pier Francesco Maria Santi

Open hardware FPGA platform able to embed RISC-V softcores, programmable with UNLIMITED FREE tools

Maker Camp, Marco Vigelini

Scopri il potere educativo del gaming: laboratori Minecraft, simulatori di guida e Mario Kart per unire divertimento e apprendimento per tutta la famiglia.

Data updated on 2025-02-18 - 1.46.01 am