Exhibitors 2021

Category "Makers"

La Bottega delle Idee - May

"The Game of Sevens" is a competition between two players who take it in turns to bring their pawns, with the help of a cart, from the starting position to where their opponent is.

  J.T.21 (pav. J)

Alessandro Giacomel di Officine Robotiche

An autonomous painter robot that creates watercolor paintings made at home with easily available or 3D printed material

  E.16 (pav. E)


Large 3D prints. Materials and technologies that can lead to 1: 1 scale replicas for cinema and manufacturing.

  E.07 (pav. E)

Fabio Defabis, Giovanni Pirozzi

The 68k-MBC is an easy to build 68008 CPU SBC, using only easy to find TH parts.

Comune di Monteverde con I.Ri.Fo.R. (Formazione, ricerca e riabilitazione per la disabilit) e U.I.C.I. (Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti).

Il sistema AbleUpp connette un bastone smart a un percorso tattile-plantare-vocale che guida le persone non vedenti e d informazioni.


Elio Matteo Curcio, Francesco Lago, Stefano Rodin, Diego Mazzei

ADIUTOR is a robotic device for upper limb rehabilitation, designed for assisted rehabilitation directly at home.


Fulvio Airaghi

A simple slider which aim is to create a low-price and high performance equipment, booth for professionals and simple lovers.

  I.07 (pav. I)


AICUBE X MAKE TO CARE AICUBE vuole aumentare il livello di prevenzione secondaria su malattie non trasmissibili come il diabete di Tipo II.


Alert Genius Srl

The Alert Genius company, proposes an innovation in the Anti-Intrusion systems domain allowing to maintain an Alarm System always active even with subjects moving in the monitored area.

  F.07 (pav. F)

Antonino ida

Algaria is a start-up that works in the direction of producing in circular mode, and exploit microalgae such as a sustainable ingredient

  J.S.18 (pav. J)


My new toilet seat for the disabled was created to give life to an inclusive and innovative project, it does not exist on the market.

  J.1.02 (pav. J)


Three automatic musicians - bassist, drummer, glockenspiel players - will play with other automatic musical instruments and one "human" musician.

  I.01 (pav. I)

Giacomo Cesari

Flying Drone with dangerous gases and particulate sensors for altitude analysis

  J.2.03 (pav. J)

Gianpaolo Greco, Andrea Novati, Carlo Cavaliere

We use neural networks to identify plastic for far distance using drones

  J.2.02 (pav. J)

Maurizio Calvitti; Riccardo Moretti; Elena Lampazzi; Giulia Fabbri; Giulia Lombardi

The state of the art in up-scaling an innovative method to hinder the spread of the Asian Tiger Mosquito

  J.S.19 (pav. J)

Fabrizio D'Eramo

ART-HOUSE CANDLE: creation of handmade wax objects, realized with antique methods and new technological machineries

paperPino (Giuseppe Civitarese)

From a sheet of paper to a marvelous machine: the fabulous world of paper automata

  J.T.12 (pav. J)

Roberto Mancin - UNIPD

UniPD PER MAKE TO CARE I recenti sviluppi nella robotica (v. anche Referenze) e nella realt aumentata stanno aprendo orizzonti sempre pi vasti nell'ambito dell'inclusione di persone con disabilit: il presente progetto mira a realizzare una forma di telepresenza immersiva non pi unicamente riabilitativa, ma anche didattica e ricreativa, che, sfruttando apparati di registrazione audio e video dotati di sensori per il movimento, permetta a chi impossibilitato negli spostamenti di esplorare qualsiasi luogo come di persona (v. Allegato), anche "viaggiando" in diretta nella storia dei luoghi, superando i limiti di uno streaming operatore-dipendente e una concezione statica e museale della storia.


Robert Manolea - Mauro La Rocca

Industrial IoT, Structural Health Monitoring, Smart Mobility and Smart Energy are just some of our targets.

Lorenzino Piazzi - CLING-O-MATIC SRL

CLING-O-MATIC SRL PER MAKE TO CARE La nostra startup ha brevettato una nuova tecnologia e realizzato una nuova macchina in grado di assemblare in tridimensione e senza cuciture parti di prodotti indossabili.


J. Liotti, F. Guzzo, P. Allegro, D. Mainieri

Production of food, feed and biopolymers from organic residue of various kinds with black soldier fly and spirulina

  J.S.05 (pav. J)

Susanna Albertini

What is the circular bioeconomy and what are the bio-based applications in everyday life? Come and visit the interactive house of the BIOECONOMY Village to discover how the sustainable future is already a reality

Inventor Felix Nate Boakye- founder of black brain robotics and mechanism project, supported by Javier costilla.

It is a scrap built, a handmade, it educates the audience and the Project will be attractive to the audience due to how it functions.

