Exhibitors 2021

Category "Makers"


We will explore the technology and applications used in ESA's Earth observation projects.

arnaldo UCCELLA - Itamia Engineering srl

Itamia Engineering srl per MAKE TO CARE Easy Move un dispositivo capace di riabilitare persone che hanno subito traumi alle articolazioni inferiori, comprese amputazione e ricostruzioni.

Small Giants

Enriched with insect flour, our snacks are mega tasty and packed with planet-positive protein. Ready to join this food revolution?


The project is completed and fully functional consists of an assistance system with electric motor and battery for the muscle bicycle, the system uses a belt transmission with longitudinal ribs (7.0x3.5 mm), the same is placed between the pinion of the motor (positioned under the saddle) and a special pulley fixed to the rear wheel hub and integral with it

riscarti fest

Eco prize, made with recycled plastics. Redistribute the value of things, the prizes are made with a material that is a treasure, that rewards the smaller ecological footprint, in all areas.


Upper limb 3D printed prosthesis driven by EMG signals and AI.

Andrea Fontanelli

ENDRIU is an autonomous modular mobile robot for sanitization using UV-C light and electrostatic air filtering.

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

Erwhi Hedgehog is a small open source ROS robot that is capable of SLAM and Vision AI.

Michela Musto / Flavio Galdi - The Spark Creative Hub

The project consists of a catalog of complex forms that emerge from the freeze of generative growth in precise moments

Jacopo Ranalli - EXOS

Exos Armor PER MAKE TO CARE Ad Exos realizziamo corsetti ortopedici per scoliosi traspiranti, stampati in 3D. I nostri dispositivi sono costruiti in collaborazione con cliniche ortopediche partner e sono personalizzabili in ogni loro aspetto. Ne risulta un prodotto che aumenta notevolmente la qualit della vita di chi li indossa. Rispetto ai nostri competitor, utilizziamo un originale processo produttivo che ci permette di produrre dispositivi di qualit comparabile ma con costi e tempi di produzione notevolmente ridotti. Allo stesso tempo la produzione in remoto ci consente di espanderci con facilit, rendendo la nostra tecnologia particolarmente utile in aree del mondo con risorse o accesso all'assistenza sanitaria limitati. Maggiori dettagli: https://exosarmor.it/overview

Jellyfish Fab. by Lucas Zeer, Cristina Coronado Osornio and Yue Liu

A tiny alien goo that loves to dance and play, controlled by lights and electromagnets and powered by USB.

Massimo Proia, Maddalena Mariani, Antonella Della Bella

Filanda 4.0. A dialogue between tradition and innovation to rethink silk as a new "Made in Italy" excellence.

La Bottega delle Idee - May

Mechanical pinball machine in assembly box handmade with Leonardo da Vinci's gears

La Bottega delle Idee - May

Mechanical pinball machine for 4 simultaneous players hand made with Leonardo da Vinci gears.

La Bottega delle Idee - May

Mechanical pinball machine in assembly box handmade with Leonardo da Vinci's gears

Marco Ferrantini e Erdit Hallulli

Foglia is a project born in occasion of the Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2017. The first version was a small Ikea greenhouse with a whole set of sensors and probes installed using 3D printed supports and adapters. (Learn more about the IKEA KRYDDA). The development platform is RaspberryPi.

Freie Maker e.V.

Freie Maker e.V. wants to let people get access to technologies, through DIY, OpenSource and learning by doing.

Fabio Giovanni Pasquarella e Aldo Pasquale Pasquarella

The first Artificial Intelligence able to create ice cream recipes from scratch! Come and taste the future!

VILLAM (Anita Cal) e ARSHAKE (Elena Giulia Rossi)

It starts from the ground up, metaphorically but also materially. The project becomes the theatre for a transdisciplinary operation moving between the most radical agricultural practices and the most advanced technologies.

Virgilio Maretto

GIUSTA is a new Delivery platform that revolutionizes the logic of food delivery, with a well-defined positioning that aims to change the status quo relating to the ethics of commissions, protection of the rider, limited coverage of deliveries and quality of the food delivered. It proposes a sustainable, ethical and guaranteed digital food delivery model.

Andrea Tomasoni - REMOOVE

REMOOVE PER MAKE TO CARE Obiettivo del progetto lapertura di una rete di Bike-Rental innovativo dotato di e-bike a carattere inclusivo, inedite per il mercato italiano, progettate per il trasporto di anziani, persone con disabilit e famiglie con bambini, affiancato da Servizio di Accompagnamento dedicato, effettuato da figure adeguatamente formate su accessibilit e inclusione. Sar cos finalmente possibile far vivere unesperienza di ciclabilit a chiunque, indipendentemente dalla propria condizione di inabilit migliorandone la qualit di vita e ampliando significativamente il perimetro di libert ed autonomia individuale. REMOOVE ha identificato nella bicicletta il pi efficace elemento di abilitazione di una Comunit e del suo Territorio.

Dr.ssa Sara Panseri, Dr. Mauro Fontana, Dr. Massimo Revello, Prof. Roberto Lavecchia, Prof. Luca Chiesa and Prof. Antonio Zuorro

A green technology based on infrared treatment to improve safety and quality of milk and beverages via sustainable process

Gilberto Roccabianca

Doors and shutters automation. Iot device remotely opens/closes, locks/unlocks all the frames of your house in one click.

