Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Art"

Catherine DIgnazio, Lauren F. Klein, Marcia Diaz Agudelo

Data Feminism is a new way of thinking about data science and data ethicsone that is informed by intersectional feminist activism and critical thought - in order to imagine more ethical and equitable data practices.

  H.08 (pav. H)

Jake Elwes

Zizi - Queering the Dataset aims to tackle the lack of representation and diversity in the training datasets often used by facial recognition systems.

  H.05 (pav. H)

kapi (aka Filippo E. Paolini)

Sounds in space and fractured images merge, thus redefining the perceived reality as a function of a non-linear synaesthetic montage.

  H.E (pav. H)
Data updated on 2025-02-17 - 12.36.19 pm