Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "Artificial Intelligence"

Francesco Maria Bucarelli, Laura Paganini


Antonio Pallotti, Francesca Laganaro, Annalisa Mancini, Raffaella Calabrese, Matteo Angelucci, Emanuele Piuzzi, Alessandra Paffi, Giuseppe Marano, Marianna Mazza, Giovanni Albani, Giuseppe Veneziano

Machine learning models based on grapho-phonological signals for screening and telemonitoring of Parkinson's and Depression

  A16 (pav. 6A.16)

Beatrice Bocci

ACTA is an Eco-sustainable Collection, inspired by Etruscan history, in a contemporary and genderless vision.

Emanuele Giacomini, Leonardo Brizi, Luca Di Giammarino

Precise, cost-effective 3D mapping system for advanced perception functions.

Kaloian Stanimirov Gueorguiev - Edoardo Stazio - Renzo Fabrizio Carpio

We provide a cutting-edge B2B platform that connects environmentally impactful companies with indoor farmers. Our unique approach leverages the controlled environment and reliable data provided by indoor farms. This ensures that businesses can offset their carbon emissions and water footprint through credible and traceable projects. With Agrisky, companies can make a meaningful impact on the environment while fostering sustainable partnerships.

Roberto Meattini, Alex Pasquali, Davide Chiaravalli, Claudio Melchiorri, Gianluca Palli

The University of Bologna showcases AI-driven robotics, highlighting projects in manipulation, industrial production, and quality control, fostering innovation.

Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca DigiLab - CoopCulture

ArcheoVerso: an integrated ecosystem of 3D virtual fruition and services for Cultural Heritage within digital metaverses.

Maria Pia di Buono, Raffaele Manna, Giulia Speranza

Advanced Technologies for Heritage Enhancement for Novel Applications

Nicola Nazareno Pirozzi, Massimiliano Santoro, Luigi Tarantino, Antonio Grotta, Vincenzo Cioffo, Christopher Caruso

In Italy, we print 2.3 billion bills made up of non-recyclable thermal paper yearly. Moreover, to produce this paper, we clear-cut an area as wide as New York City (190 million trees) and process this paper with 140 million liters of water.

BILLD is a cleantech startup which has two main goals:

  1. Digitize bills through in-cloud technology;
  2. Collect the Offline Market’s big data.

The dematerialization of receipts occurs through an innovative device compatible with the main cash registers on the market. This hardware is integrated with 2 built-in APPs (one dedicated to B2B Customers and one to B2C Users)

Enrico Stulin

BirdWatch AI: Leveraging TensorFlow for automated bird species identification in open-source birdwatching.

Kevin McAleer

Bubo is a Steampunk-style companion robot that can toot pictures based on a user's hand gestures.

IT Archimede di Catania - Dipartimento di Informatica - Studenti : Presti Gabriele, Gaetano Scuto, Boninelli Leonardo, Lo Castro Federico, Mirko Sicurella

C-Eyes: transforming the world for the visually impaired through AI-powered glasses that narrate surroundings for enhanced autonomy and safety.


Video museum guide in sign language for deaf visitors, open source, easily configurable and adaptable to individual museums.


Autonomous, inexpensive and sustainable rover for beach litter cleanup and environmental monitoring.

  A16 (pav. 5A.16)

Medaarch - in collaborazione con WASP e Lab Mec

"Digital Fabrication for the Renaissance of Made in Italy At Maker Faire Rome 2023 the Center for Digital Craftsmanship by Medaarch, the space dedicated to Manufacturing 5.0 for the enhancement of future talents."

Lorenzo Nasi, Yuxi Wang, Edoardo Nasi, Davide Sicignani

Reducing one's CO2 footprint is perceived as a cost. Change2 is the climate fintech solution that reverses this equation. We accelerate the decarbonization of the economy by transforming it from a cost into an opportunity for individuals.

Riccardo Maggioni, Jacopo Peroni

CheemsCity aims to create comprehensive paths to robotics through online courses supported by hardware platforms and memes.

Alessia Riente*, Giada Bianchetti, Alessio Abeltino, Cassandra Serantoni, Giuseppe Maulucci, Marco De Spirito

A tool to realize a personalized chewing pattern


Exploring the legal implications of the use of big data applied to scientific research in the age of Artificial Intelligence

CODiART , fondatori D'Alleva Nicola e Laureti Muriel Vienna

A cobot for digitizing works of art, gigapixel images are unique, encoded, and encrypted, with very high resolution.

Patrizia Bagnerini, Echrak Chnib, Antonio De Donno

The adaptive vertical farm, a project of the UNIGE spin-off Space V, will enable growing vegetables in orbit and in future lunar settlements.

iCTLab e Università degli Studi di Catania

Through advanced DeepFakes technology, our tool offers the ability to replace, in a live manner, one's face with that of famous celebrities.

  F2 (pav. 5F.02)

Simone Donnari

Immerse Yourself in the World of Comics and Become Your Favorite Character!

  C21 (pav. 5C.21)

Ass.ne Italiana Makers Automotive

E-Horizon Project empowers high school students to create 1:10 scale race cars using CAD, 3D printing, and microcontrollers for motorsport competitions.

IISS F. Petrocelli Moliterno (PZ) Prof. D' Onofrio Vito Antonio, Prof Luigi Ivano Vasta.

