Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "Open Source"


Digital infrastructure promoting circular, resilient, and digitally-based mode of production, grounded in the collaboratively developed and globally shared data as commons on the web.

Luciano Fumagalli

Life has sounds: listen to them with our Open-source hearing aid to rediscover the joy of communication with loved ones.

s-ol bekic

a compact, open-source "isomorphic" MIDI keyboard with colorful hexagonal keys

  E10 (pav. 3E.10)

Emilio Destratis

Discover the Magic of Wine with Amelie: A Voice-Guided Wine Assistant. Unlock the world of wine at your fingertips. #AmelieWine

Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca DigiLab - CoopCulture

ArcheoVerso: an integrated ecosystem of 3D virtual fruition and services for Cultural Heritage within digital metaverses.

Stefano Di Domenico, Beatrice Palermo, Irene Nepita, Matteo Santoliquido, Franco De Cian.

How to build a perfusion system for research purposes using low-cost components.

  C15 (pav. 6C.15)

Giovanni Bernardo

Cheap and customizable STEM Robot based on Arduino Uno with parts printed in 3D and easy-available components.

Enrico Stulin

BirdWatch AI: Leveraging TensorFlow for automated bird species identification in open-source birdwatching.

Manuel Bottini

Dive into a new world like never before with our Bodynodes sensors!

Pasquale Pepe e Agnello Pepe

BR is the perfect device to control PC and not just with your hand. Thanks to its own interface it is possible to customize the device at 360°.

Irena Stolic and Zoja Kukic Dordevic

Bracelet Maker is a robotics toy specially designed for girls, enhancing their interest in coding and engineering through play.

  E14 (pav. 4E.14)


Video museum guide in sign language for deaf visitors, open source, easily configurable and adaptable to individual museums.

Riccardo Maggioni, Jacopo Peroni

CheemsCity aims to create comprehensive paths to robotics through online courses supported by hardware platforms and memes.

ITS JobsAcademy - Smart Solutions - Freemind Design Studio

Choosy is the App that supports laboratory operators and technicians recommending the most sustainable types of sample preparation

Arianna Bosco, Matteo Cappellari, Vincenzo Cassano, Elena Gasparrini, Beatrice Locatelli

Fermenter that enhances the feeling of sharing that food gives. Open source, designed for digital manufacturing.

Gatti della Regina Ciclarum

Activists involved in the defense and promotion of a cycle path through user traffic monitoring.

  B8 (pav. 7B.08)

Cortelli Luca

Cortex is a universal controller for CNC automation, customizable, safe, and versatile. The goal is to take CNC technology to the next level.

Liberini Giorgio

Stage costume with a wearable device capable of illuminating based on the movements of the wearer, designed for dancers and performers.

  C20 (pav. 5C.20)


Ready-to-use electronics for those who love programming and simplified programming for electronics enthusiasts

Raul Bartalini Bigi classe V A Elettronica e Robotica IIS Tito Sarrocchi Siena

"Solid and liquid feed dispenser" allows you to feed and water domestic birds in your absence.

Angel Cabello

A DIY calculator to program (in Python) and resolve math symbolic problems.

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

A board that make simpler motor control with ROS 2.

  D6 (pav. 5D.06)

Gaetano Carlino,Salvatore Sgariglia, Antonio Amato, Giuseppe Pirillo, Denis Oliviero.

Your limb difference is your superpower I can feel my legs Your bionic journey start here.

Roberto Tascioni

Intelligent and open source electrification kit suitable for a large variety of bicycle models

MindsHub APS

An app for taking care of the environment while having fun

  G10 (pav. 8G.10)

Liberini Giorgio

Simple, cheap, affordable LIDAR using TF-luna, nema 16 slim motor, nodemcu, a4988 stepper driver, for robotic obstacle detection.

  C20 (pav. 5C.20)

Marco Fellin, Roberto Scotta, Emanuele Sartori, Ario Ceccotti, Daniele Casagrande, Andrea Polastri, XLAM Dolomiti spa

LifeShell. Life in a shell: life saving wooden furniture protecting from earthquakes collapses.

