Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "Science"

Massimiliana Carello and the Politecnico di Torino Teams

The Politecnico di Torino presents the most important students Teams involved in sustainability, ecological aspect, low consumption, mobility, recycle, reducing environmental impact and promoting circular economy.

Carlotta Marinai, Lucia Arcarisi, Francesca Giannetti, Nicola Carbonaro and Alessandro Tognetti

Transformed COPD with Healthcare 4.0. Explore the sensor kit: wearable device daytime, smart-mattress cover for unobtrusive sleep analysis at night!

Nature 4.0

We present TreeTalker®-Cyber, we make trees talk...and more. From Industry 4.0 to Nature 4.0

  A9 (pav. 4A.09)

4BM ITIS "G.Galilei"_IIS Pontecorvo

Two-stroke engine created with a 3D printer in PLA material with planetary gearbox driven by an electric engine

Annamaria Gerardino (CNR-IFN), Francesca Romana Bertani (CNR-IFN); Luca Businaro (CNR-IFN); Fabio Chiarello (CNR-IFN);

We use spectroscopy, i.e. light analysis, to understand the characteristics of products and verify what they contain

Accademia Italiana della Marina Mercantile

Celestial Sphere in virtual reality to facilitate learning and continuous training of astronomical navigation skills for seafarers

  D11 (pav. 6D.11)

Gianluca Masi

Explore the real Universe live, from the comfort of you home, via our robotic telescopes: be an astronomer for one night!

MUltimedia & SEcurity (MUSE) Group

Users' Movement analysis in Virtual Reality for Quality of Experience assessment.

IIS Marconi Galletti Einaudi Domodossola 4INFA

Water Sampling Drone is an automatic surface water sampling system based on the STM32 microcontroller.

Cristiano Reis Monteiro

A cheap, accurate, self-contained, dual-powered (mains and batteries), wireless-enabled, and portable NTP time server.

  C25 (pav. 3C.25)

Francesca Cappa, Daniela Nossa Díaz, Leonardo Moiso, Saverio Panichi, Jelena Sucic

Visualize and respond to invisible indoor air threats! WiBreath teaches you how to breathe healthier air in your environment. #AirSensing #SmartLiving

Jhansi Kalluri

Work Force Guardian for Mining industry can be driven through technology paradigm to meets its safety and production challenges.

  H9 (pav. 3H.09)
Data updated on 2024-12-08 - 6.35.22 am