Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "Internet of Things"

Silvio Scena

Modular Musical Instrument. Each module (1 octave, 12 dynamic keys ) can be used individually in stand-alone mode or assembled with others composing a full piano keyboard. The same object can be used for studio writing or recording, then musicians can use 1 or 2 octaves, or for live performances, then they can use 7/8 octaves. The modularity of the tool reduces its size, and thus favors the transportability.

  C15 (pav. 5C.15)

Mauro Cerelli - Devboards.it

ESPpy32 electronic dev-board for IoT applications. Based on ESP32 you can easily develop awesome applications with DEBUG feature!


Makerino, electronic board for IoT applications for prototyping projects requiring low energy consumption, low-medium computing power interfacing sensors and actuators

Bruno Luziatelli, Mauro Cerelli e Gianluigi Perrella

From Pick&Place to #ESPy32. How to cover the whole process, designing and realizing a small amount of assembled electronic boards (PCBA).

Kaloian Stanimirov Gueorguiev - Edoardo Stazio - Renzo Fabrizio Carpio

We provide a cutting-edge B2B platform that connects environmentally impactful companies with indoor farmers. Our unique approach leverages the controlled environment and reliable data provided by indoor farms. This ensures that businesses can offset their carbon emissions and water footprint through credible and traceable projects. With Agrisky, companies can make a meaningful impact on the environment while fostering sustainable partnerships.

Fablab Algeri Marino Casoli (CH)

Battery status monitoring of an electric bike made with Arduino 33 loT via smatphone.

Istituto Omnicomprensivo Avogadro Vinci di Abbadia San Salvatore classi 5C-5G dell'anno scolastico 2019-2020

Amadeus is a system suitable for controlling home devices through Internet. It links different technologies: • Modbus, a serial protocol used for over 40 years in industrial communications; • Node-RED, a programming tool developed by IBM for IoT applications.

  D11 (pav. 8D.11)


AMELIE: a communication software for Rett Syndrome children requiring only a computer, an eyetracker and a smartphone.

  A8 (pav. 6A.08)


dosing sistem for mix product with extreme care

  C21 (pav. 3C.21)

4E ITTS Alessandro Volta di Tivoli - Guidonia

SaveWater 2 #SaveEarth is a must. #Agricolture sustain people. #AquaTerra project can help us to take care about #water and #environment.

Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca DigiLab - CoopCulture

ArcheoVerso: an integrated ecosystem of 3D virtual fruition and services for Cultural Heritage within digital metaverses.

Nicolò Girotti, Lorenzo Schiavello, Gabriele Santoro, Marco Durdea

This aerospace biology project will reveal the best culture method to obtain the resources necessary for survival on Mars.


Modular control unit for data collection from any Computerized Numerical Control

  D10 (pav. 6D.10)

Nicola Nazareno Pirozzi, Massimiliano Santoro, Luigi Tarantino, Antonio Grotta, Vincenzo Cioffo, Christopher Caruso

In Italy, we print 2.3 billion bills made up of non-recyclable thermal paper yearly. Moreover, to produce this paper, we clear-cut an area as wide as New York City (190 million trees) and process this paper with 140 million liters of water.

BILLD is a cleantech startup which has two main goals:

  1. Digitize bills through in-cloud technology;
  2. Collect the Offline Market’s big data.

The dematerialization of receipts occurs through an innovative device compatible with the main cash registers on the market. This hardware is integrated with 2 built-in APPs (one dedicated to B2B Customers and one to B2C Users)

Manuel Bottini

Dive into a new world like never before with our Bodynodes sensors!

Medaarch - in collaborazione con WASP e Lab Mec

"Digital Fabrication for the Renaissance of Made in Italy At Maker Faire Rome 2023 the Center for Digital Craftsmanship by Medaarch, the space dedicated to Manufacturing 5.0 for the enhancement of future talents."

Alessia Riente*, Giada Bianchetti, Alessio Abeltino, Cassandra Serantoni, Giuseppe Maulucci, Marco De Spirito

A tool to realize a personalized chewing pattern

ITS JobsAcademy - Smart Solutions - Freemind Design Studio

Choosy is the App that supports laboratory operators and technicians recommending the most sustainable types of sample preparation

Branca A., Bonollo L., Carotenuto D., Duric D., Gavrilescu I., Canazza S., Cantele M., De Guidi A., Marchioro F., Mecca N., Pristerà A. and Fumene Feruglio P.

Distributed multi-sensor system for environmental monitoring with a view to sustainability and reduction of electricity consumption and light pollution

  D13 (pav. 6D.13)

Gatti della Regina Ciclarum

Activists involved in the defense and promotion of a cycle path through user traffic monitoring.

