Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "Internet of Things"


Experience the future of control surfaces with Mine S - a versatile, customizable, and innovative modular controller for diverse applications.

Pasquale Iavecchia

Revolutionize automation with our Arduino based controllers. Experience seamless integration and smart control for homes and industries. #Innovation #Automation #MakerFaire

Team "Black-Hole" - Istituto Superiore "Volta" - Castel San Giovanni - PC

Everyone can experience playing the piano

Vittorio Boneschi - Paolo Pezzolla

MyEasyCarbon is a digital platform developed to support farmers and the agrifood supply chain to increase food safety, treacebility and sustainability.

IntTV - Filippo Toni & Franco Umani


Marco Aguzzi

MyPoint is an electronic system that allows players to manage and share the score independently during a padel, tennis, beach tennis and Pickleball game.

  D12 (pav. 7D.12)

Team NAO&SFCS I.I.S. "G. Marconi" Nocera Inferiore (SA)

The project called (NAO&SFCSacronym of AO &SMART FOOD CONSERVATION SYSTEM aims to create a low-cost solution based on an IoT and AI architecture to monitor and manage food conservation.

posti s.r.l.

An agrifood metaverse with metabolic avatars, blockchain-tracked products, and immersive technologies for healthy and sustainable nutrition.

Alunni della classe 3C del Liceo Scientifico Alessandro Volta di Foggia

The project intends to recycle old toys making them robotic through microcontrollers that allow them to be reused in a fun and creative way.

Iannella Christian

Open IoT aims to provide a ready-to-use open-source and open-hardware home automation system.

  C12 (pav. 3C.12)


WeMake, fablab and makerspace in Milan, presents projects created to support communities in the development of objects and services for the common good.

Khaled Megahed CEO and Business Development Manager,Dr M.Nazmy Co-Founder e CTO

Transforming parking management with Parko: a cutting-edge solution for efficient and sustainable parking services. #SmartParking #Innovation #Sustainability

lab3841 s.r.l.

Pera® is a compact and rugged IoT sensor that measures temperature, humidity, and other environmental parameters, seamlessly blending into the landscape.

  F14 (pav. 4F.14)

Moni2BSafe - Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

Internet of Things to support the continuous monitoring of structure for safety purposes

  F1 (pav. 6F.01)

Prof. Roberto Moscetti, Prof. Riccardo Massantini, Dott. Andrea Bandiera, Dott. Alessandro Benelli

Piaccadino^2: Affordable and customizable automatic titrator for organic acid analysis in plant tissues. Precision, wireless connectivity, Python programmability.

Matteo Beccatelli

Plantvoice helps farmers save water and maximize production, thanks to real-time plant sap reading.


PLASTICDRAWN with the help of 3D FDM printing, aims to raise awareness of the recycling of plastic packaging

Marco Ciarletti

Irrigate only when the crop needs it. Saves water, money and resources at the cost of a coffee a day

Università di Pisa

Sensorized aerostatic platform combined with a ground-based wireless sensor network for expert irrigation monitoring and management

Giorgio Marcatili

Revo5 is the modular and innovative CNC machine, ideal for every work requirement.

Chiarelli Giovanni, Corsi Filippo e Obinu Cristian classe V A Elettronica Robotica IIS Tito Sarrocchi Siena

The objective is to implement a wheelchair with an electrified head-controlled system specially thought for paraplegics, i.e., person with inability to voluntarily move the upper and lower parts of the body; a series of sensors were placed on the perimeter of the chair to avoid obstacles and to provide information on the surrounding environment.

Alberto Greco, Alessio Iannizzotto, Roberto Garofalo

An advanced system for the monitoring of psychophysiological status to prevent physical and psychological injuries at workplaces.

Youssef Ait Ourtane, Samuele Celebre, Gabriele Germanetto, Federico Schiavon, Marco Silba, Marco Tarantini

Working on a DOTT scooter, one of the main global players in the field of urban Sharing Mobility, we build a support that allows to attach it securely to a light wheelchair.

Ing. Gabriele Burnelli

The Magic Box is a device that can be used to increase safety in scientific laboratories by reducing electrical risks

Marco Consales, Eugenio Zimeo e Andrea Cusano (DING - Unisannio) & Donato Madaro, Fernando Capone, Gino Maza e Nicolino Cardone (ASIA S.p.A.)

Tracking system able to massively track waste sacks produced by citizens and collected by trucks to calculate in a more precise way for TARIP computation

Kseniya Lenarciak, Davide De Marchi, Max Lenarciak

SLY monitoring as a service solution combines ultra-early detection using on-the-ground edge AI sensors and predictive modelling of fire risk.

