Exhibitors 2017

Result for TAG "Education"

Daniele Leandri
Cromofono is a musical instrument that can play colors

Associazione DiScienza
DiScienza EduKit. Interactive Science activities. Technology and science for all

Digi-Key Electronics
Digikey is an American Company , privately owned with 3500 employees around the world and a total turnover of 2.3B$ per year. From a single point of shipment …

Tribù Digitale
Digital School by Tribù Digitale is the first school of digital culture for kids 3 to 16 years aged.

Doc Servizi was born to protect and valorize the work of professionals in the field of music, theater and arts, who have to face a complex law, a difficult mana …

Liceo Classico "Prati", Trento; Ist. Economico "Tambosi", Trento; ITT "Buonarroti-Pozzo", Trento; Liceo Artistico "Vittoria", Trento; Liceo Scientifico "Curie", Pergine; ITT "Marconi", Rovereto; Liceo Artistico "Depero", Rovereto
an innovative project for "work-based learning” that simulate a company committed to a development of an innovative domotic product

Gianmarco Brusca, Gaia Marchetti, Jacopo Milone, Marco Nobile, Sara Perfumo, Armando Supino
Our team created a system of an air cushion connected with a piston to soften sudden movements.

e-r.io is Arduino compatible boards & add-ons manufacturer from Croatia who provides accompanying educational content - 100% open source.

Devietti Goggia Ester, Di Modugno Elisa, Indaco Rossella, Ivani Alessia Silvia, Serrago Francesco, Vizziello Brunella
Eat-Easy & Take-it-Easy: a project for eating, writing and drawing with ease, adjustable in different sizes.

Maksim Masalski, MRobot Team mrobot.by
RoboRover M1 Education is a four-wheeled educational robot for studying how to program self-driving (autonomous) vehicles. RoboRover M1 Education also is the ideal solution for studying at home and in the STEM discipline class. STEM is science (Science), technology (Technologies), engineering (Engineering) and mathematics (Math).

Elettronica Open Source
Italian Website with Blog and Magazines (EOS-Book & Firmware) oriented towards vertical target and global reach in various fields of Electronics and Technology, …

Ex Robot team
A system consisting of a rover and a scanner capable of exploding explosive devices below any remote controlled motor vehicle to avoid any involuntary inconvenience.

Fabricademy, coordinated by Anastasia Pistofidou, Cecilia Raspanti and Fiore Basile
Fabricademy is a transdisciplinary course at the intersection of soft fabrication, textiles and biology.

Dipartimento di Fisica Sapienza Università di Roma & Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Are you a teacher? Want to turn you into a teacher-maker? Three days are enough, with our school of physics with Arduino and smartphones.

Enrique Canessa, Livio Tenze
Using Fresnel lens, we developed a protoype for seeing, and interacting with, "floating faces" broadcasted live via mobile devices.

Pellegrino Cucciniello
Folding Pets are colorfull and faceted animals in small and big size. They are 3D sculptures made from 2D materials

Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Tinkering to start innovation

Fabrizio Doremi, Alessio Poliandri, Roberto Massi, Luigi Lucentini
FoodiesTrip is an innovative startup that has accepted the new challenge of the web: fight against fake news

Vincenzo Ferrara, Margarita Cinzh, Andrea Pietrelli, Fabrizio Frezza, Massimo Mazzetta
An educational cheap radar that can be use to track the distance and the speed of detected moving objects.

Antonio Di Giovanni
Funghi Espresso è una startup innovativa, che produce funghi freschi in modo sostenibile e naturale, utilizzando il fondo di caffè proveniente dai bar e dai ristoranti del territorio come substrato per la coltivazione. Oltre alla produzione di funghi freschi, Funghi Espresso è specializzata nella produzione di substrato pronto per la coltivazione di funghi (kit). Il modello Funghi Espresso è ispirato alla teoria della Blue Economy (teoria economica sviluppata all’economista Gunter Pauli), dove gli scarti di un ciclo produttivo sono riutilizzati in altri cicli produttivi, in un effetto chiamato a “cascata”. I sistemi produttivi quindi non sono visti in maniera distinta e separata gli uni dagli altri, ma in modo integrato dove gli scarti provenienti da un ciclo produttivo possono essere recuperati o riciclati in un altro ciclo produttivo per generare nuova energia, nuova ricchezza e nuovi posti di lavoro.

The food maker area at the European Maker Faire Rome, invites to to go on a journey around the whole food value chain and introduces you to the protagonists of the food maker movement.The Food Maker Area at the European Maker Faire offers makers and the general public a vast array of events, conferences, workshops, laboratories, and projects destined to change the world of food, overseen by our Future Food, the Bolognese trust dedicated to food and innovation. Some examples? Automated greenhouses that can be managed with a click, 3D food printers, sensors for decoding the content of foods, plus special dishes like seaweed and insects that might just rock our culinary worlds. But innovation and technology literally came together where food is king: the kitchen!

Fabio Corsi
Easily portable Arduino-controlled educational with Earth globe rotating and revolving around a hub with hung Sun-lamp.

