Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "Education"

Giancarlo PELLIS

Device for training balance in an autonomous, fun and motivating way

  B2 (pav. 7B.02)

Amico Gandolfo, Dolce Emanuele, Frisina Calogero, Runza Alessandro, Turco Michele - ITET “Rapisardi-Da Vinci” - Caltanissetta

Who will rescue Hangy? Just guess the mysterious word, but remember! If you make a mistake Hangy will lose a part

Ivano Pelicella, Marco Rossi

Hi-Sound Compact is the solution for you: the first professional stereo parabolic microphone specifically designed to work with your camera.

  C11 (pav. 5C.11)

Jacopo De Benedictis

Interactive multimedia installation for consulting archival materials

Sezione INFN di Ferrara, Liceo Scientifico “A. Roiti”, MIT, Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra dell’Università di Ferrara

BUILT IT, LEARN IT, SHARE IT: a new approach, more experiential, hands-on, collaborative, motivating and fun to Physics and STEAM


The mission of the European SWITCH project is to enhance knowledge and opportunities among European citizens to facilitate their transition towards more healthy and sustainable diets.

  C10 (pav. 4C.10)

Gruppo Internazionale Collezionisti Telescriventi

The world and history of the TELEX service and Teletype and how it was yesterday and how it has been brought back to life today in the age of the Internet.

Roberto Tascioni

Intelligent and open source electrification kit suitable for a large variety of bicycle models


3D printing project preserving Italian cultural heritage: restoring and replicating Guarnieri's 'Il Cannone di Paganini


Forgiafer produces what can be defined as the best padel courts on the market and offers 10 years of warranty

  D9 (pav. 7D.09)

Riccardo Torquati


  E5 (pav. 7E.05)

Antonio Ianiero

An exhibit about the the extraordinary beauty of oscillatory motions

  C19 (pav. 5C.19)

Media Engineering SRL

Certainly, here's a summary of the capabilities of an AI-powered holographic avatar trained in agri-food topics:

An AI-driven holographic avatar in the agri-food sector can be a valuable ally. It can provide detailed information about foods, assist in preparing personalized dishes, and assess the environmental impact of food choices. Furthermore, it helps users monitor diets, suggest trends in the agri-food sector, and guide food purchases. By educating on food safety issues and sustainable farming practices, it can promote healthy and responsible eating behaviors. In agriculture, it offers support for optimized farming practices and data analysis. In summary, this AI avatar makes the agri-food sector more accessible, informed, and sustainable, for both consumers and producers.

  A4 (pav. 4A.04)

Francesco Pappone, Valentina Di Marco, Leonardo Scalzi, Michele Gentile, Ludovico Carlin.

Innovation Community aims to bring innovation, the ability to do business or found a start-up to schools.

  H13 (pav. 3H.13)

Fondazione Mondo Digitale

Cutting-edge prototypes, from artificial intelligence to immersive reality, digital making and gaming, and others activities of the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.

Rainer Kuth

3d printing opens a new horizon of making buoyancy elements for scuba diving and snorkeling using common affordable 3d printers

Small Giants

Enriched with insect flour, our products are mega tasty and packed with planet-positive protein. Ready to join this food revolution?

MindsHub APS

An app for taking care of the environment while having fun

  G10 (pav. 8G.10)

Avelon Bardhi, Pietro Chillè, Giorgia Grilli, Francesco Tuzzi

A game designed to help teach children about sustainability and waste recycling through a fun challenging game.

ITSRED Academy

For a better construction site we must be able to trace the products used, up to their correct installation

Marco Baruzzo e Carlo Fonda

By re-using a water fountain we built a "Wilson's Cloud chamber" particle detector, come and enjoy electrons and muons!

  E2 (pav. 3E.02)

Studenti Triennio Articolazione Automazione

Multidisciplinary teaching sheet for the verification of electronic circuits of interest and for the monitoring of the main environmental parameters for human safety.

  D4 (pav. 8D.04)

Susanna Cattaneo, Alberto Carugo, Giulia De Gois, Andrea Delaini

La giusta via is a fun game that teaches children general knowledge and gestures.

  I10 (pav. 3I.10)

La tana del mago

The first Italian magic wand that shoots real fireballs.

  L15 (pav. 3L.15)

Massimo Reverberi, Stefano Sarti, Antonella Cartoni, Federica Favino, Luca Iocchi, Marco Scuderi, Claudio Chimenti, Alessio Valletta, Giulia Capotorti

Thanks to the lab2go project, many schools have had the opportunity in recent years to redevelop their school laboratory and re-evaluate the role of laboratory activity in learning STEM disciplines.

  H3 (pav. 6H.03)

IISS "G Salvemini" Alessano (scuola capofila del progetto); ITT "P Paleocapa" Bergamo; IISS "D Scano" Cagliari

LAB3 school networks for full-access relations and opportunities aiming at remote machines and robots controlling and programming

  D6 (pav. 8D.06)

Prof. Stefano Carrese, Prof. Marialisa Nigro, Prof. Fabrizio D’Amico.

