Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Industrial Automation"

Fablab Algeri Marino

Artificial intelligence system for the predictive maintenance of an engine based on a card Arduino and Tensorflow.

Alert Genius Srl

The Alert Genius company, proposes an innovation in the Anti-Intrusion systems domain allowing to maintain an Alarm System always active even with subjects moving in the monitored area.

  F.07 (pav. F)

Stefano Di Persio, Luca Di Persio

BEYOOND is the first Italian cloud-based and multi-purpose platform for self-service AI for SMEs, offered in SaaS mode.

Michele Bianco (interferentia srl), Prof Gian Luca Marcialis, Ricercatori Giulia Orr - Marco Micheletto - Andrea Panzino (UNICA)

Biometric Right Data Treatment is an innovative solution designed with advanced biometrics modules developed with artificial intelligence technics for having full management of digital informations sharing between a community of individuals registered with their biometrics data in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU 2016/679

Francesco Cencioni, Simone Cancelli, Lorenzo Parri, STIE srl

Building ML, Machine Learning and Business Analytics applied to home and building automation

Prof. Giorgio Dalpiaz

New multisensor system integrated in a mechanical drive for diagnostics/ prognostics of problems and end-of-life cycles

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

Erwhi Hedgehog is a small open source ROS robot that is capable of SLAM and Vision AI.

Massimo Proia, Maddalena Mariani, Antonella Della Bella

Filanda 4.0. A dialogue between tradition and innovation to rethink silk as a new "Made in Italy" excellence.

Camilla Gironi e Sara Muscolo

FLUID is a system of phygital interfaces for human-machine interaction in the field of intelligent manufacturing.


Hannah: a system for the automatic positioning and integrity control of the facial masks based on deep learning.

Classe 4A dell'indirizzo di Meccanica Meccatronica ed Energia dell'Istituto Mattei di Conselve (PD)

This is a hydraulic bench that automatically measures the thermal power handed over by heated water to the air.

Davide Rubino, Domenico Abbruzzese

The project shows the functioning of a 3D printer with infinite axis, focusing on programming and on the main elements that compose it.

Claudio Cagnazzi

The SOF'up kit allows you to lift and move armchairs, sofas, sofa beds, storage beds and more by controlling everything with your voice

Elettronica In

GreenPass Reader Stand alone to read the certificate without the intervention of a person.


PVCorobot is a self-built collaborative robot with recycled materials and at low cost, controlled by a Siemens S71200 PLC following the real-time information received from a neural network in Python language installed on a Jetson Nano GPU.

Marco Bozzola

We bring professionally-engineered, upgradeable lighting hardware together with Open Source firmware and 3D-printable expansion kits. 100% Makers-friendly!

Gianluca Palli - Universit di Bologna

Come and discover the robotic solutions for the manipulation of deformable objects such as cables and hoses developed in REMODEL

  B.08 (pav. B)

Easy Automation srl

Autonomous Mobile Robot made in the industrial standard and integrated Artificial Intelligence as an additional safety element

  B.21 (pav. B)

RAIN - Robotic Automation Inspection Laboratory

SLIM is the Snake-Like robot for Inspection and Maintenance that explore the most dangerous and inaccessible areas of industrial plants

  B.10 (pav. B)

Prof. Donato Vincenzi

A charging station with high efficiency solar cells and plus energy for nighttime illumination

Stefano Purchiaroni

The device allows to test DIY radio controlled clocks, or to synchronize clocks in a domestic or job building in case of poor reception of the native DCF77 transmission

Studenti del 10 corso ITS Tecnico Superiore per l'innovazione dei processi e prodotti meccanici. Prof. Benassi, Prof. Da Bove

Our challenge consist in a prototyping of an automatic machinery for production of surgical mask in a flexibly, efficiently and innovative way

  J.2.23 (pav. J)

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

UP Raccoon is a ROS robot capable of AI and SLAM.


The Yeastime team offers devices that optimize the fermentation process by reducing time, costs and environmental impact.

Data updated on 2025-02-08 - 7.20.36 pm