Aurélien Rodot
Gamebuino is a retro console to play tetris, pong, pacman… but most importantly, learn to make your own games!

Davide Gomba, Djibril Gomba, Pier Vona
A Big Geodesic Dome where kids can sit on a red carpet, have some rest and toy around geometry and platonic solids

Davide Orlando, Michele Sorgi, Simone Mantione, Paolo Spada, Jasmeen Giura, Eleonora Dessy, Giulia Clabassi, Francesca Fanelli, Beatrice Gallucci, Margherita Labriola, Valeria Vitale, Chiara Ngo Dinh, Giacomo Ferrara, Giulio Soana, Adele Clausi, Laura Not
An Android application to find a thematic itinerary in Rome.

Bodo Giulia, Cristofanelli Mauro, Di Liberato Gianfilippo, Massa Valentina, Patrucco Michela, Pazzagli Ludovica, Soncin Paola
Go Sofi Go, the walking-stroller, a practical, easy to recover and lightweight mobility aid. Ideal for giving autonomy during daily walks.

Let’s tour anywhere cycling on Gooble Bike 2.0 VR ….surrounded by the virtual reality of the spherical images of the Street View

GreenLeague CONOU
CONOU is one of the main operators of the Circular Economy in Italy: it coordinates the collection and regeneration of used lubricant oil, a dangerous waste tha …

Davide Fiori, Pietro Nonis, Lorenzo Merlotti, Giulio Carlassare, Daniele Alberti
Wearable device with sensors that can help the user to cook. You will be guided, directly on your glove, to make the recipe chosen on an app.

Gli Stratosferici - (IS Rampone - IIS Vittorio Emanuele II)
Special Glider able to take photos of the earth from stratosphere and automatically return to launch point.

Emanuela Amadio, Stefano Colarelli e Associazione Riqua
Hi-Storia products "speaking monuments" printed in 3D together with students to make the cultural heritage accessible to visually impaired people

Diletta Piarulli, Michele Di Corato, Giacomo Ciresola, Konstantinos Charilaou
It's an interactive tent that helps kids to deal with emotions. The children start the game using cards and watch what happens with the lighs.

Sylvain Lefebvre
IceSL is a state of the art slicer (STL => G-code) with advanced modeling and slicing capabilities.

Experimentation and new technologies, training and research: Istituto Europeo di Design presents IED LIVING FACTORY. Design in metamorfosi.

Fabio Asti, Lavinia Degli Abbati, Francesca Tivano, Chiara Sinesi, Nicholas Scialanca
Andrea's table was designed to improve Andrea's posture to avoid muscular efforts and to facilitate the use of the smartphone.

EAST (European Association for Solar Telescopes)
The big 3D model with video in augmented reality of the EST, the European Solar Telescope

Andreas Kopp, Andreas Reheis, Pascal Schessl, Phillip Assmann
Erfindergarden is a fab lab, hackerspace and playground for kids and teenagers in Munich. At Maker Faire Rome 2017 you can try out our modded nerf guns at our chocolate marshmallow shooting range.

Massimiliano Dibitonto, Federica Tazzi, Katarzyna Leszczynska
The IoT Design Deck is a method (and a card game) for the co-design of connected products.

Kenstrapper is an italian company, founded in 2011, that project and produces 3d printing and more in general it works in the field of digital fabrication. The …

INDEXLAB: Pierpaolo Ruttico, Gabriele Viscardi, Carlo Beltracchi, Salvatore Urso, Marco Guarany
This project aims to rethink the conventional static architectural space through a combination of non-standard geometries and interactive responses.

Innovation Gym - FabLab
Kit Cut aims to increase the creative, digital, manual, and design skills that are essential to the holistic learning process.

Davide Aloisi e Alessio Di Brigida
L.E.O. is a robot capable of improving and facilitating learning in schools and not only by having fun.

5 Meccanica, ITT Cerulli Giulianova
The project aims to automate the process of preparing a cocktail through a dedicated app for Android smartphones. The device uses an Arduino UNO board to handle the process by checking a conveyor belt and n ° 6 electro pumps that take the various liquids to mix contents into as many containers.

La Nostra Storia in Gioco
Our History in play is proposed didactic as a and inspirational tool of knowledge of our past and that for our territory. Creative workshops, role-playing game …
  B8 (pav. 4)

Gaia Marchetti
The plexiglass prototype is meant as a compensatory tool for the study of math in the early years of education.

Gabriella Cincotti, Marco Marsan, Massimiliano Lucidi
Students of the Biophotonics course in Rome Tre will demonstrate biological experiments using the We-Lab microscope and spectrophotometer.

Creative Point team
Plexiglass robotic arm which is controlled by potentiometers, Arduino UNO, movement is performed by servomotors.

Zendri Giuliano, Rosi Tommaso, Formilan Giovanni, Serafini Sebastiano
“Maker-lab at school” is a portable maker laboratory for the school, aimed at fostering prototyping and experimental science.
Data updated on 2024-09-18 - 4.40.06 am
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