Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "Wellness & Healthcare"

Maurizio Mario Murino

A tool to help medical professionals evaluate the empirical rigour of scientific papers.

Team Rookeys

LIFE PILLARS: a green infrastructure capable of mitigating urban heat islands and increasing biodiversity

Marco Fellin, Roberto Scotta, Emanuele Sartori, Ario Ceccotti, Daniele Casagrande, Andrea Polastri, XLAM Dolomiti spa

LifeShell. Life in a shell: life saving wooden furniture protecting from earthquakes collapses.

Matteo Di Troia, Andrea Bachini, Multiconnect, Alessandro Splendori e Manfredi Scanagatta. Come consulente tecnico la Reelco di Paolo Aliverti.

We have created Light Wheel, an open-source board that repurposes components from discarded scooters, reducing environmental impact. We present a prototype application for manual wheelchairs, offering low-cost autonomous mobility for disabled individuals. The board provides advanced functionality and safety features, including speed control, anti-tipping measures, alerts, and collision sensors. Our project promotes innovation, social well-being, and the versatile potential of Light Wheel.

  A1 (pav. 6A.01)

Alessio Sansò ed Emanuele Battista

We have designed and created an innovative wheelchair for people with disabilities, featuring a modern design and made from sustainable materials. We have incorporated all the desires of individuals with disabilities or reduced motor functionality into a single device, including portability, verticality, electric power, cool aesthetics, and indoor use. Thus, we have developed a prototype, and the device will be on the market in 2024.

LongITools Research Team - Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

Intelligent system to monitor and analyze the interactions between environment, lifestyle and health

Milan Alice, Nepa Francesco, Sabato Marco.

"Mangioco" is a set of multi-sensory tools for children, designed for the period after weaning and before the transition to classic cutlery.

  H3 (pav. 6H.03)

Pierluigi Zerbini e Luigi Cirulli

In this project we use a plastic bottle of mineral water to simulate the resistance that the abdomen of the human body opposes during compressions in emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ETC). For the training of people in this type of maneuvers, are generally used specialized mannequins that, while reproducing in an exact manner the human anatomy, are on the other hand very expensive, limiting in fact the number of people who can try at least once the experience of simulation.

  A13 (pav. 6A.13)

V.E.T.RO.: Luca Distefano, Anna Fumagalli, Giuliano Giampietro, Jamila Naffati, Catia Romaniello, Vincenzo Maria Vitale, Prof. Marilena Vendittelli

Immerse yourself into a 3D virtual reality environment and feel haptic feedback by simulating medical procedures.

  D10 (pav. 5D.10)

Medici Senza Frontiere

Discover the work of Doctors Without Borders aid workers in the field through a virtual journey.

  H6 (pav. 8H.06)

Adriano Giannini

It's a “beverage design” editorial format, consisting of a short story associated with a tea or herbal tea bag, whose reading time coincides with that of infusion: 5 minutes.

posti s.r.l.

An agrifood metaverse with metabolic avatars, blockchain-tracked products, and immersive technologies for healthy and sustainable nutrition.

G. Blandino, S. Strano, S. Donzelli C.Pulito, C.Frascolla, S. Vaccarella, D.Rutigliano, R. Brandi

3D culture models of cancer cells used to replicate tumor biology for drug development and personalized medicine.

Francesca De Felice, Claudia Marchetti

OVERSEA is an application that supports medical activity, in the field of oncology.

  H3 (pav. 6H.03)


Adults academy Club membership campaign Clinic 2/3 days

  D1 (pav. 7D.01)

Daniel Tucciarone

We are placed to share our knwolodge in the amateur padel tennis, involving the players and the costumers with events and match

  C5 (pav. 7C.05)

Luigi Spera

PADEL SMASH FUTURE powered by Padel Trend Expo

  C6 (pav. 7C.06)

Luigi Spera

Padel Trend "Future" is an innovative laboratory of ideas linked to the promotion and development of the sport of the moment and its applications in the digital and technological fields

Karin Cappelletti

PADEL WOOD is the first didactical Padel racket entirely Made in Italy.

  D8 (pav. 7D.08)

Stefano Spadaro - Roberto Cardinali

Padelaroma.it is an e-commerce site for the sale of specific padel equipment. Rackets and more to help players of all levels find the right equipment for every need. We have the opportunity to test the rackets on the field with a certified master, trainer and technician specialized in the constructive improvement of the rackets themselves. We have several collection points and pro shops in Rome where you can come and visit us and discover all the products at super competitive prices.

  C2 (pav. 7C.02)

Tommaso Caligari

Markerless AI-based device for gait analysis and earlier diagnosis of Parkinson disease.

Simone e Silvia

Driven to Perfection

  D2 (pav. 7D.02)

Fausto Arpino, Giorgio Buonanno

Personal air cleaner reduces exposure to environmental and respiratory particles both in close proximity and in shared indoor environments.

