Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "3D scanning"


Digital infrastructure promoting circular, resilient, and digitally-based mode of production, grounded in the collaboratively developed and globally shared data as commons on the web.

Emanuele Giacomini, Leonardo Brizi, Luca Di Giammarino

Precise, cost-effective 3D mapping system for advanced perception functions.

One Network Technology

ONE METWORK three technologies: Augmented Reality, 3D technology and NFC sharing, which have allowed us to bring a Unique and innovative product to the market.

Volontari e-Nable Italia (Michele Praga, Alessandro Villa, Kabir Lovero, Alberto Navatta e altri)

Experiments and assistive devices created by e-Nable Italia volunteers for children with limb difference problems

Giulia Bordi

A journey into the 3D of the medieval church of Santa Maria Antiqua in the Roman Forum to discover its incredible paintings

Mohamed Hatab

A non-profit organization that aims to enhance the lives of amputees through providing them with 3D printed prosthetic devices

  I1 (pav. 3I.01)

Gaetano Carlino,Salvatore Sgariglia, Antonio Amato, Giuseppe Pirillo, Denis Oliviero.

Your limb difference is your superpower I can feel my legs Your bionic journey start here.

Dr. Ferdinando Cannella, Industrial Robotics Facility (Inbot) - Dr. Arianna Traviglia, Centre for Cultural Heritage Technology (CCHT) - Dr. Gabriele Marchello, Industrial Robotics Facility (Inbot) - Dr. Alessandra Zambrano, Pompeii Archaeological Park (t

Revolutionizing Preservation: Robotics in Cultural Heritage and Infrastructure Inspection and Monitoring

  E10 (pav. 5E.10)


3D printing project preserving Italian cultural heritage: restoring and replicating Guarnieri's 'Il Cannone di Paganini

EY, CREA, Peroni, pOsti, Simplysfa

The "Immersive Cube" is a three-dimensional environment that offers an immersive experience by projecting content, images and videos onto all the inner surfaces of the cube.

Paride Duello (e-Nable Italia)

Design of assistive devices led by children with disabilities. An application of a new design paradigm: Disability led Design.

  D4 (pav. 6D.04)


Using 3D technology for inclusive teaching and learning, making scientific divulgation more accessible to everyone

Liberini Giorgio

Simple, cheap, affordable LIDAR using TF-luna, nema 16 slim motor, nodemcu, a4988 stepper driver, for robotic obstacle detection.

  C20 (pav. 5C.20)

Alessandra Natalino

Oro Invisibile is the brand of solidarity jewelry which design is made by visually impaired and blind people thanks to 3D technology.

  H17 (pav. 4H.17)

Giorgio Marcatili

Revo5 is the modular and innovative CNC machine, ideal for every work requirement.

Denis Oliviero, Giuseppe Pirillo, Gaetano Carlino, Salvatore Sgariglia, Antonio Amato

RoboButts is a mobile robot equipped with a robotic arm with the purpose of collecting cigarette butts.

Youssef Ait Ourtane, Samuele Celebre, Gabriele Germanetto, Federico Schiavon, Marco Silba, Marco Tarantini

Working on a DOTT scooter, one of the main global players in the field of urban Sharing Mobility, we build a support that allows to attach it securely to a light wheelchair.


A robot with artificial intelligence capable of monitoring and acting on the malfunction and structure of the wind turbine blade.


Steampunk 99 ETS is an association of enthusiasts dedicated to spreading Steampunk culture in all its forms through the artisanal production of clothing, gadgets and accessories with a Victorian and Fantasy theme.

World Skate

World skate arrives at maker faire with a combination of traditional sports, sports innovation, esports and virtual technologies

  A1 (pav. 7A.01)
Data updated on 2025-02-17 - 11.31.09 am