The project has characteristics based on the culture of recycling and eco-sustainability. Thanks to the technology of brushless motors electrically powered by lithium-ion batteries, recycled from old computers, and regenerated by the students of the institute. Machine Learning associated with (AI) can be trained to recognize and interpret road signs to assist people with disabilities.

ITS Academy LAST - Verona

EGO is an integrated telemetry and sensor 4.0 system for the real calculation of the CO2 produced by means of transport. The system allows and certifies CO2 compensation

Maccagni Giacomo, Federico Minutoli

We will start with an overview of the Machine Learning models covered within Reply R&D. We will then move on to a focus on a robotic agent such as SPOT by Boston Dynamics. From here we will have the basis to move on to an implementation of Embodied AI Agents controlled completely with voice in natural language.

Giuseppa Lonoce, Eliana Maraglino, Alessandro Tripodi

Platform allows quality company to elderly, provided by young people, in order to improve their social, mental and physiological well-being

Classe 4K di Elettronica e Automazione e 5M di Informatica dell'ITI Galileo Ferraris di Napoli

Automa, eco-sustainable and ecological that aims to combat the pollution of marine ecosystems through the use of artificial intelligence and a cutting-edge telecommunications network.

Mario Soranno - CEO

Girasole is the first IoT network that uses AI for precision agriculture, wildfire prevention, and animal welfare.

Annachiara Aiello, Dario Balboni, Giacomo Carfì, Sebastian Serra

HearAgain is a mobile application that enables deaf people to participate better in small group conversations, using voice transcription technology.

Gaetano Carlino,Salvatore Sgariglia, Antonio Amato, Giuseppe Pirillo, Denis Oliviero.

Your limb difference is your superpower I can feel my legs Your bionic journey start here.

EY, CREA, Peroni, pOsti, Simplysfa

The "Immersive Cube" is a three-dimensional environment that offers an immersive experience by projecting content, images and videos onto all the inner surfaces of the cube.

Media Engineering SRL

Certainly, here's a summary of the capabilities of an AI-powered holographic avatar trained in agri-food topics:

An AI-driven holographic avatar in the agri-food sector can be a valuable ally. It can provide detailed information about foods, assist in preparing personalized dishes, and assess the environmental impact of food choices. Furthermore, it helps users monitor diets, suggest trends in the agri-food sector, and guide food purchases. By educating on food safety issues and sustainable farming practices, it can promote healthy and responsible eating behaviors. In agriculture, it offers support for optimized farming practices and data analysis. In summary, this AI avatar makes the agri-food sector more accessible, informed, and sustainable, for both consumers and producers.

  A4 (pav. 4A.04)

Autori: Andrea Abita, Francesco Onorati - Gruppo: Intelligenza Artigianale

Smart book storage with RFID detection for effortless book tracking and retrieval.

Marco Cristofanilli

Generative AI Project demo based on Italian GPU Cloud infrastructures.

  A4 (pav. 5A.04)

Paolo Cintia

Kode has been creating Artificial Intelligence products and solutions for its customers for over 10 years in the logistics, industry 4.0, chemical and healthcare sectors. Thanks to its experience and mix of multidisciplinary skills, it is the ideal technological partner for companies that want to embark on a path of digital transformation, leveraging Data Science to improve and simplify own business thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

  B16 (pav. 7B.16)

Maurizio Mario Murino

A tool to help medical professionals evaluate the empirical rigour of scientific papers.

Alessio Sansò ed Emanuele Battista

We have designed and created an innovative wheelchair for people with disabilities, featuring a modern design and made from sustainable materials. We have incorporated all the desires of individuals with disabilities or reduced motor functionality into a single device, including portability, verticality, electric power, cool aesthetics, and indoor use. Thus, we have developed a prototype, and the device will be on the market in 2024.


Helios Domotics S.r.l.

lit has developed a user-friendly product that allows you to monitor domestic and commercial electricity.

LongITools Research Team - Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

Intelligent system to monitor and analyze the interactions between environment, lifestyle and health


MaCh3D is a smart Material Testing platform aimed to speed-up and democratize material testing moving it outside laboratories directly to industrial production or makers/students/innovators' desks.

Rossella Manganiello, Mauro Pagano, Roberto Ciccoritti, Roberto Tomasone, Carla Cedrola

The micro-lab is an innovative portable and easy-to-use system equipped with low-cost digital and sensorized devices to continuously monitor the main chemico-physical parameters of storage liquids of some agri-food products.

Mind Room Lab s.r.l.

VR apps for concentration in Sports

  A1 (pav. 7A.01)

Gianmarco Merlini - B.P.S.

MusicHArt transforms music into works of abstract art with the aim of representing the artist's intimate communicative message

Walter Lucetti

Intelligent autonomous ground robot with 3D eyes that analyzes the surroundings with AI.

Prof.ssa Agata Aurilio-ITI "G.Ferraris" Napoli

The project consists of two devices that had the aim of responding to the health emergency due to Covid-19

  D10 (pav. 8D.10)

Tommaso Caligari

Markerless AI-based device for gait analysis and earlier diagnosis of Parkinson disease.

Khaled Megahed CEO and Business Development Manager,Dr M.Nazmy Co-Founder e CTO

RML (Rome Mobility Link) unites sustainable transport, school management, and accessibility through innovative RFID wearables and cloud connectivity.

Data updated on 2025-02-13 - 2.09.03 pm