Exhibitors 2023

Category "Schools"

IIS Palmieri Rampone Polo

Innovativo programma didattico che comprende un insieme di attività progettuali finalizzate all’invio di palloni sonda e relativi payload nella Stratosfera.

Studente Ciro Pellecchia e Achille Moscardino

Our project was designed to significantly reduce the pollution caused by the spraying of chemical products such as copper and sulfur in the vineyards. Copper is a heavy metal and for this reason toxic to soils while sulfur causes serious irritation to the respiratory system and to the skin of men. These two pollutants are very harmful to our ecosystem and the environment. Unfortunately, these products are widely used in agriculture because they are used to fight diseases such as Peronospora and Oidium. These fungi affect all agricultural cultures but in particular the excellent vine of Made Italy for the production of quality wine.

Fablab Algeri Marino Casoli (CH)

Battery status monitoring of an electric bike made with Arduino 33 loT via smatphone.

Istituto Omnicomprensivo Avogadro Vinci di Abbadia San Salvatore classi 5C-5G dell'anno scolastico 2019-2020

Amadeus is a system suitable for controlling home devices through Internet. It links different technologies: • Modbus, a serial protocol used for over 40 years in industrial communications; • Node-RED, a programming tool developed by IBM for IoT applications.

  D11 (pav. 8D.11)

4E ITTS Alessandro Volta di Tivoli - Guidonia

SaveWater 2 #SaveEarth is a must. #Agricolture sustain people. #AquaTerra project can help us to take care about #water and #environment.

Nicolò Girotti, Lorenzo Schiavello, Gabriele Santoro, Marco Durdea

This aerospace biology project will reveal the best culture method to obtain the resources necessary for survival on Mars.

Jovanovic Aleksandar e Mijajlovic Marco - ITIS "C. Zuccante" Mestre (VE) Italy

BlindView is a product that aims to make museums more accessible to people who are blind or visually impaired.

IT Archimede di Catania - Dipartimento di Informatica - Studenti : Presti Gabriele, Gaetano Scuto, Boninelli Leonardo, Lo Castro Federico, Mirko Sicurella

C-Eyes: transforming the world for the visually impaired through AI-powered glasses that narrate surroundings for enhanced autonomy and safety.

IIS. G. Vallauri - Fossano (CN)

E-chopper, the retrofit of a motorized vehicle for sustainable mobility while remaining comfortably seated.

  A11 (pav. 8A.11)

IISS F. Petrocelli Moliterno (PZ) Prof. D' Onofrio Vito Antonio, Prof Luigi Ivano Vasta.

The project has characteristics based on the culture of recycling and eco-sustainability. Thanks to the technology of brushless motors electrically powered by lithium-ion batteries, recycled from old computers, and regenerated by the students of the institute. Machine Learning associated with (AI) can be trained to recognize and interpret road signs to assist people with disabilities.

Paul Gégényi - Marcell Kovács - Nyíregyháza Vocational Training Center Bánki Donát Engineering Technical Secondary School and Student Hostel

Our idea is to develop a simple and low-maintenance piezoelectric energy harvesting system.

  H2 (pav. 8H.02)

Raul Bartalini Bigi classe V A Elettronica e Robotica IIS Tito Sarrocchi Siena

"Solid and liquid feed dispenser" allows you to feed and water domestic birds in your absence.

Studenti di 3C e 4C dell’indirizzo Biotecnologie Ambientali

Creation of environmentally friendly fabrics using digital 3D printing technologies, by bacterial cellulose obtained from agri-food waste.

Riccardo Pedone, Gabriele Di Blasi - classe 4BE dell'ITIS Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica - Istituto Scolastico Enzo Ferrari di Susa (TO)

FideLIS: an eco-sustainable robot able to make art and museums inclusive through LIS.

