Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "Open Source"

Liberini Giorgio

A remote-controlled rose used in the show "Frantumi" by choreographer Mizar Tagliavini. It combines electronics and art, highlighting their synergy.

  C20 (pav. 5C.20)

Kristijan Nelkovski

A sensor packed DIY robot kit with an Arduino sized footprint

  D12 (pav. 5D.12)

Francesco Salmaso

SE-α is a high performance 3D printer control board with a capcitive touch screen companion board

  G3 (pav. 3G.03)

Youssef Ait Ourtane, Samuele Celebre, Gabriele Germanetto, Federico Schiavon, Marco Silba, Marco Tarantini

Working on a DOTT scooter, one of the main global players in the field of urban Sharing Mobility, we build a support that allows to attach it securely to a light wheelchair.

Alessio Morale

Slammer: An open-source, autonomous rover, developed as a project to learn robotics

  D6 (pav. 5D.06)

IISS Colamonico-Chiarulli - Acquaviva delle Fonti (BA)

SmartBreak is a web application that revolutionizes school cafeteria orders, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and convenience for students and staff.

  A1 (pav. 8A.01)

Roberto Pompermaier

Connect any camper or van in a few simple steps. Add smart features for your safety, resource monitoring and increase passenger comfort.

Ferrarini Fabio , Paolo Cirinei , Leonardo Pacini ,

MARRtina the first Italian social robot is able to communicate with people and show social behaviors by interacting through the voice, facial expressions and body movement.

Giorgini Alfonso Maria

Sport-graf is a device which, through a wave amplifier, is able to detect the electrical activity of the muscle by applying three electrodes to the skin.

IIS Marconi Civitavecchia

Yet another weathering station… but really different! A multidisciplinary approach from MicroPython to Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale DII, Università di Trento

New class of sustainable robotic technologies: mobile, flexible, collaborative, wearable with sustainable and multifunctional materials to reduce the environmental impact.

Claudio La Rosa e Cesare di Mauro

Artificial intelligence. IoT. Human Brain Simulation. Supercomputing. Overcoming Moore's law. All this in an innovative project!

Rick MacDonald

How to use the latest low cost microcontroller and sensor technologies to create DIY electronic music instruments.

  C16 (pav. 5C.16)

Saverio Giulio Malatesta; Laura Leopardi; Paolo Rosati; Roberta Manzollino; Paola La Torre; Mariflora Caruso; Giulia Chellini

The Hatrix Reloaded is a collector of ideas, methodologies, prototypes and digital applications in the world of cultural heritage.

Carlotta Marinai, Lucia Arcarisi, Francesca Giannetti, Nicola Carbonaro and Alessandro Tognetti

Transformed COPD with Healthcare 4.0. Explore the sensor kit: wearable device daytime, smart-mattress cover for unobtrusive sleep analysis at night!

Christian Bronzini, Devis Dudau, Lorenzo Rossini, Lorenzo Olivieri, Nicolò Bernardini, Giacomo Battistelli, Luca Manoni, Simone Sebastiani

It is an innovative, green, project aimed at enhancing monuments through interactive lights controlled by your smartphone.


Student team of the Politecnico di Torino. We repair broken hardware and write and install open-source software.

Cristiano Reis Monteiro

A cheap, accurate, self-contained, dual-powered (mains and batteries), wireless-enabled, and portable NTP time server.

  C25 (pav. 3C.25)

Francesca Cappa, Daniela Nossa Díaz, Leonardo Moiso, Saverio Panichi, Jelena Sucic

Visualize and respond to invisible indoor air threats! WiBreath teaches you how to breathe healthier air in your environment. #AirSensing #SmartLiving

Data updated on 2025-02-17 - 11.53.24 am