Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "Games"

gruppo fermodellistico tartaruga

our project brings electronics to the world of miniature railways

  L.1.08 (pav. L)

Emiliano Gatti

Learn the history of ancient Rome in an engaging and interactive way, your robot is your character in ancient Rome, you have to lead it to the Colosseum, you will receive support from QR codes on the playground that will display animations and information in augmented reality, when you will have arrived at the Colosseum you will discover the thrill of being a gladiator challenging other players in a no holds barred combat inside the "Colosseum" arena. Are you ready for the challenge?

  O.27 (pav. O)

Domenico Formenton

Tool for the detection of fencing points to be used in the open air

  L.T.17 (pav. L)

Peetri Lasteaed - Phikool, 7 class

Students created games about European countries, their flags and capitals. They used the web-based programs Scratch and AppInventor to make games.

  P.16 (pav. P)

Simply SFA

Test sight, smell, taste and touch and discover how these influence your choices, by playing you will make them become aware

  L.S.18 (pav. L)

Orazio Miglino, Massimiliano Caretti, Raffaele Di Fuccio, Onofrio Gigliotta, Massimiliano Schembri

The prototypes show the features of a subfield of mixed reality called tangible user interfaces, where the user has to interact with multisensory objects that involve all the senses including smelll.


How the study of human behavior can improve machines

  B.19 (pav. B)

Carmen Ionescu

ITSPHUN is a system which creates 3D objects by interlocking geometric shapes . It has learning , playing and crafting purposes .

  P.04 (pav. P)

Marco Ferrantini

Kineboard is a wireless module for balance boards. A powerful tool for physiotherapy and rehabilitation which allows to collect data and play a videogame based on your therapy targets. Based on Arduino, it's a low cost solution for small clinics and gyms.

Gruppo Scout FSE Pontinia1

The technology of yesterday, that of today and our idea of ??the future, trying in small gestures to make this world better than how we found it

Piero Lovato

Shoot your friends from a huge distance! And with an open-source, DIY, actual photon cannon (but they won't get hurt).

Pierfrancesco Panunzi

Technology Is Magic

  C.06 (pav. C)


The Immersive Fabroom series blurs the boundaries between reality and the fantastic digital universes imagined by Fabvision and Tiwi

Marco Scevola Layout s.r.l.s, ITS ICT Piemonte

OrientaVerso is aimed to follow up the research, exploration and implementation activities started in the framework of ITS 4.0, the MIUR initiative promoted and coordinated by Upskill.

  O.18 (pav. O)

Robotics for Rehabilitation team

PhiCube A friendly robotic device for upper-limb telerehabilitation

Gli studenti del corso specialistico di Multimedia Design dellISIA di Pescara, (Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche - parte del comparto AFAM / MUR)

An interactive exhibition about scam that projects visitors in a serious-game that entertains and informs through experiential learning.

Paolo Di Gregorio Zitella, Studio5t

from Paolo Di Gregorio Zitella, Studio5t

  C.24 (pav. C)

Patrizia Marti, Cecilia Goracci, Lorenzo Franchi, Alessandro Vichi, Flavio Lampus, Simone Guercio, Annamaria Recupero

Personalised orthodontic facemasks for children for a gamified therapy

Saverio Giulio Malatesta, Laura Leopardi, Paola La Torre, Roberta Manzollino, Paolo Rosati

The Hatrix is a collector of ideas, methodologies, prototypes and digital applications in the world of cultural heritage.

Data updated on 2025-02-17 - 12.28.30 pm