Classe 4K di Elettronica e Automazione e 5M di Informatica dell'ITI Galileo Ferraris di Napoli

Automa, eco-sustainable and ecological that aims to combat the pollution of marine ecosystems through the use of artificial intelligence and a cutting-edge telecommunications network.

Amico Gandolfo, Dolce Emanuele, Frisina Calogero, Runza Alessandro, Turco Michele - ITET “Rapisardi-Da Vinci” - Caltanissetta

Who will rescue Hangy? Just guess the mysterious word, but remember! If you make a mistake Hangy will lose a part

Studenti Triennio Articolazione Automazione

Multidisciplinary teaching sheet for the verification of electronic circuits of interest and for the monitoring of the main environmental parameters for human safety.

  D4 (pav. 8D.04)

IISS "G Salvemini" Alessano (scuola capofila del progetto); ITT "P Paleocapa" Bergamo; IISS "D Scano" Cagliari

LAB3 school networks for full-access relations and opportunities aiming at remote machines and robots controlling and programming

  D6 (pav. 8D.06)

prof. ssa Irene Tarantino, prof. Giovanni Gemignani

The project aims to make students passionate about science by building low cost tools for environmental monitoring

Nicholas Cicuzza Mattia Scarselletta coordinati dal professor Martino Pasquale Itis Don Giuseppe Morosini di Ferentino

Towards the agriculture of the future: a new method, a new way of working

IIS "Verona Trento" di Messina

refitting of disused materials for the construction of an electric vehicle with microcontroller management systems

Team "Black-Hole" - Istituto Superiore "Volta" - Castel San Giovanni - PC

Everyone can experience playing the piano

Team NAO&SFCS I.I.S. "G. Marconi" Nocera Inferiore (SA)

The project called (NAO&SFCSacronym of AO &SMART FOOD CONSERVATION SYSTEM aims to create a low-cost solution based on an IoT and AI architecture to monitor and manage food conservation.

Alunni della classe 3C del Liceo Scientifico Alessandro Volta di Foggia

The project intends to recycle old toys making them robotic through microcontrollers that allow them to be reused in a fun and creative way.

Tommaso Caligari

Markerless AI-based device for gait analysis and earlier diagnosis of Parkinson disease.

Ideato dal Prof. Piero Alabrese e realizzato dalla classe 4A di Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica dell'I.I.S.S. "Del Prete-Falcone" di Sava (TA) nell'ambito del P.C.T.O., con il supporto del Prof. Carlo Calò e del Prof. Dario Panariti.

"Ping-Pong" was specially designed for people with disabilities, in order to stimulate them in basic motor and cognitive activities.

  C5 (pav. 8C.05)

Gentile Michele, De Nardis Andrea, Triveri Samuele, Nardone Riccardo

A way to take care of your plants. A way to help our planet.

Il Frastuca Team composto da: Mattia Azzarello, Andrea Guarnera, Salvatore Papotto e Maurizio Parasiliti.

Particular electronic tank that can be adapted to any drone which allows for the artificial pollination of plants at 360°.

Gruppo Ecosistemi & Tecnologia - I.I.S. Piazza della Resistenza Monterotondo (RM)

POT is an instrument capable of measuring temperature, pH and TDS in water and understand if it is drinkable.

Team ThunderVolt - Istituto Superiore Volta di Castel San Giovanni - Piacenza

Applying piezoelectric sensors to vehicles to generate power in a completely green and free way

IIS Giorgi-Woolf (RMIS121002), classe 4Bs, autori: Andrea Bianchi, Mattia Esposito, Davide Giardino, Emanuele Masini, Giulio Mischi , docente: Benedetta Macina, Angela Testa Piccolomini

The greenhouse is designed for environments where the growth of vegetation is hostile or specific periods of the year where climatic conditions do not allow it.

