Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "Fabrication"

Amedeo Lepore, Pasquale Adobbato, Simone Bacci

ABACHOS - Automatic Back Home System - statospheric automatic back-home glider

  P.20 (pav. P)

The Ant Team

Ant Workflow is a CNC, an open source software, a control board, a lot of passion and much more. Basically, everything a maker needs to make electronic circuits.

  L.1.02 (pav. L)

Francesca Fiore, Universit di Trento, Associazione GLOW

Experimenting with 3D printing, laser cutting, milling cutters, vinyl cutting and more, introduced through an accessible approach and language

Federica Trovalusci

A compactor vehicle for urban waste characterized by high functionality and low environmental impact was developed thanks to the collaboration of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and Fratelli Mazzocchia company

  E.A (pav. E)

Dynamis PRC

Team Formula Student of the Politecnico di Milano. Participating in the international university championship, the aim is to design and build an electric single-seater equipped with an autonomous driving system in just one year

Fab Lab Barcelona

Fab Lab Barcelona is a research and education centre rethinking the way we live, work, and play around the world!

Francesca Romana Bertani (CNR-IFN); Luca Businaro (CNR-IFN); Fabio Chiarello (CNR-IFN); Annamaria Gerardino (CNR-IFN); Luca Fiorani (ENEA); Claudia Zoani (ENEA)

Measuring food quality with light: spectroscopy at the service of food safety

Freie Maker e.V.

With Alice - Between The Mirrors, we want to give people a playful way into quantum technology basics.

  L.1.12 (pav. L)

Studenti del II anno dei corsi ITS Tech&Food

The project has developed a new beverage, made of Cascara, a waste of the coffee production, to satisfy the growing demand for novelties in the soft drink market.

Roma Tre University Dipartimento di Architettura - Laboratorio Modelli e Prototipi

Open Designs for Public and Shared Space Furnishing rooted on digital upcycling on local Fab Lab chains

Roberto Tascioni

Homemade audio system made up of a transmission line subwoofer of 3,6 m and 480 W rms class T amplifier.

  L.2.05 (pav. L)

Proskurina Iryna

Exclusive handmade jewelry in Steampunk style from old mechanical watches. Unusual and recycled items from an artist from Ukraine Severodonetsk.


The screwdriver you don't need

  F.03 (pav. F)

Piero Lovato

Shoot your friends from a huge distance! And with an open-source, DIY, actual photon cannon (but they won't get hurt).

Skyward Experimental Rocketry

Skyward Experimental Rocketrys first competition sounding rocket

Sol Bekic, Agnese Del Zozzo, Francesca Fiore, Alessandro Oneto, Verdiana Pasqualini, Carlotta Vielmo, Marco Andreatta, Alberto Montresor

Alternanza scuola-lavoro in the service of popularization: mathematical games and networking between schools and universities

Gianluca Patrassi

Machine for the automatic production of fried treats: the sweet side of automation

Donato Abruzzese, Alessandro Tiero, Andrea Micheletti, Daniele Carnevale, Srey Mom Vuth, Pier Luigi Abiuso, Carlo Marocchini, Davide Bracale, Carlo Rosa, Piera Cammarano, Mauro Di Giulio, Sara Ferrari, Gian Marco Grizzi

Examples of continuous monitoring of civil structures for safety and prevention purposes

Nicola Parisi

New organic building systems through spatial tessellation by using environmentally friendly materials and digital fabrication techniques.

Carlo Fonda, Gaya Fior, Marco Bruzzo, Sara Sossi, Enrique Canessa

A lasercut replica the original mechanical clock designed by Galileo Galilei in XV Century.

  L.1.26 (pav. L)

Studenti del corso di Meccatronica dell'ITS Smart di Fermo anno 2021-23 e azienda partner IOTALAB srl.

Sensorizing mice traps to know the behavior of rodents in real time and make the rodent control service more efficient.

Tehnical school, Slavonski Brod, Croatia, Mechanical computer technician, 4th grade

The press for cold pressing of oilseeds works on the principle of compressing the mass in it body by means of a spiral-shaped shaft that pushes the mass that we press forward.

Ilaria Giannetti, Andrea Micheletti, Alessandro Tiero, Alessia Bisconti, Kilian Bruckner, Gabriele Mattei, Valeria Magnani, Alessia Terrezza

Multidisciplinary research and teaching project dedicated to the design and digital fabrication of origami structures

  E.02 (pav. E)

ACTOR SRL - Startup of Sapienza University of Rome

An application of Artificial Intelligence for faults detection in textile production.

I quantum technologists di Roma Tre

How we are fostering disruptive technologies at Universit Roma Tre

  D.05 (pav. D)


The Italian e-mobility network, Network of schools for sustainable mobility in teaching, currently consists of 44 upper secondary schools in 14 regions of Italy.

Alessio Morale

Slammer is an autonomous rover project designed as a learning platform for robotics in general and ROS.

Trackting R&D Team

Trackting presents the first antitheft connected device to get alerted on your smartphone if somebody tries to steal your bike. Trackting Bike T7 is perfect for both bicycles and e-bikes: invisible, it has got a rechargeable battery that lasts over 1 year, an integrated GPS antenna to track the bike in real time in case of theft, and a multi-operator eSIM working throughout Europe (50 countries).

  L.1.21 (pav. L)

Massimiliano Barletta, Daniele Almonti, Alessandra Piselli

Give new shape through 3d printing to structures you commonly use.

Claudio Cagnazzi

Our kit allows you to lift, move and reposition furniture thanks to simple voice commands

FabLab UniTrento, Level Up Trento

Interdisciplinary teaching paths that make use of computer science and new technologies to teach physics

Roberto Vdovic

Promoting STEAM with digital fabrication and more

  L.1.22 (pav. L)

Elena Pierri, Nader Al Khatib, Sara Muscolo, Ermanno De Giuli, Elena Papetti, Mirko Pacioni

Training activities in a digital key, enriched from time to time by collaborations with educational institutions, universities and companies.

Francesca Nanni, Mario Bragaglia, Lorenzo Paleari, Luisa Petti, Manuela Ciocca, Arvind Gurusekaran

Opening mechanism of a system of antennas and/or solar panels, through the activation of a polymeric shape memory material by electromagnetic stimulus

Patrizia Marti, Cecilia Goracci, Lorenzo Franchi, Alessandro Vichi, Flavio Lampus, Simone Guercio, Annamaria Recupero

Personalised orthodontic facemasks for children for a gamified therapy

Sebastiano Foti, Debora Fino, Giuliana Mattiazzo, Massimiliana Carello

The Politecnico of Torino involves the students in Teams with a mission: learning by doing with the goal to grow up a new generation of engineers able to accept challenges and solve problems. The main goal of the teams is a practical training of the future engineer: to design means to compromise between an idea and what is actually buildable.

Ingenuity Labs Research Institute

Wonderful, wacky, and unusual robots wiggle and walk

  B.25 (pav. B)

Scuderia Tor Vergata

The Formula Student car of the University of Rome Tor Vergata: from design to construction to participation in international competitions

Federico Machetti, Albis Veli classe V A Elettronica e Robotica IIS Tito Sarrocchi Siena.

An IOT functionality offered by the network added to an electric wheelchair will get the Automated_Smart Weelchair, a tool to facilitate the daily life of disabled people.

Data updated on 2025-01-24 - 1.22.55 am