Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Education"


The first eco-boat built by students with recycled materials to sail the Adriatica Sea in a non-competitive and crazy race.

  J.2.09 (pav. J)

Donato Politan, Irene Ventura, Ludovica Bigozzi, Roberto Ceccaroni.

"lombriCOMPOSTiera", the new community composter that is sustainable, biomimetic, educational and tecnological, that produces high quality compost.

Alessandro Giacomel di Officine Robotiche

An autonomous painter robot that creates watercolor paintings made at home with easily available or 3D printed material

  E.16 (pav. E)

Fabio Defabis, Giovanni Pirozzi

The 68k-MBC is an easy to build 68008 CPU SBC, using only easy to find TH parts.

NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti

Selection of projects made by NABA Design Area students, along with vintage videogames made by high-school students within academic workshops.

  D.08 (pav. D)

Paolo Ginefra, Antonio Manuel Marulli, Alice Grossi, Giorgia Mira, Claudio Capurso, Fabrizio Di Carlo

A.R.A.C.H.N.E. is able to probe the soil, mapping and weeding the weeds to reuse them for soil mulching.

Fablab Algeri Marino

Artificial intelligence system for the predictive maintenance of an engine based on a card Arduino and Tensorflow.

Mirella Tissi, Roman Manole, Lorenzo Aquilani, Lorenzo Rapiti, Alessandro Carofano, Riccardo Tranfa, Carrus Noemi, ITT "Da Vinci" Viterbo

airport automatic pilot device to carry luggage and passengers from entrance to the check-in desk.

Team di studenti delle classi 4C, 4B IIS Einstein-Bachelet, Roma . PCTO con tutoring "Officine Robotiche", Roma

The system assists the user in the process of collinear alignment between two points in space. Specifically, it provides the current angles relative to the Azimuth, Elevation and Polarization of the illuminator (in the case of linear polarization signals).

  J.2.13 (pav. J)

Alma Mater Studiorum - Universit di Bologna

A space where knowledge blends, cultivating competences that help develop new entrepreneurial ideas: AlmaLabor is a Maker Space a prototyping laboratory for creating prototypes for your business idea, as well as a Co-working and training space.

Team DigiLAB Volta - I.I.S. Alessandro Volta Frosinone

The Android called 'Brother', with autonomous decision-making abilities and interaction with the outside world based on event recognition through the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques. Brother is able to recognize the Italian sign language LIS by translating it into audio and Braille.

Francesca Fiore

ApeLab is a mobile FabLab, an itinerant experimental laboratory for social innovation at the service of the local community. All set up on an Ape Car..pink!

Monitoraggio Ambiente Marino e Terrestre - Conservazione della Natura (MAGIAMARE - SIENA)

New deterrent devices to reduce interactions between sea turtles, dolphins and fisheries

paperPino (Giuseppe Civitarese)

From a sheet of paper to a marvelous machine: the fabulous world of paper automata

  J.T.12 (pav. J)

Susanna Albertini

What is the circular bioeconomy and what are the bio-based applications in everyday life? Come and visit the interactive house of the BIOECONOMY Village to discover how the sustainable future is already a reality

Inventor Felix Nate Boakye- founder of black brain robotics and mechanism project, supported by Javier costilla.

It is a scrap built, a handmade, it educates the audience and the Project will be attractive to the audience due to how it functions.

  K.07 (pav. K)

Emanuele La Rosa, Angelo Giuseppe Ruotolo

Blink is a project that allows a disabled quadriplegic to use the computer through the blink of his eyes.

  J.1.04 (pav. J)

Marco Martucci, insieme alle allieve del triennio del corso "Servizi per la Sanit e lAssistenza Sociale dellIIS C. Cavour di Vercelli

"BodyMove" was created with the aim of offering both able-bodied/disabled people, opportunity to perform exercises guided by sound

Massimiliano Ferrante, Stefano Badessi, Paulo Sacramento, Sveinung Loekken

Bringing together local data, Earth Observation and Machine Learning to better quantify the quality of the air we breathe.

  J.1.26 (pav. J)

Fisica in pillole

The smartphone is a physics laboratory. We will find out how sensors work and the physics hidden in our pockets.

  J.1.23 (pav. J)

Tommaso Caligari, Giada Bausani, Zineb Kamal 4CA-1EB ITI OMAR NOVARA

We produced Cu2O nanoparticles to develop an artificial photosynthesis process to convert CO2 and water into methanol.

Mindshub APS

CyberOrto is a system that allows you to manage a small vegetable garden in autonomy. You decide, through an application, which vegetables to plant and will provide for their cultivation, alerting you when they are ready for harvest.