Makers ITIS Forl

IoT beehive that record temperature, weight and humidity with Arduino and send data to ThingSpeak with GPRS module

Davide Rubino, Domenico Abbruzzese

The project shows the functioning of a 3D printer with infinite axis, focusing on programming and on the main elements that compose it.

giorgia pontetti

How to farm using new technologies, in hydroponic, for safe and nutritious food everywhere on Earth and beyond

Riccardo ROMAGNOLI and the International Telex collector group

The Teleprinter world and its old network as it was yesterday and how we bring it back to life in today's Internet era. It is possible to chat with a teleprinter made in the 50's and connected to a network of collectors around the world from Australia to Europe or Canada or you can punch your name on a punched tape. You can send an email to an old telex machine and see how it prints it.


Wheelchair designed with brushless motors. Handy, practical, fun and ecological

Claudio Cagnazzi

The SOF'up kit allows you to lift and move armchairs, sofas, sofa beds, storage beds and more by controlling everything with your voice

Team H2politO

Passion, study, and looking to the future are the ingredients that allow us to design record-breaking consumption competition vehicles.

Giorgia Lancione, Francesco Romanello, Luca Saraceno, Antonio Scotini, Giuseppe Zummo

In Quattro has developed an innovative Two-Phase advanced thermal management system for high power electronics for space and terrestrial applications.


3D printer concepts - made with recycled and upcycled materials, with many innovations

Prof. Antonio Zuorro, Dr. Alfredo Malomo, Dr. Rhoman Rossi, Prof. Roberto Lavecchia, Prof. Luca Chiesa and Dr.ssa Sara Panseri

Innovative technology based on combination of MAP and essential oil vapors for shelf-life management of high perishable foods

Cooperativa Sociale Campagna Sabina

Campagna Sabina is a female-dominated social and community cooperative with the dream of contributing to building the future capacity of the Rieti territory based on food-tourism-culture and the civil and social economy model. It started with a first major project related to agriculture, to aggregate and involve the many small local producers. Currently there are the Filiera Agricola Sabina e Valli Reatine with 33 companies and the filiera corta Campagna Sabina with 12 companies. There are over 60 product references representing all the supply chains: from cereals to legumes to saffron, from cheeses to preserves, from pasta to biscuits, from meat to salami, from olive oil to wine and beer. Many traditional products, but also many novelties. . As part of the Food Innovation Hub project, a Sabinese sauce was created in two versions using traditional local ingredients (Ovalone tomato pulp, salted ricotta, black olives, extra virgin olive oil, mushrooms).

Lorenzo Diomeda, Luigi Moretti & IntelliHearts Collaborators Team

Thanks to AI, we aim to democratize health technology, providing scientific accuracy to mobile and wearable devices.

valerio monticelli - iokitchen srl

iokitchen srl PER MAKE TO CARE Cucina isola polifunzionale adattabile all'esigenza dell'operatore puo variare la sua altezza da 80/110 cm e ruotare di 180 gradi per aver accesso tra lavello fuochi e angolo preparazione.permette all'operatore di cucinare senza muoversi ma lei a muoversi.

Proskurina Iryna

Welcome to the Steampunk world Iren Fox! All items are made from watch movements and treated with jewelry epoxy resin.

Jeffrey Roe

An arcade-style game that you can play remotely from your own home. Mixing a Raspberry Pi, Arduino and LED display

Armando Dei - kinoa

Kinoa Srl PER MAKE TO CARE Kimap un dispositivo tecnologico composto da due app per smartphone, di navigazione e di mappatura dellaccessibilit, che intende facilitare gli spostamenti di chi si muove in sedia a rotelle riducendo le barriere informative sulla percorribilit di strade ed edifici. Alla base delle due app una tecnologia sviluppata da Kinoa (domanda di brevetto depositata nel 2018) che utilizza i sensori dello smartphone e appositi algoritmi di machine learning per rilevare in automatico le condizioni delle strade percorse e permette di georeferenziare le loro condizioni di percorribilit: essa facilita il costante aggiornamento dei dati di navigazione e la loro condivisione nella community degli utenti.

Pierluigi Zerbini

A transparent sphere that changes its color in relation to the movement it makes in 3D space.


Komposta is an innovative kitchen hood that is able to cook food or transform food waste into compost by harnessing the heat produced by the stovetop.

FabLab Belluno - Michele D'amico, Lorenzo De Luca, Simone Klinkon

Easy-Task is a device that facilitates the creation of your drinks from simple juices up to cocktails

Costantina De Mitri, Luca Di Massimo

We will perform some chemistry and biology experiments, useful to improve science teaching at school.

main author: Mario DEttorre, Armando Altieri, Roberto Seghini co-author: Mariarosaria Emanuele, Alessandro Morello - the IoT team @ TecnoStudio Ars Innova

A game similar to air hockey using smartphones or joystick like pads. The game can be muliplayer and easily portable

One Health Vision

Leggo Facile is the software for the treatment of dyslexia, to develop home lexical training also through gamification

Davide Piacentini, Andrea Casaroli e Lorenzo Anile

We delete CO2 through electrochemical processes, dividing it into carbon and oxygen, to reduce the problem of air pollution.

Innocenzo Muzzalupo, Giovanni Misasi, Giuseppe Chiappetta e Cristian Altimari

M-Bioma s.r.l., a spin off supported by CREA, produces technologically advanced unique biological fertilizers based on useful microorganisms.

Pierfrancesco Panunzi

Now you can do incredible magical effects with little expense and lots of inventiveness using only Arduino and App Inventor (Android).

Arsen Ivanievi?, Matej Jelovi?, Ante Matuli?, Ivan Gu?

Let the magnetic force take over!

Making Open, Istituto M. Massimo: Becchetti, De Gregorio, Poletto, Topani

From a simple wooden table Build and drive a professional electric kart with your team in the Formula Xavier Grand Prix

Data updated on 2024-10-13 - 6.45.28 pm