Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Robotics"

Alessio Morale

Slammer is an autonomous rover project born as a learning platform for robotic in general and ROS.

  J.2.06 (pav. J)

RAIN - Robotic Automation Inspection Laboratory

SLIM is the Snake-Like robot for Inspection and Maintenance that explore the most dangerous and inaccessible areas of industrial plants

  B.10 (pav. B)

Culmone, Ottaviano e TaschettiITET Rapisardi Da Vinci Caltanissetta.

SMurphy is the techno-digital version of the famous game of the marble track. Moving your body you will lead the marble to the finish line.

Istituto Salesiano Bologna (referente Prof. Lanzoni Ing. Elio)

The present invention carries out in-flight surveys of water pollutants by using a drone.

  J.2.12 (pav. J)

Dr. Arash Ajoudani with the Human-Robot Interfaces and Physical Interaction (HRII) Lab group

A new generation of collaborative robots aiming at supporting workers during their activities both in manufacturing and hostile environments.

  B.10 (pav. B)

Domenico Prattichizzo

We will show prototypes of robotic grippers made by combining soft materials with magnetic actuators and devices capable of recreating tactile sensations in VR / AR environments.

  B.04 (pav. B)

Michele Tavolacci

feel free to explore remote place with an Actionoiseboard kit and a simple videocall. Muoviti da remoto con una semplice videochiamata.

The Ant Team

We propose a set of open projects dedicated to the manufacturing of diy electronics prototypes: our little "The Ant" CNC and our last top secret project!

Antonio Burrai - Selenia Marinelli

The corrupted body : a journey into the future of human-machine interaction.

  K.03 (pav. K)

Studenti del 10 corso ITS Tecnico Superiore per l'innovazione dei processi e prodotti meccanici. Prof. Benassi, Prof. Da Bove

Our challenge consist in a prototyping of an automatic machinery for production of surgical mask in a flexibly, efficiently and innovative way

  J.2.23 (pav. J)


Dive in the underwater world with WSenses disruptive underwater wireless Internet technologies. Come at our stand to see divers chatting underwater, IoT systems to monitor the oceans, to explore the oceans with the eyes of an underwater robot, and much more


Universal Space Connector allows satellites to be refueled with fuel and electricity.

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

UP Raccoon is a ROS robot capable of AI and SLAM.

Barbara Caputo

In this project, we will demonstrate state-of-the-art methodologies that Politecnico di Torino is currently exploring to develop the body of theoretical knowledge and algorithms necessary for robots and intelligent systems in general to learn autonomously about objects in an open-ended manner.

  B.03 (pav. B)

Antonio Pallotti, Leandro Lucangeli, Emanuele D'Angelantonio

Sensory suits for human kinematics, sensory socks for posturology, electroencephalographic and electromyographic bands for workplace safety, sensors for Covid-19

  J.T.19 (pav. J)
Data updated on 2025-02-13 - 2.52.43 pm