  A11 (pav. 4A.11)

GenB, BlueMissionMed

Discover green and blue economy, for a sustainable and healthy Planet.

Medere s.r.l.

Custom-fit and sports 3D-printed insoles with green materials for sustainable and comfortable foot orthotics, reducing environmental impact.

Enactus UniTS

Discover Quiet Office: a harmonious fusion of remote work, stunning landscapes, and cultural immersion. Redefine work-life balance.

Marco De Spirito, Giuseppe Maulucci, Giada Bianchetti, Cassandra Serantoni, Alessia Riente, Alessio Albetino

A tool for real time and personalized improvement in cardiovascular fitness

Team di Optometria Roma Tre


Chiarelli Giovanni, Corsi Filippo e Obinu Cristian classe V A Elettronica Robotica IIS Tito Sarrocchi Siena

The objective is to implement a wheelchair with an electrified head-controlled system specially thought for paraplegics, i.e., person with inability to voluntarily move the upper and lower parts of the body; a series of sensors were placed on the perimeter of the chair to avoid obstacles and to provide information on the surrounding environment.



( PATENTS EUROPEAN EP3743290, U.S.A. US16961833 )

Alberto Greco, Alessio Iannizzotto, Roberto Garofalo

An advanced system for the monitoring of psychophysiological status to prevent physical and psychological injuries at workplaces.

We Do Fablab

Learning by playing with technology to perform daily activities and prepare for independent living

  A5 (pav. 6A.05)

Ing. Gabriele Burnelli

The Magic Box is a device that can be used to increase safety in scientific laboratories by reducing electrical risks

Cassandra Serantoni, Marco de Spirito, Giuseppe Maulucci, Alessia Riente, Giada Bianchetti, Alessio Abeltino - Metabolic Intelligence Lab

A tool for personalized cosmetics

  D19 (pav. 6D.19)

Carli Lorenzo, Difrancesco Gabriele, Larosa Paolo Maria, Sillitti Matteo Michele, dell’”I.T.E.T. Rapisardi - Da Vinci” di Caltanissetta, Sicilia.

Is working out at home boring and unexciting? Keep fit while having fun with Smart Dumbbells!

Traverso Federico

An intelligent kit equipped with a virtual assistant that will help you to be able to help anyone in any situation.


The all-in-one application for inclusive tourism. A tangible support for a unique experience

  G2 (pav. 6G.02)

ITIS "E. Fermi" - Leonardo Bellomo, Matteo De Vivo, Tommaso Abitante, Stefano Magnani, Tommaso Coviello, Lorenzo Evangelisti

Smemobox is a device that helps taking pills through acoustic signals, vibrations and lights to indicate the dosage.

Antonio Idà

a green advancement in spirulina production

Giorgini Alfonso Maria

Sport-graf is a device which, through a wave amplifier, is able to detect the electrical activity of the muscle by applying three electrodes to the skin.


We improve the quality of life of ostomy patients and their families

Roberto Simmarano

This smart wearable patch is part of a kit for AI health diagnostic devices, offering diverse physiological measurements and data processing capabilities

Carlotta Marinai, Lucia Arcarisi, Francesca Giannetti, Nicola Carbonaro and Alessandro Tognetti

Transformed COPD with Healthcare 4.0. Explore the sensor kit: wearable device daytime, smart-mattress cover for unobtrusive sleep analysis at night!

Wei Xuelai, Wong Tat Hang, Zheng Jiakun

uAir is a portable CO2 Monitor for health-conscious individuals.

Pietro Aricò, Arianna Trettel, Antonello Di Florio, Francesco Della Monica, Gianluca Di Flumeri, Gianluca Borghini, Fabio Babiloni

Mindtooth allows the neurophysiological evaluation of people in a wide range of situation

  H3 (pav. 6H.03)

Mase Andrea Pio, Colavecchia Andrea, Mastronicola Jacopo, Masiello Germano Pio, Macciotta Alessandro, De Rosa Luigi, Pietrantuono Claudia, Laurenza Gianluca

VisionAll is inclusion, accessibility and independence. The goal is to help visually impaired and blind students find their way around public facilities.


AI-supported tele-rehabilitation to monitor the patient in the post-therapy phase, for any age.

  B19 (pav. 6B.19)


Whoplays is a match organiser that helps sportsmen and women to easily organise a sports event and sports centres to run the centre and grow their business.

Jhansi Kalluri

Work Force Guardian for Mining industry can be driven through technology paradigm to meets its safety and production challenges.

  H9 (pav. 3H.09)

Lucrezia Grassi, Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto, Antonio Sgorbissa

Caring AI & Robotics: An autonomous robot promoting inclusive and engaging group conversations.

Data updated on 2025-01-24 - 1.02.50 am