Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "3D printing"


3D printing and sensorized wearables to improve performance and prevent injuries through biomechanical analysis.

Massimiliano Barletta, Daniele Almonti, Alessandra Piselli

Give new shape through 3d printing to structures you commonly use.

ESA - European Space Agency

What is the future of space exploration? What are the boundaries and limits to be overcome? Exploring space means traveling farther, visiting new places and returning with new experiences and knowledge to help us on Earth

  B.14 (pav. B)

Elena Pierri, Nader Al Khatib, Sara Muscolo, Ermanno De Giuli, Elena Papetti, Mirko Pacioni

Training activities in a digital key, enriched from time to time by collaborations with educational institutions, universities and companies.

Francesca Nanni, Mario Bragaglia, Lorenzo Paleari, Luisa Petti, Manuela Ciocca, Arvind Gurusekaran

Opening mechanism of a system of antennas and/or solar panels, through the activation of a polymeric shape memory material by electromagnetic stimulus

Patrizia Marti, Cecilia Goracci, Lorenzo Franchi, Alessandro Vichi, Flavio Lampus, Simone Guercio, Annamaria Recupero

Personalised orthodontic facemasks for children for a gamified therapy

Zuffellato A, Pieretti E, Spagnolo D, Framarin A, Tonietto M, Caichiolo A, Zampogna A, Petkovic N, Fumene Feruglio P.

Digital sport system, closely integrated with the cloud for a dual monitoring of sport performances and environmental conditions

  O.03 (pav. O)

Giorgia Pontetti

How can food be produced in future? What commonalities does it have with future space food? Futuristic hydroponic cultivations in modern appliances and a 3D food printer for healthy snacks-on-the-go.

Saverio Giulio Malatesta, Laura Leopardi, Paola La Torre, Roberta Manzollino, Paolo Rosati

The Hatrix is a collector of ideas, methodologies, prototypes and digital applications in the world of cultural heritage.

Sebastiano Foti, Debora Fino, Giuliana Mattiazzo, Massimiliana Carello

The Politecnico of Torino involves the students in Teams with a mission: learning by doing with the goal to grow up a new generation of engineers able to accept challenges and solve problems. The main goal of the teams is a practical training of the future engineer: to design means to compromise between an idea and what is actually buildable.

Dario Tamburrano in collaborazione con 3DiTALY, WREP Media Company e il consorzio AMable Horizon 2020 con capofila il Fraunhofer Institute tedesco.

Exploring the use of Additive Manufacturing and NFC/blockchain technology to create experimental toys and collectibles based on mathematical/artistic shapes.

IIS "Sandro Pertini" Alatri - prof.ssa Sara Chiarella, prof.ssa Stefania Tagliaferri

A glance to the future: innovative antimicrobial material for 3D printing developed in a virtuous collaboration between school and industry.

Ingenuity Labs Research Institute

Wonderful, wacky, and unusual robots wiggle and walk

  B.25 (pav. B)

Carlotta Soddu; Prof. Lorenzo Imbesi; Pezzella, Laura, Designer Piazzo, Francesca, Designer

Zefiro is a 3D-printed pencil case equipped with Arduino sensors that is able to monitor the air quality in classrooms, making in-person classes a safer experience. Air pollution is usually underestimated while it may hinder teaching and learning experiences, as well as contribute to a rise in virus transmittal risk. Its light (LED) signals make it clear if it is necessary to open or close the window, limiting movements and distractions. The system aims to be cheaper and more accessible than standard air monitoring systems.

  D.25 (pav. D)
Data updated on 2025-02-17 - 11.21.21 am