3CE _ ITIS "G.Galilei"_IIS Pontecorvo

This is a project about an intelligent system which, through an IoT application, makes waste collection more efficient and smart

Amedeo Lepore

Il cestino “Intelligente”

  C9 (pav. 8C.09)

Classe 4B "ITI RENATO ELIA" C/mare di Stabia

RobotElios is a six-wheeled rover used to look for new archaeological finds. It uses sensors to scan objects it finds

  A3 (pav. 8A.03)

Autori: prof. Luciano Maggi, studente Matteo Grena e Christian Persizza - classe 5^EA indirizzo elettrotecnica dell’Istituto Superiore “Pietro Paleocapa” di Bergamo –

A PLC controlled plant for sorting and recycling materials. A refurbished Robotic Arm (Scorbot ER3) sorts objetcs based on colours and code.

Chiarelli Giovanni, Corsi Filippo e Obinu Cristian classe V A Elettronica Robotica IIS Tito Sarrocchi Siena

The objective is to implement a wheelchair with an electrified head-controlled system specially thought for paraplegics, i.e., person with inability to voluntarily move the upper and lower parts of the body; a series of sensors were placed on the perimeter of the chair to avoid obstacles and to provide information on the surrounding environment.

Giacomo Alessandroni

Learning robotics has never been more fun. We want the pupil overtaking the teacher: otherwise there is no progress.

Giovanni Ammirati, Luca Cernia, Emanuele Lauro, Davide Ferrauto

Sigma is a controlled environment where players take the role of citizens in a virtual world and evolve their characters.

Carli Lorenzo, Difrancesco Gabriele, Larosa Paolo Maria, Sillitti Matteo Michele, dell’”I.T.E.T. Rapisardi - Da Vinci” di Caltanissetta, Sicilia.

Is working out at home boring and unexciting? Keep fit while having fun with Smart Dumbbells!


A robot with artificial intelligence capable of monitoring and acting on the malfunction and structure of the wind turbine blade.

IISS Colamonico-Chiarulli - Acquaviva delle Fonti (BA)

SmartBreak is a web application that revolutionizes school cafeteria orders, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and convenience for students and staff.

  A1 (pav. 8A.01)

ITIS "E. Fermi" - Leonardo Bellomo, Matteo De Vivo, Tommaso Abitante, Stefano Magnani, Tommaso Coviello, Lorenzo Evangelisti

Smemobox is a device that helps taking pills through acoustic signals, vibrations and lights to indicate the dosage.

Leonardo Minervino e Classe II B

The SPARC project promises to revolutionise the smartphone industry, making devices more self-sufficient and sustainable

  C4 (pav. 8C.04)

Giorgini Alfonso Maria

Sport-graf is a device which, through a wave amplifier, is able to detect the electrical activity of the muscle by applying three electrodes to the skin.

IIS Marconi Civitavecchia

Yet another weathering station… but really different! A multidisciplinary approach from MicroPython to Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality.

4BM ITIS "G.Galilei"_IIS Pontecorvo

Two-stroke engine created with a 3D printer in PLA material with planetary gearbox driven by an electric engine


V-Raptor is an electric scooter with two drive wheels designed and built by a group of fourth and fifth grade students in mechetronics and Energy

Peetri Lasteaed-Põhikool, 7. class

Students created virtual tours in European capitals. They used the web-based programs CoSpaces and SketchUp to take virtual tours of European capitals. 3D objects have QR codes to access virtual tours.

  C6 (pav. 8C.06)

Gruppo ITIS Q.SELLA Biella - ProgressusLab

VirtualProSkills is an innovative project that provides hands-on experience in professional fields through virtual reality simulation.

Mase Andrea Pio, Colavecchia Andrea, Mastronicola Jacopo, Masiello Germano Pio, Macciotta Alessandro, De Rosa Luigi, Pietrantuono Claudia, Laurenza Gianluca

VisionAll is inclusion, accessibility and independence. The goal is to help visually impaired and blind students find their way around public facilities.

Data updated on 2025-02-13 - 11.33.37 pm