Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Home Automation"

ITS Nuove Tecnologie per il Made in Italy - MITS Malignani, Udine - Arredo navale e nautico

Abitacolo 4.0: a minimal, multifunctional and customizable space that welcomes the needs and emotions of its temporary inhabitants

  J.2.20 (pav. J)

Fablab Algeri Marino

Artificial intelligence system for the predictive maintenance of an engine based on a card Arduino and Tensorflow.

Classe 3 A indirizzo informatica Anno Scolastico 2020-2021

Autodome company has decided to create sunshade panel able to diffuse sunlight by filtering UV rays. The prototypewas made with the support of external companies. Problems/Opportunities The panel was created with the intention of letting the sun's rays pass and retaining UV rays, creating an area of soft light. Our panel is efficient, innovative and has no direct competitors on the market.


Francesco Cencioni, Simone Cancelli, Lorenzo Parri, STIE srl

Building ML, Machine Learning and Business Analytics applied to home and building automation

Prof. Carlo SANSONE; Prof. Gian Luca MARCIALIS; Prof. Donato IMPEDOVO; Prof.ssa Donatella CURTOTTI

This is a proposal that - exploiting an integrated interdisciplinary approach of computer engineering, law and psychology - aims to contrast the actions of bullying and cyberbullying, the last great challenges of modernity

Ingegner Andrea Dogliotti

CAMOSCA: Enabling normal electrical wheelchairs afford steps and even steep stairs, safely and completely self-driving, maintaining maneuverability in normal conditions.

  J.1.08 (pav. J)


Fully open source modular and customized home automation assistant

  J.T.24 (pav. J)

Marco Ferrantini e Erdit Hallulli

Foglia is a project born in occasion of the Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2017. The first version was a small Ikea greenhouse with a whole set of sensors and probes installed using 3D printed supports and adapters. (Learn more about the IKEA KRYDDA). The development platform is RaspberryPi.

Gilberto Roccabianca

Doors and shutters automation. Iot device remotely opens/closes, locks/unlocks all the frames of your house in one click.


Claudio Cagnazzi

The SOF'up kit allows you to lift and move armchairs, sofas, sofa beds, storage beds and more by controlling everything with your voice


Komposta is an innovative kitchen hood that is able to cook food or transform food waste into compost by harnessing the heat produced by the stovetop.

FabLab Belluno - Michele D'amico, Lorenzo De Luca, Simone Klinkon

Easy-Task is a device that facilitates the creation of your drinks from simple juices up to cocktails

Elettronica In

GreenPass Reader Stand alone to read the certificate without the intervention of a person.

Perotto Davide, Serra Enrico e Matteo Burzio della 4A Sc, Liceo A. Monti di Chieri (TO)

Our project is a home-made 3D printer designed to be as professional and sustainable as possible.

main author: Mariarosaria Emanuele, Alessandro Morello co-author: Mario DEttorre, Armando Altieri, Roberto Seghini, - the IoT team @ TecnoStudio Ars Innova

Smart plug and power limiter easy to use: your lights will never go out again


SetTopBox that solves the problem of the television standard changing in 2021, by also offering the possibility of watching streaming contents via internet, with additional fuctions for the safety of the old people

  F.11 (pav. F)

Stefano Purchiaroni

The clock adopts an ultra-precision RTC (< 1 mn / year) and does not use the multiplexing technique, with an optimal lightning without compromises.

  F.07 (pav. F)

PowerMeter Team

PowerMeter Home Edition is the energy you don't know to have

  J.T.26 (pav. J)

Luciano Pautasso

Arduino facilitates the control of a railroad model using an Infrared remote control.


Smart School for Healthier Classrooms allows automatic and continuous monitoring of AIQ in school environments

Victor Monu,Michele Florio,Arcadie Caprita

The first wake-up bed for deaf people.

  J.1.01 (pav. J)

Michele Tavolacci

feel free to explore remote place with an Actionoiseboard kit and a simple videocall. Muoviti da remoto con una semplice videochiamata.

Stefano Purchiaroni

The device allows to test DIY radio controlled clocks, or to synchronize clocks in a domestic or job building in case of poor reception of the native DCF77 transmission

Data updated on 2025-02-14 - 3.17.48 am