  B8 (pav. 7B.08)

Pervasive Electromagnetics Lab - Università di Roma Tor Vergata

Wearable and implantable sensors for a monitored human body


IiOT device for sprouting, growing with out soil and chemicals reducing use of water and power

  C21 (pav. 3C.21)

ITS Academy LAST - Verona

EGO is an integrated telemetry and sensor 4.0 system for the real calculation of the CO2 produced by means of transport. The system allows and certifies CO2 compensation

Elaisian srl

Elaisian is a scaleup that offers a decision support system for field pathogen prevention, vegetative and water monitoring of crops.

  F7 (pav. 4F.07)


Ready-to-use electronics for those who love programming and simplified programming for electronics enthusiasts

Dario Colozza, Laura Banut


With more than 25 years of experience in the field of music production, acoustics and sound engineering, Elliptical produces hi-end limited edition design speakers being able to offer through the 3D printing technology unique frontiers in shapes, materials, colors and customizations.


Free for all users, Embeetle IDE is a clean and efficient IDE, tailor-made for your MCU.

  E22 (pav. 3E.22)

Raul Bartalini Bigi classe V A Elettronica e Robotica IIS Tito Sarrocchi Siena

"Solid and liquid feed dispenser" allows you to feed and water domestic birds in your absence.

Fiordaliso Giuseppe


  C8 (pav. 3C.08)

E-Agle Trento Racing Team: la squadra di Formula Student dell’Università di Trento

A maker-style electric single-seater: from the extensive use of additive manufacturing to the development of dedicated electronics and software

Classe 4K di Elettronica e Automazione e 5M di Informatica dell'ITI Galileo Ferraris di Napoli

Automa, eco-sustainable and ecological that aims to combat the pollution of marine ecosystems through the use of artificial intelligence and a cutting-edge telecommunications network.

Oleksandr Poliakov, Anastasiia Selina

Reincarnation of "Battle City" in the real world, with the addition of some high-tech stuff - FPV & IoT

  G7 (pav. 3G.07)

Mario Soranno - CEO

Girasole is the first IoT network that uses AI for precision agriculture, wildfire prevention, and animal welfare.

Roberto Asquini

Design your own battery free LoRa radio sensor using the H10 optimized hardware components and the RIOT Real Time Operating System for IoT

Amico Gandolfo, Dolce Emanuele, Frisina Calogero, Runza Alessandro, Turco Michele - ITET “Rapisardi-Da Vinci” - Caltanissetta

Who will rescue Hangy? Just guess the mysterious word, but remember! If you make a mistake Hangy will lose a part

Annachiara Aiello, Dario Balboni, Giacomo Carfì, Sebastian Serra

HearAgain is a mobile application that enables deaf people to participate better in small group conversations, using voice transcription technology.

EY, CREA, Peroni, pOsti, Simplysfa

The "Immersive Cube" is a three-dimensional environment that offers an immersive experience by projecting content, images and videos onto all the inner surfaces of the cube.

Luigi Ferrigno, Gianfranco Miele, Luca Tari

Innovative integrated multi-physics platform for monitoring, efficiency, analysis, and predictive diagnostics in Smart Factories, Smart farms, and Smart Homes

Autori: Andrea Abita, Francesco Onorati - Gruppo: Intelligenza Artigianale

Smart book storage with RFID detection for effortless book tracking and retrieval.


The most innovative IoT technologies for satellite and terrestrial communication anywhere

  A18 (pav. 3A.18)

Carmine Bourelly, Luigi Ferrigno, Gianfranco Miele

IoT smart sensor for Radon gas concentration monitoring in indoor working places according to the EU Council Directive 2013/59/EURATOM.

iotilize.me - Matteo Giaccone, Francesco Goberti, Francesco Castellano

iotilize.me shows the real-time amount of waste inside any kind of container, taking collectors work to a new level

Upg S.r.l.s. / Andrea Marotta

KeyGest is the electronic key that manages the complete access control and management

  E19 (pav. 3E.19)

Paolo Cintia

Kode has been creating Artificial Intelligence products and solutions for its customers for over 10 years in the logistics, industry 4.0, chemical and healthcare sectors. Thanks to its experience and mix of multidisciplinary skills, it is the ideal technological partner for companies that want to embark on a path of digital transformation, leveraging Data Science to improve and simplify own business thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

  B16 (pav. 7B.16)

Studenti Triennio Articolazione Automazione

Multidisciplinary teaching sheet for the verification of electronic circuits of interest and for the monitoring of the main environmental parameters for human safety.

  D4 (pav. 8D.04)

Team Rookeys

LIFE PILLARS: a green infrastructure capable of mitigating urban heat islands and increasing biodiversity


Helios Domotics S.r.l.

lit has developed a user-friendly product that allows you to monitor domestic and commercial electricity.

LongITools Research Team - Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

Intelligent system to monitor and analyze the interactions between environment, lifestyle and health


MaCh3D is a smart Material Testing platform aimed to speed-up and democratize material testing moving it outside laboratories directly to industrial production or makers/students/innovators' desks.

Data updated on 2025-02-14 - 10.03.23 am