Exhibitors 2019

Category "Artificial Intelligence"

OBDA Systems
Exploiting Semantic Technologies and A.I. for Data Governance and for the Production and Publication of Open Data in the Public Administration.

Clementoni R&D
We would like to collect needs and ideas meeting children, makers and AI experts to discuss about AI smart toys

Gruppi di Ricerca afferenti ad EdR italiani
Applications for AI for Agri & Food will be presented in collaboration with the CINI AIIS Laboratory

Angelo Oddi, Riccardo Rasconi and Gabriele Sartor
Development of innovative AI-based software architectures to enhance the autonomy in space applications.

Ivan Donadello, Ilaria Amantea, Riccardo De Benedictis, Alessandro Umbrico,
showcase of artificial intelligence technologies to suport the health & wellbeing of people

Massimo Ruffolo, Ermelinda Oro, Fausto Pupo, Umberto Scilinguo, Francesco Visalli
This project shows how artificial intelligence helps in automating boring and repetitive tasks that usually require human cognitive skills in order to enable persons to focus on more strategic tasks

Eye-Tech srl
Sistema di Realtà Aumentata per la manutenzione predittiva in ambito Industria 4.0

Ennio Picarelli - IBM
The IBM has realized, in collaboration with the LUISS University, some Data Science projects with young girls of the Business_School_Masters.

ESA/ESRIN and the Φ-Lab
Come experience the Earth and the Moon in Virtual Reality and get to know more about ESA and Φ-Lab activities!

HTWK RoboCup team
The Nao-Team HTWK Leipzig partecipates in RoboCup SPL with fully autonomously NAO robots. In 2018 the team won the RoboCup.

Sebastiano Battiato
Visual Forensics Analytics is an AI-based platform which operates to support digital investigations on multimedia contents such as images.

Cultural Heritage lab, Engineering Ingegneria informatica
IDEHA is a project dedicated to the creation of a system for the management and fruition of the Italian cultural heritage.

Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica (CINI)
We will showcase Artificial Intelligence solutions for various application domains developed by the members of the Laboratory

NomadZ RoboCup Team
The NomadZ from ETH Zurich is a RoboCup team, Switzerland, participated for the first time in the RoboCup 2016 Competition

Carlo Sciuto, Pierluigi Buttiglieri, Giuseppe Patanè, Marco Sciuto
Park Smart, using the existing security cameras and its Artificial intelligence IoT, it’s able to monitor the availability of parking lots and helps the parking company to increase their revenue up to 30%.

MathWorks Academia
Programming and controlling robots with MATLAB and Simulink for education, teaching and research purposes.

Media Integration and Communication Center - Alberto Del Bimbo, Claudio Baecchi, Marco Bertini, Andrea Ferracani, Lorenzo Seidenari, Tiberio Uricchio
SeeForMe. A smart companion that walks you through the world of art.

FPV@IPLAB - University of Catania (Main Contact: Prof. Giovanni Maria Farinella)
Video e demo relative alle ricerche condotte dall’Image Processing Laboratory (IPLAB) dell’Università di Catania sulla costruzione di Sistemi di Visione Artificiale Indossabili.

Ennio Picarelli - IBM
IBM is leading an Open Source project merged into the Watson OpenScale which aims to detect Bias within ML models.

SPQR Team - Prof. Daniele Nardi
SPQR Team is the RoboCup Team of the DIAG at Sapienza. The team is composed by 5 humanoid robots that play soccer autonomously.

STMicroelectronics S.r.l
Artificial Intelligence running on 32-bit Microcontrollers, thanks to a unique conversion and optimizing tool developed by ST.

When users need Satellite Data, AI can help to retrieve best data at best time to get best value.

Xenia Progetti srl, IMC Service srl, CUTGANA-Università di Catania
VEDI aims to enrich CH visitors experience, whilst providing CH manager with statistics on visitors' behaviour to improve site management.
Data updated on 2024-09-13 - 10.39.14 pm
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