Carli Lorenzo, Difrancesco Gabriele, Larosa Paolo Maria, Sillitti Matteo Michele, dell’”I.T.E.T. Rapisardi - Da Vinci” di Caltanissetta, Sicilia.

Is working out at home boring and unexciting? Keep fit while having fun with Smart Dumbbells!

Roberto Pompermaier

Connect any camper or van in a few simple steps. Add smart features for your safety, resource monitoring and increase passenger comfort.

ITIS "E. Fermi" - Leonardo Bellomo, Matteo De Vivo, Tommaso Abitante, Stefano Magnani, Tommaso Coviello, Lorenzo Evangelisti

Smemobox is a device that helps taking pills through acoustic signals, vibrations and lights to indicate the dosage.

Dropper S.R.L.

Innovative radar-based system for real-time urban pedestrian traffic monitoring, enhancing safety and urban planning capabilities in crowded environments.

Spark Srl

Autonomous rover for archeological operations that explores and creates 3D maps of inaccessible sites using AI algorithms.

IIS Marconi Civitavecchia

Yet another weathering station… but really different! A multidisciplinary approach from MicroPython to Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale DII, Università di Trento

New class of sustainable robotic technologies: mobile, flexible, collaborative, wearable with sustainable and multifunctional materials to reduce the environmental impact.

Nicola Quattrone, Alessandro Mattioli, Rosario Santoro, Roberto Zanichelli, Roberta Irardi, Diego Sebastiani, Federico Mazzaglia

In Swipe Mobility, we design more compact micromobility vehicles to improve the quality and environmental impact of last-mile urban transportation.

Franco M. Battagello, Michela Mascia, Ivano Basile, Marco Granati, Federica Saponaro, Fulvio Petti.

Multi-channel integrated solution of A.I. digital models to manage criticalities and climate change challenges. The current focus is on Agritech: viticulture.

Roberto Simmarano

This smart wearable patch is part of a kit for AI health diagnostic devices, offering diverse physiological measurements and data processing capabilities

Carlotta Marinai, Lucia Arcarisi, Francesca Giannetti, Nicola Carbonaro and Alessandro Tognetti

Transformed COPD with Healthcare 4.0. Explore the sensor kit: wearable device daytime, smart-mattress cover for unobtrusive sleep analysis at night!

Nature 4.0

We present TreeTalker®-Cyber, we make trees talk...and more. From Industry 4.0 to Nature 4.0

  A9 (pav. 4A.09)

Wei Xuelai, Wong Tat Hang, Zheng Jiakun

uAir is a portable CO2 Monitor for health-conscious individuals.

Annamaria Gerardino (CNR-IFN), Francesca Romana Bertani (CNR-IFN); Luca Businaro (CNR-IFN); Fabio Chiarello (CNR-IFN);

We use spectroscopy, i.e. light analysis, to understand the characteristics of products and verify what they contain

Christian Bronzini, Devis Dudau, Lorenzo Rossini, Lorenzo Olivieri, Nicolò Bernardini, Giacomo Battistelli, Luca Manoni, Simone Sebastiani

It is an innovative, green, project aimed at enhancing monuments through interactive lights controlled by your smartphone.

Gianluca Masi

Explore the real Universe live, from the comfort of you home, via our robotic telescopes: be an astronomer for one night!

Mase Andrea Pio, Colavecchia Andrea, Mastronicola Jacopo, Masiello Germano Pio, Macciotta Alessandro, De Rosa Luigi, Pietrantuono Claudia, Laurenza Gianluca

VisionAll is inclusion, accessibility and independence. The goal is to help visually impaired and blind students find their way around public facilities.

Dott. Juri Taborri, Prof. Giuseppe Calabrò, Dott. Andrea Zingoni, Dott. Michele Materazzini

La realtà virtuale e l'intelligenza artificiale per creare un ambiente educativo accessibile e inclusivo per studenti con disturbi dell'apprendimento.

Cristiano Reis Monteiro

A cheap, accurate, self-contained, dual-powered (mains and batteries), wireless-enabled, and portable NTP time server.

  C25 (pav. 3C.25)

Francesca Cappa, Daniela Nossa Díaz, Leonardo Moiso, Saverio Panichi, Jelena Sucic

Visualize and respond to invisible indoor air threats! WiBreath teaches you how to breathe healthier air in your environment. #AirSensing #SmartLiving

Jhansi Kalluri

Work Force Guardian for Mining industry can be driven through technology paradigm to meets its safety and production challenges.

  H9 (pav. 3H.09)

World Skate

World skate arrives at maker faire with a combination of traditional sports, sports innovation, esports and virtual technologies

  A1 (pav. 7A.01)


Fermentation times, energy costs and environmental impact reduced by 30 percent.

Data updated on 2025-02-17 - 11.54.04 am