Exhibitors 2021

Maker Faire Rome 2021: discover our makers, exhibitors and all the selected projects!

Discover here all the exhibitors of the 2021edition of Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition

DHLab Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Roma Tre

How can ICT empower Humanities? One question, different answers for Archaeology, Geography, Italian Literature, Paleography, History, Art History and Philology.

Prof. Giorgio Dalpiaz

New multisensor system integrated in a mechanical drive for diagnostics/ prognostics of problems and end-of-life cycles

VAHA - Virtual Architecture Handicraft Art

VAHA presents the works of digital craft born within the "Bottega Virtuale". The projects arise from listening to the needs of end users and above all from the cooperation of more professionalism.

Fondazione Mondo Digitale

Machine intelligence, cloud, additive manufacturing, big data Digital Made is a modular programme that aims to accelerate digital transformation in the fashion sector with the contribution of young men and women.

Anatole Deligant, Paulo Sacramento, Sveinung Loekken

Explore a 3D model of the ESA/ESRIN site in Virtual Reality, augmented with Air Quality data

  J.1.26 (pav. J)

Sandra Chistolini, Sara Navarro Lalanda

The project invests in knowledge, creates multimedia educational products, gives opportunities to learn about the use of digital technology.

Daniel Sandoval Villa

Learn to create several musical instruments made with cardboard end recycled materials controlled by Micro:bits microcontroller.


Fully open source modular and customized home automation assistant

  J.T.24 (pav. J)

Elisa Gusai, Andrea Zedda, Salvatore Spanu, Giulia Baldazzi, Marco Caruso, Stefano Bertuletti, Andrea Pibiri, Marco Monticone, Andrea Cereatti, Danilo Pani.

DoMoMEA implements an innovative telemonitoring approach to guarantee a fair access to rehabilitation services to all patients.


Anti-glare safety device for motor vehicles. protects from the suns rays, from car headlights and the artificial lights

Alessandro Giann

Due to the Image is a painting made by Alessandro Giann in collaboration with an AI called Vasari (from Giorgio Vasari, 1511-1574).

  H.02 (pav. H)


We will explore the technology and applications used in ESA's Earth observation projects.

  A.09 (pav. A)

arnaldo UCCELLA - Itamia Engineering srl

Itamia Engineering srl per MAKE TO CARE Easy Move un dispositivo capace di riabilitare persone che hanno subito traumi alle articolazioni inferiori, comprese amputazione e ricostruzioni.


Small Giants

Enriched with insect flour, our snacks are mega tasty and packed with planet-positive protein. Ready to join this food revolution?


The project is completed and fully functional consists of an assistance system with electric motor and battery for the muscle bicycle, the system uses a belt transmission with longitudinal ribs (7.0x3.5 mm), the same is placed between the pinion of the motor (positioned under the saddle) and a special pulley fixed to the rear wheel hub and integral with it

  J.1.18 (pav. J)

Laboratorio CG3HCI (Prof. Lucio Davide Spano)

Create your Virtual Reality environment configuring templates by inserting contents and defining how it works using rules.

  K.02 (pav. K)

riscarti fest

Eco prize, made with recycled plastics. Redistribute the value of things, the prizes are made with a material that is a treasure, that rewards the smaller ecological footprint, in all areas.

  I.09 (pav. I)

Francesco Margheriti, Marco Chianura

Design and development of an eco-sustainable cosmetic products from waste materials and formulated with completely green and vegan excipients and manufacturing processes.

Prof. Michele Pinelli

New technologies of fluid machines and hydraulic components to be used in power transmissions that use eco-friendly fluids

Elaisian is the decision support system (DSS) that prevents the diseases of olive, vine and almond trees, able to optimize the cultivation processes. The sta …
  E.10 (pav. E)


Upper limb 3D printed prosthesis driven by EMG signals and AI.

Entangled Others (Sofia Crespo x Feileacan McCormick)

Fantastic aquatic creatures generated by machine learning, hinting at the seemingly endless biodiversity of the natural world.

  H.14 (pav. H)

Andrea Fontanelli

ENDRIU is an autonomous modular mobile robot for sanitization using UV-C light and electrostatic air filtering.

  J.1.06 (pav. J)

Carmine Stefano Clemente, Daniele Davino, Immacolato Iannone, Vincenzo Paolo Loschiavo

Energy harvesting makes possible the feeding of wireless sensors where and when it is needed.

  D.06 (pav. D)


We are an energy company. We concretely support a just energy transition, with the objective of preserving our planet and promoting an efficient and sustaina …

  A.02 (pav. A)

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

Erwhi Hedgehog is a small open source ROS robot that is capable of SLAM and Vision AI.