Matteo Di Troia, Andrea Bachini, Multiconnect, Alessandro Splendori e Manfredi Scanagatta. Come consulente tecnico la Reelco di Paolo Aliverti.

We have created Light Wheel, an open-source board that repurposes components from discarded scooters, reducing environmental impact. We present a prototype application for manual wheelchairs, offering low-cost autonomous mobility for disabled individuals. The board provides advanced functionality and safety features, including speed control, anti-tipping measures, alerts, and collision sensors. Our project promotes innovation, social well-being, and the versatile potential of Light Wheel.

  A1 (pav. 6A.01)


MAUS - Arduino Clone that acts as a Mouse Jiggler. With on board RED LED and WS2812B RGB LED. Fully Customizable.

  E4 (pav. 3E.04)

Jack Daly

A palm-sized Build-Your-Own arcade cabinet made entirely from PCB

  B15 (pav. 8B.15)

Laurent Muzellec

Learn how to automate plant watering and hack a mosquito swatter. Two projects do not seem to share much except the passion for innovation and sharing in a pure Maker spirit!

Walter Lucetti

Intelligent autonomous ground robot with 3D eyes that analyzes the surroundings with AI.

Raffaello Bonghi

nanosaur is an Italian open-source and 3D printable platform, designed to wander on your desk. With this platform, you learn the fundamentals of ROS2 and NVIDIA Isaac ROS GEMs. Learning how to use AI applied in robotics.

  D6 (pav. 5D.06)

Iannella Christian

Open IoT aims to provide a ready-to-use open-source and open-hardware home automation system.

  C12 (pav. 3C.12)


WeMake, fablab and makerspace in Milan, presents projects created to support communities in the development of objects and services for the common good.

Rodolfo Bonnin, Davide Carollo

Build your next virtual pipe organ workstation with full open-source projects and components.

  C6 (pav. 5C.06)

Claudio Gasparini

Build Your Own Cardboard Robot #OttoCardy made with both Arduino and micro:bit that is an example of creative robotics at a very low cost.

  D13 (pav. 5D.13)

Khaled Megahed CEO and Business Development Manager,Dr M.Nazmy Co-Founder e CTO

RML (Rome Mobility Link) unites sustainable transport, school management, and accessibility through innovative RFID wearables and cloud connectivity.

Khaled Megahed CEO and Business Development Manager,Dr M.Nazmy Co-Founder e CTO

Transforming parking management with Parko: a cutting-edge solution for efficient and sustainable parking services. #SmartParking #Innovation #Sustainability

Prof. Roberto Moscetti, Prof. Riccardo Massantini, Dott. Andrea Bandiera, Dott. Alessandro Benelli

Piaccadino^2: Affordable and customizable automatic titrator for organic acid analysis in plant tissues. Precision, wireless connectivity, Python programmability.

Alexandra Covor

Program your own butterfly-shaped wearable electronics with PicoFlutter, a STEAM kit for young learners!

  H11 (pav. 3H.11)

Alexandra Covor, Mihnea Stoica, Constantin Craciun

PicoLight is a pocket-sized adjustable light for low-light photography, based on the Raspberry Pi Pico.

  H11 (pav. 3H.11)


PLASTICDRAWN with the help of 3D FDM printing, aims to raise awareness of the recycling of plastic packaging

Università di Pisa

Sensorized aerostatic platform combined with a ground-based wireless sensor network for expert irrigation monitoring and management

Ivan Martini

Precious Plastic Torino deals with the recycling of plastic at a domestic level through self-built machinery.

Enrique Canessa e Livio Tenze

glasses-free real-time 3D vision to generate light-fields (or Native) 3D images or videos from a single webcam and in real-time

  E2 (pav. 3E.02)

3CE _ ITIS "G.Galilei"_IIS Pontecorvo

This is a project about an intelligent system which, through an IoT application, makes waste collection more efficient and smart

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

An open source autonomous car-like rover based on ROS 2

  D6 (pav. 5D.06)

Denis Oliviero, Giuseppe Pirillo, Gaetano Carlino, Salvatore Sgariglia, Antonio Amato

RoboButts is a mobile robot equipped with a robotic arm with the purpose of collecting cigarette butts.

Data updated on 2025-02-19 - 11.38.47 pm