Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "3D printing"

Maura Imbimbo

Applications of structural restoration and monitoring of architectural and decorative elements. The innovative idea behind the project is the use of 3D printing for the realization of structural or decorative elements aimed at the integration of architectural and/or structural gaps of the cultural heritage, in compliance with the reversibility, durability and distinguishability of the materials. The project involves the development of an innovative production process, which, thanks to the use of eco-sustainable materials with high mechanical and thermal performances, allows the production of architectural components modeled on the geometric irregularity of the gap, structural performing and possibly instrumented to carry out a permanent post-intervention monitoring.

  D.28 (pav. D)

Marco Sebastiani, Giulia Lanzara, Sonia Marfia, Edoardo Bemporad

A presentation of the 3DINGLab of the engineering department, with 3D printing technologies from micron to macro scales.

Vito Chiarella; Saperi&co

Reproduction of a brain aneurysm for planned surgery

Francesca Fiore, Universit di Trento, Associazione GLOW

Experimenting with 3D printing, laser cutting, milling cutters, vinyl cutting and more, introduced through an accessible approach and language

Leonardo Bertelli, Luca Acquati, Federico Sarrocco

Argo is the personal robotic assistant for your home. A robot which can entertain but also be useful.

Giovanni Bernardo

Cheap and customizable STEM Robot based on Arduino Uno with parts printed in 3D and easy-available components.

Gianluca Cidonio, Chiara Scognamiglio, Federico Serpe, Martina Marcotulli, Salvatore DAlessandro

3D printing and Tissue Engineering for the regeneration of damaged tissues and the modelling of diseases

  B.20 (pav. B)

ITS BACT - Istituto Tecnico Superiore per Tecnologie Innovative per i Beni e le Attivit Culturali e il Turismo

Smart Safety on construction and restoration sites IoT, Machine Learning, Solar Power and 5G Technology


A VR application of the environment in which the Scipionyx Samniticus, known as Ciro, lived.

Fatih Kazim Duymaz

Co Print is a multi-filament 3D printing module that enables all 3D printers on the market to produce multi-material models with a single print tip.

  C.05 (pav. C)

Domenico Prattichizzo

We will show how to recreate an interaction with remote/virtual environments and wearable haptic devices.

  B.30 (pav. B)

Michaela Gallucci

Our novel, wearable glove eliminates the need for a keyboard and assists those with wrist injuries by enabling single-hand typing!

ITIS "E. Fermi" - Tommaso Abitante, Tommaso Coviello, Matteo De Vivo, Emma Pucci, Valerio Leonetti, Emanuela Colangiuli.

It makes driving vehicles on two wheels easier, safer and smarter. Messages and sensors for innovative driving.

Michele Praga (e-Nable Italia), Alessandro Villa (e-Nable Italia)

A bike adapter device for children with limb difference problems, configurable to be adapted to the user, can be entirely build with a 3d printer using a flexible filament

Carmen Rotondi; Eugenia Maria Canepone; Saperi&co

2d rigid pattern printed on textile

  D.29 (pav. D)

Samir Buzatu, Andrea Lombardo, Michele Ottaviano, Francesco Pilato, Christian Violo - ITET Rapisardi Da Vinci - Caltanissetta

A system consisting of a set of devices capable of analyzing the state of water pollution over vast geographical territories.

  P.14 (pav. P)


Multiscale and multimaterial 3D bioprinting technology that enables the biofabrication of heterogenous and hierarchical 3D cellular constructs mimicking biological tissues.

  L.T.07 (pav. L)

Pio Alfredo Di Tore, Stefano Di Tore, Lucia Campitiello, Michele Todino, Fabrizio Schiavo



Biasi Riccardo, Martini Filippo, Ninni Nicol, Zaramella Jacopo, I.T.I. "F. Severi" Padova PD, Italy, school of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Informatics.

Its an innovative, effective and ergonomic exoskeleton fixed to the patient's legs, using elastic bands, for assistive and rehabilitative purposes.

Fab Lab Barcelona

Fab Lab Barcelona is a research and education centre rethinking the way we live, work, and play around the world!

Mario Soranno

Girasole is the first mesh sensory network that uses AI for precision agriculture, fire prevention and animal welfare

Gbor Prill Lszl Sisa - Dalma Zsig Nyregyhza Vocational Training Center Bnki Dont Engineering Technical Secondary School and Student Hostel

The HandExo is a personalizable hand-exoskeleton, it can redefine the future of hand rehabilitation.