Michela Musto / Flavio Galdi - The Spark Creative Hub

The project consists of a catalog of complex forms that emerge from the freeze of generative growth in precise moments

  J.T.17 (pav. J)

Jacopo Ranalli - EXOS

Exos Armor PER MAKE TO CARE Ad Exos realizziamo corsetti ortopedici per scoliosi traspiranti, stampati in 3D. I nostri dispositivi sono costruiti in collaborazione con cliniche ortopediche partner e sono personalizzabili in ogni loro aspetto. Ne risulta un prodotto che aumenta notevolmente la qualit della vita di chi li indossa. Rispetto ai nostri competitor, utilizziamo un originale processo produttivo che ci permette di produrre dispositivi di qualit comparabile ma con costi e tempi di produzione notevolmente ridotti. Allo stesso tempo la produzione in remoto ci consente di espanderci con facilit, rendendo la nostra tecnologia particolarmente utile in aree del mondo con risorse o accesso all'assistenza sanitaria limitati. Maggiori dettagli: https://exosarmor.it/overview


Loris Roveda*, Asad Ali Shahid, Marta Gandolla, Alessandra Pedrocchi, Francesco Braghin, Federico Fraboni, Luca Pietrantoni, Matteo Tozzi, Giovanni Fusi, Davide Fausti, Maurizio Mor

Passive exoskeleton for back-support in industrial operations.

  B.06 (pav. B)

Classe 3 B Informatica Leonardo da Vinci Viterbo

We thought of creating a device that was useful and functional for those who have communication problems


Jellyfish Fab. by Lucas Zeer, Cristina Coronado Osornio and Yue Liu

A tiny alien goo that loves to dance and play, controlled by lights and electromagnets and powered by USB.

Massimo Proia, Maddalena Mariani, Antonella Della Bella

Filanda 4.0. A dialogue between tradition and innovation to rethink silk as a new "Made in Italy" excellence.

  B.22 (pav. B)

Rothaugen skole

A project that combines the traditional elements of Mathematics with the interactive elements of gaming.

La Bottega delle Idee - May

Mechanical pinball machine in assembly box handmade with Leonardo da Vinci's gears

  J.T.21 (pav. J)

La Bottega delle Idee - May

Mechanical pinball machine for 4 simultaneous players hand made with Leonardo da Vinci gears.

  J.T.21 (pav. J)

La Bottega delle Idee - May

Mechanical pinball machine in assembly box handmade with Leonardo da Vinci's gears

  J.T.21 (pav. J)

Camilla Gironi e Sara Muscolo

FLUID is a system of phygital interfaces for human-machine interaction in the field of intelligent manufacturing.

Marco Ferrantini e Erdit Hallulli

Foglia is a project born in occasion of the Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2017. The first version was a small Ikea greenhouse with a whole set of sensors and probes installed using 3D printed supports and adapters. (Learn more about the IKEA KRYDDA). The development platform is RaspberryPi.

Freie Maker e.V.

Freie Maker e.V. wants to let people get access to technologies, through DIY, OpenSource and learning by doing.

  E.13 (pav. E)

Fabio Giovanni Pasquarella e Aldo Pasquale Pasquarella

The first Artificial Intelligence able to create ice cream recipes from scratch! Come and taste the future!

VILLAM (Anita Cal) e ARSHAKE (Elena Giulia Rossi)

It starts from the ground up, metaphorically but also materially. The project becomes the theatre for a transdisciplinary operation moving between the most radical agricultural practices and the most advanced technologies.

Virgilio Maretto

GIUSTA is a new Delivery platform that revolutionizes the logic of food delivery, with a well-defined positioning that aims to change the status quo relating to the ethics of commissions, protection of the rider, limited coverage of deliveries and quality of the food delivered. It proposes a sustainable, ethical and guaranteed digital food delivery model.

  J.S.26 (pav. J)

Andrea Tomasoni - REMOOVE

REMOOVE PER MAKE TO CARE Obiettivo del progetto lapertura di una rete di Bike-Rental innovativo dotato di e-bike a carattere inclusivo, inedite per il mercato italiano, progettate per il trasporto di anziani, persone con disabilit e famiglie con bambini, affiancato da Servizio di Accompagnamento dedicato, effettuato da figure adeguatamente formate su accessibilit e inclusione. Sar cos finalmente possibile far vivere unesperienza di ciclabilit a chiunque, indipendentemente dalla propria condizione di inabilit migliorandone la qualit di vita e ampliando significativamente il perimetro di libert ed autonomia individuale. REMOOVE ha identificato nella bicicletta il pi efficace elemento di abilitazione di una Comunit e del suo Territorio.


Dr.ssa Sara Panseri, Dr. Mauro Fontana, Dr. Massimo Revello, Prof. Roberto Lavecchia, Prof. Luca Chiesa and Prof. Antonio Zuorro

A green technology based on infrared treatment to improve safety and quality of milk and beverages via sustainable process

  J.2.17 (pav. J)


Hannah: a system for the automatic positioning and integrity control of the facial masks based on deep learning.

Classe 4A dell'indirizzo di Meccanica Meccatronica ed Energia dell'Istituto Mattei di Conselve (PD)

This is a hydraulic bench that automatically measures the thermal power handed over by heated water to the air.

Christian Ferracane

We are building a rocket capable of self-stabilizing (thrust vectoring control) through a specially designed and developed avionics system

Data updated on 2025-01-24 - 1.49.31 am