Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "Circular Economy"

Annalisa Santucci, Stefania Lamponi, Michela Geminiani, Ottavia Spiga, Giacomo Spinsanti

Innovation Lab with the goal of creating products derived from waste, which can make the process of formulating a new product and bring it to market


WeMake, fablab and makerspace in Milan, presents projects created to support communities in the development of objects and services for the common good.

Precision Farming Course - ITS Agroalimentare per il Piemonte

A new green and "spatial" way to Circular Economy and susteinability approach

  E3 (pav. 6E.03)

Giacomo Cacciamani, Giuseppe Saponaro

Packo helps e-commerce companies send their packages easily and sustainably adopting a circular model.

Khaled Megahed CEO and Business Development Manager,Dr M.Nazmy Co-Founder e CTO

RML (Rome Mobility Link) unites sustainable transport, school management, and accessibility through innovative RFID wearables and cloud connectivity.

Khaled Megahed CEO and Business Development Manager,Dr M.Nazmy Co-Founder e CTO

Transforming parking management with Parko: a cutting-edge solution for efficient and sustainable parking services. #SmartParking #Innovation #Sustainability


Spirulina farming for extraction of nutraceutical and medical biomolecules

  F13 (pav. 4F.13)

GenB, BlueMissionMed

Discover green and blue economy, for a sustainable and healthy Planet.

Matteo Beccatelli

Plantvoice helps farmers save water and maximize production, thanks to real-time plant sap reading.


PLASTICDRAWN with the help of 3D FDM printing, aims to raise awareness of the recycling of plastic packaging

Marco Ciarletti

Irrigate only when the crop needs it. Saves water, money and resources at the cost of a coffee a day

Ivan Martini

Precious Plastic Torino deals with the recycling of plastic at a domestic level through self-built machinery.

Enrico Santangelo (CREA), Silvia Arnone (ENEA), Eleonora De Santis (CREA), Francesca Lecce (ENEA)

An application to organic agro-food waste of CORS (Conversion of Organic Refuse by Saprophages) mediated by Hermetia illucens L.

Simona Errico, Stefania Moliterni, Salvatore Dimatteo, Alessandra Verardi, Anna Spagnoletta, Paola Sangiorgio, Roberto Balducchi

The project promotes the use of an alternative and sustainable biological source for proteic food and feed production

  C5 (pav. 4C.05)

Antonio Durbé, Daniele Tommei

Sistemi di riflessone della luce solare: per illuminazione, cuocere, tostare il caffè, riscaldare, per concentrare l'energia termica.

  B4 (pav. 4B.04)

3CE _ ITIS "G.Galilei"_IIS Pontecorvo

This is a project about an intelligent system which, through an IoT application, makes waste collection more efficient and smart

Arash Moazenchi, Marco Oliva, Matteo Villani

Rcoffee recycles and turns coffee grounds into a biomass,the first product will be pellets

ReMade Community Lab Team

Diffusion and experimentation of Design, Recycling and Manufacturing 4.0 processes for developing circular economy models in the city

Prof. Giorgio M. Balestra, Dr. Sara Francesconi, Dr. Daniele Schiavi

From waste to wealth: how nanotechnology can teach us to recycle and save future agriculture.

Matteo Sambucci, Marco Valente, Luciano Fattore, Riccardo Martufi, Ilaria Rossitti, Ilario Biblioteca, Sara Taherinezhad Tayebi

Use of recycled rubber from end-of-life tires and PVC pellets from the recycling of electric cables in the creation of lightweight cement

Giacomo Alessandroni

Learning robotics has never been more fun. We want the pupil overtaking the teacher: otherwise there is no progress.

Youssef Ait Ourtane, Samuele Celebre, Gabriele Germanetto, Federico Schiavon, Marco Silba, Marco Tarantini

Working on a DOTT scooter, one of the main global players in the field of urban Sharing Mobility, we build a support that allows to attach it securely to a light wheelchair.

Massimo Proia, Maddalena Mariani, Antonella Della Bella

A dialogue between tradition and innovation to rethink silk as a new "Made in Italy" excellence.


Systems for the sustainable control of Drosophila Suzukii and other pests relevant to Lazio fruit growing

Sint Tecnologie

Together for an aware agri-food system, more respectful of the environment and the territory.

  C12 (pav. 4C.12)

Annamaria Bevivino, Roberto Balducchi, Gianfranco Diretto, Antonio Molino, Claudia Zoani, Silvia Massa

The ENEA projects funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNPRR) on Sustainable Food Systems.

Antonio Idà

a green advancement in spirulina production

Massimiliana Carello and the Politecnico di Torino Teams

The Politecnico di Torino presents the most important students Teams involved in sustainability, ecological aspect, low consumption, mobility, recycle, reducing environmental impact and promoting circular economy.

Annamaria Gerardino (CNR-IFN), Francesca Romana Bertani (CNR-IFN); Luca Businaro (CNR-IFN); Fabio Chiarello (CNR-IFN);

We use spectroscopy, i.e. light analysis, to understand the characteristics of products and verify what they contain

prof. carlo Giuseppe Rizzello

A team of researchers in Food Science and Technology of the Sapienza University is working to develop, together with industrial partners, innovative bio-processes for foods and beverages making.


Fight against climate change in the olive production chain through the enhancement of pomace and pruning residues

  A12 (pav. 4A.12)


Student team of the Politecnico di Torino. We repair broken hardware and write and install open-source software.

Data updated on 2025-02-17 - 11.24.37 am