Stefano Maria Mari, Luciano Teresi, Roberto Maieli, Antonio Budano

Do you want to specialize in artificial intelligence? come and visit us!

  C.04 (pav. C)

DHLab Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Roma Tre

How can ICT empower Humanities? One question, different answers for Archaeology, Geography, Italian Literature, Paleography, History, Art History and Philology.

Fondazione Mondo Digitale

Machine intelligence, cloud, additive manufacturing, big data Digital Made is a modular programme that aims to accelerate digital transformation in the fashion sector with the contribution of young men and women.

Sandra Chistolini, Sara Navarro Lalanda

The project invests in knowledge, creates multimedia educational products, gives opportunities to learn about the use of digital technology.

Daniel Sandoval Villa

Learn to create several musical instruments made with cardboard end recycled materials controlled by Micro:bits microcontroller.

Small Giants

Enriched with insect flour, our snacks are mega tasty and packed with planet-positive protein. Ready to join this food revolution?

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

Erwhi Hedgehog is a small open source ROS robot that is capable of SLAM and Vision AI.

Jellyfish Fab. by Lucas Zeer, Cristina Coronado Osornio and Yue Liu

A tiny alien goo that loves to dance and play, controlled by lights and electromagnets and powered by USB.

Rothaugen skole

A project that combines the traditional elements of Mathematics with the interactive elements of gaming.

Marco Ferrantini e Erdit Hallulli

Foglia is a project born in occasion of the Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2017. The first version was a small Ikea greenhouse with a whole set of sensors and probes installed using 3D printed supports and adapters. (Learn more about the IKEA KRYDDA). The development platform is RaspberryPi.

Freie Maker e.V.

Freie Maker e.V. wants to let people get access to technologies, through DIY, OpenSource and learning by doing.

  E.13 (pav. E)

Virgilio Maretto

GIUSTA is a new Delivery platform that revolutionizes the logic of food delivery, with a well-defined positioning that aims to change the status quo relating to the ethics of commissions, protection of the rider, limited coverage of deliveries and quality of the food delivered. It proposes a sustainable, ethical and guaranteed digital food delivery model.

  J.S.26 (pav. J)

Classe 4A dell'indirizzo di Meccanica Meccatronica ed Energia dell'Istituto Mattei di Conselve (PD)

This is a hydraulic bench that automatically measures the thermal power handed over by heated water to the air.

Christian Ferracane

We are building a rocket capable of self-stabilizing (thrust vectoring control) through a specially designed and developed avionics system

FabLab Poliba in collaborazione con MArTA

Fablab and museum experience for a haptical awareness of cultural heritage

Team H2politO

Passion, study, and looking to the future are the ingredients that allow us to design record-breaking consumption competition vehicles.

  J.1.17 (pav. J)

Luciano Teresi

Interact with mathematics and create art: challenge yourself with IMAGINARY!

  C.04 (pav. C)


Our research aims to improve human-robot collaboration using new technologies such as augmented reality and human motion tracking.

Fablab Algeri Marino

SMART WATER ANALYSIS is a tap equipped with a TDS sensor that detects the amount of dissolved solids in the water, allowing us to determine whether the water is safe to drink.

Pierluigi Zerbini

A transparent sphere that changes its color in relation to the movement it makes in 3D space.

  J.1.13 (pav. J)


Komposta is an innovative kitchen hood that is able to cook food or transform food waste into compost by harnessing the heat produced by the stovetop.

Costantina De Mitri, Luca Di Massimo

We will perform some chemistry and biology experiments, useful to improve science teaching at school.

  J.1.28 (pav. J)

Responsabili: Ilaria Giannetti, Andrea Micheletti - Team: Alessia Bisconti, Gabriele Mattei, Alessia Terrezza

Lasercut origami structures is a multidisciplinary research and educational project dedicated to the 'file to factory' design of origami structures.

  D.12 (pav. D)

One Health Vision

Leggo Facile is the software for the treatment of dyslexia, to develop home lexical training also through gamification

I.T. "L. Di Maggio", San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) - Vittorio Lo Mele, Alessio Cusenza, Pio Carriera.

The student wearing the device is able to record their brain activity during a learning session.

Adriana Postiglione, Ilaria De Angelis

What is gravity? How do planets, stars and galaxies move in the Universe? Lets find it out together!

  C.04 (pav. C)

Matteo Carbone, Simone Giacomini 4 CA, ITI OMAR NOVARA

We have been designed and developed an antiviral facemask which uses nanotechnology to stop viruses including COVID-19.

Data updated on 2025-01-14 - 10.35.13 am