  K.07 (pav. K)

Emanuele La Rosa, Angelo Giuseppe Ruotolo

Blink is a project that allows a disabled quadriplegic to use the computer through the blink of his eyes.

  J.1.04 (pav. J)

Emanuele La Rosa, Angelo Giuseppe Ruotolo

Blink Lite is a bluetooth device that allows you to use your PC through the use of two buttons

  J.1.04 (pav. J)

Manuel Bottini

Dive into our virtual reality games like never before with our sensors!

  E.11 (pav. E)

Daniele Leandri, Giuseppe Torino, Beppe Pennesi

Braccione (Big arm) is a mechanical arm 2 meters long. It is made with some servos and with the extensive use of used materials. Braccione imitates your movements when you draw on its control graphics tablet.

  K.06 (pav. K)

Ezia Bruno e Riccardo Bruno

Br Milano was born of two Italian brothers, Riccardo and Ezia Bruno. The brand is a combination of tradition and innovation.

Federico Giannakopoulos

I have designed a single-driver electric vehicle and am realising it. My idea is to enable other young makers to build their vehicle more easily.

Francesco Cencioni, Simone Cancelli, Lorenzo Parri, STIE srl

Building ML, Machine Learning and Business Analytics applied to home and building automation

The thinking clouds, Women's Brain Project

Calliope is a voice assistant for the emotional communication of patients with Parkinson's disease and for the empowerment of caregivers.


Matteo Salini, Elisa Minari, Giovanni Bellino, Emma Manghi, Laura Boscaini, Pietro Ravanetti, Michelangelo Lefante, Anna Ghiretti, Luca Bocedi, Maddalena Moretti, Francesco Rodighiero, Daniele Khalousi

Solutions for inclusive tourist facilities: one Welcome Kit, ten customizable objects for esthetically and functionally-ready-to-host-everyone rooms.

Ingegner Andrea Dogliotti

CAMOSCA: Enabling normal electrical wheelchairs afford steps and even steep stairs, safely and completely self-driving, maintaining maneuverability in normal conditions.

  J.1.08 (pav. J)

Giacomo Cesari

Spore and pollen sampler for vineyard / agriculture

  J.2.03 (pav. J)


Industrial Hemp

  J.T.01 (pav. J)

Gianfranco Diretto

Determination of the chemical-qualitative characteristics of the Italian espresso and specialty coffees.

  J.S.14 (pav. J)

Cecilia Gramiccia, Elena Gramiccia

Gluten Free and Organic Jerusalem artichoke chips, with no preservatives or added sugar. Excellent as snacks and aperitifs

Massimiliano Ferrante, Stefano Badessi, Paulo Sacramento, Sveinung Loekken

Bringing together local data, Earth Observation and Machine Learning to better quantify the quality of the air we breathe.

  J.1.26 (pav. J)

Elia Gasparolo

Connective tissue. Biotextile with Memory. Perfumes, textures and flavours today turned into skin. Fabric that connects and re-signifies the cycles.

Fisica in pillole

The smartphone is a physics laboratory. We will find out how sensors work and the physics hidden in our pockets.

  J.1.23 (pav. J)

Searcode SRL

Coverride is a dynamic case that enables user to customize their smartphone design instantly with image, video and animated background.

Cubbit | M. Moschettini, S. Onofri, A. Cillario, L. Posani

Cubbit is Europe's first distributed cloud: its zero-knowledge technology protects your privacy 100%, while saving 40kg of CO2 per TB stored.

Mindshub APS

CyberOrto is a system that allows you to manage a small vegetable garden in autonomy. You decide, through an application, which vegetables to plant and will provide for their cultivation, alerting you when they are ready for harvest.

Silvio Potente - Luca Potente

Cycled transforms the only thing that pollutes in a bicycle: The Tire!

  J.T.09 (pav. J)

Project Red

Design of an autonomous rover according to Project Red: the working methodology, the software, the autonomous navigation and the prototype.

  K.09 (pav. K)

VAHA - Virtual Architecture Handicraft Art

VAHA presents the works of digital craft born within the "Bottega Virtuale". The projects arise from listening to the needs of end users and above all from the cooperation of more professionalism.

Fondazione Mondo Digitale

Machine intelligence, cloud, additive manufacturing, big data Digital Made is a modular programme that aims to accelerate digital transformation in the fashion sector with the contribution of young men and women.

Anatole Deligant, Paulo Sacramento, Sveinung Loekken

Explore a 3D model of the ESA/ESRIN site in Virtual Reality, augmented with Air Quality data

  J.1.26 (pav. J)

Daniel Sandoval Villa

Learn to create several musical instruments made with cardboard end recycled materials controlled by Micro:bits microcontroller.


Fully open source modular and customized home automation assistant

  J.T.24 (pav. J)
Data updated on 2025-02-13 - 2.59.30 pm