Technologies for tracking, tracing and classifying vehicular and pedestrian flows. Digital models of linear transportation infrastructure making use also of cutting-edge technologies such as VR & AR viewers.

  D20 (pav. 6D.20)

Maker Camp, Marco Vigelini

Explore, learn, and grow with Maker Camp's educational labs! We fuse Minecraft, Roblox, Splatoon, Super Mario and simracing into unforgettable learning experiences

  MAKERCAMP (pav. 8)

prof. ssa Irene Tarantino, prof. Giovanni Gemignani

The project aims to make students passionate about science by building low cost tools for environmental monitoring


Using 3D technology for inclusive teaching and learning, making scientific divulgation more accessible to everyone

Castiglione Carola, Cappiello Mattia, Frova Giacomo, Macciachini Mattia

A game that aims to enhance fine motor skills, logic, observational abilities, creativity and that teaches the child balance.

MuSEd – Museo della Scuola e dell’Educazione “Mauro Laeng” – Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione – Università Roma Tre - Italy

Educating for memory and cultural heritage by giving a voice to the objects of material and intangible history of education.

  E8 (pav. 8E.08)

Maurizio Mario Murino

A tool to help medical professionals evaluate the empirical rigour of scientific papers.

Team Rookeys

LIFE PILLARS: a green infrastructure capable of mitigating urban heat islands and increasing biodiversity

Marco Fellin, Roberto Scotta, Emanuele Sartori, Ario Ceccotti, Daniele Casagrande, Andrea Polastri, XLAM Dolomiti spa

LifeShell. Life in a shell: life saving wooden furniture protecting from earthquakes collapses.

Nicholas Cicuzza Mattia Scarselletta coordinati dal professor Martino Pasquale Itis Don Giuseppe Morosini di Ferentino

Towards the agriculture of the future: a new method, a new way of working

LVenture Group S.p.A.

LVenture Group è una società di Venture Capital quotata in Borsa Italiana che investe in startup digitali

  D4 (pav. 3D.04)

associazione culturale Infomadarte

The art of using fantasy, creativity and imagination to conceive something useful and enjoyable at the same time!"

  Experience Lab 12 (p


MaCh3D is a smart Material Testing platform aimed to speed-up and democratize material testing moving it outside laboratories directly to industrial production or makers/students/innovators' desks.

Sartorato Caterina, Vanini Fabiana, Maistri Gabriele, Gorra Elisa

Macro-Micro allows you to learn fundamental categories and their subcategories through an immersive experience of images, opening children's minds to discovery.

  I14 (pav. 3I.14)

Pierfrancesco Panunzi

Now you can do incredible magical effects with little expense and lots of inventiveness using only Arduino and App Inventor (Android) and 3D print.

  C24 (pav. 3C.24)

Alessandro Stroppa, Dirigente di Ricerca CNR-SPIN c/o L'Aquila e Karin Giorgini, Insegnante Scuola Primaria

How to explain the complexity of symmetry breaking to primary school children, using simple games with geometric figures?

  C14 (pav. 5C.14)

Leonardo Guidoni, Davide Ubaldi, Silvia Baccaro, Antonella Malatesta

A real videogame to learn Math by playing. It is suitable for kids (8-12) and their innovative teachers.

V.E.T.RO.: Luca Distefano, Anna Fumagalli, Giuliano Giampietro, Jamila Naffati, Catia Romaniello, Vincenzo Maria Vitale, Prof. Marilena Vendittelli

Immerse yourself into a 3D virtual reality environment and feel haptic feedback by simulating medical procedures.

  D10 (pav. 5D.10)

Luigi d'Aquino

The 'Microcosm to grow plants under biotic and abiotic conditioning' is an innovative device for growing plants under laboratory conditions like under wild and crop conditions, suitable for basic and applied reasearch.

  C4 (pav. 4C.04)

Fiorella Sinesio, Elisabetta Moneta, Marina Peparaio, Eleonora Saggia Civitelli

Modulate the perception of salty and sweet taste through taste-taste and taste-smell interactions and adaptation to small and progressive reductions in the amount of salt/sugar in foods.

  B7 (pav. 4B.07)

Ji-Hyun Ko

Moving Gunpla & Figure project remodeled a Gundam plastic model kit with a servo, LED, USB camera, controlled by Arduino Board. Attendee can control the items.

  G8 (pav. 3G.08)


lnteractive virtual reality path on the heritage of the Museum of School and Education, Department of Education, Roma Tre University

Vincent Candela, Nicola Cilento, Roberto Feri

Sports museum is an exhibition area with memorabilia that tell the values, emotions, history, sacrifices, victories and defeats of great champions.

  F3 (pav. 7F.03)

Team "Black-Hole" - Istituto Superiore "Volta" - Castel San Giovanni - PC

Everyone can experience playing the piano

Data updated on 2025-02-18 - 3.50.50 am