  P.07 (pav. P)

Anna Young, Jose Gomez-Marquez, Holly Harpel, Rose Hedges, Nick Dodds

MakerNurses, Doctors, OTs and patients are building the future of health technology by using maker tools to create new technology to diagnose, health, and manage our health.


For a new vision 4.0 of the welder

Marco Ferrantini

Kineboard is a wireless module for balance boards. A powerful tool for physiotherapy and rehabilitation which allows to collect data and play a videogame based on your therapy targets. Based on Arduino, it's a low cost solution for small clinics and gyms.


The screwdriver you don't need

  F.03 (pav. F)

Skyward Experimental Rocketry

Skyward Experimental Rocketrys first competition sounding rocket

Matteo Vettori, Lorenzo Bergonzi

MaCh3D brings material testing outside laboratories directly in industrial production as well as on office desks or school benches thanks to a compact material testing platform and an easier-safer-faster anyway accurate procedure.

  L.1.09 (pav. L)

Ing. Gabriele Burnelli

Electronic innovative system for industry 4.0 that makes laboratory workstations smart connected and safer.

Sol Bekic, Agnese Del Zozzo, Francesca Fiore, Alessandro Oneto, Verdiana Pasqualini, Carlotta Vielmo, Marco Andreatta, Alberto Montresor

Alternanza scuola-lavoro in the service of popularization: mathematical games and networking between schools and universities

Laura Pastorino, Donatella Di Lisa, Elena Dellacasa

2D and 3D in vitro models of brain tissue for preclinical research

Staff e studenti del corso Tecnico Informatica Biomedica della Fondazione ITS A. Volta e team di VisionQub.It

Robot supporting nursing homes staff and guests in their daily needs: Smart Delivery, Telepresence, Guide Me To


Open-Source machinery for makers

Simone Manetto; Saperi&co

Chemical and biochemical microreactor

  D.29 (pav. D)

Gianluca Patrassi

Machine for the automatic production of fried treats: the sweet side of automation

Nicola Parisi

New organic building systems through spatial tessellation by using environmentally friendly materials and digital fabrication techniques.

Mario Baioli; Beatrice Weilich, Maha Salikh, Marco Pietro Palange, Martina Bernava

Pcto training experience in the field. Architectural and design exercises to make three-dimensional models and architectural models

Studenti del corso di Meccatronica dell'ITS Smart di Fermo anno 2021-23 e azienda partner IOTALAB srl.

Sensorizing mice traps to know the behavior of rodents in real time and make the rodent control service more efficient.

Tehnical school, Slavonski Brod, Croatia, Mechanical computer technician, 4th grade

The press for cold pressing of oilseeds works on the principle of compressing the mass in it body by means of a spiral-shaped shaft that pushes the mass that we press forward.

Daniele Calisi (Dipartimento di Architettura Roma Tre), con Stefano Botta e il contributo di Alessandro Cannata e Massimiliano di Paolo.

Metaverse as a paradigm of representation and knowledge of architecture and complexity: AR and VR in the communication of the project.

Relio Labs

A open-source multispectral illumination platform made for science, art and cultural heritage, to help research institutes during restorations and digital imaging tasks.

  L.1.25 (pav. L)

Ing. Chimenti Umberto, Ing. Schinco Francesco

ReWaBot is a robotic system that provides complete management of a restaurant with virtual menus and kitchen support.

Milosz Nowak

Robak is a DIY 4x4 all-terrain radio controlled vehicle. Designed from scratch with makers in mind - you can build one yourself.

  L.2.02 (pav. L)

Paolo Di Gregorio Zitella, Studio5t

from Paolo Di Gregorio Zitella, Studio5t

  C.24 (pav. C)

Matteo Sambucci; Marco Valente; Saperi&co

Perforated brick obtained from the combination of cement and pellets of used tires

  D.29 (pav. D)

Sapienza Rocket Team & Sapienza Space Team

Exhibition of rocket models and probes designed, built and launched by the Rocket Team and the Space team.

  C.12 (pav. C)

Sapienza Technology & Flight Team

Our two teams design and build prototypes of rovers and drones, our focus is on aerospace, robotics, autonomous flight, and AI.

ITS Turismo e Nuove Tecnologie Marche

Our device will increase the safety measures for the public during an event in order to ensure both the security and the audiences' amusement.

Alessio Morale

Slammer is an autonomous rover project designed as a learning platform for robotics in general and ROS.

Data updated on 2025-02-19 - 11.04.07 pm