Exhibitors 2023

Category "Makers"

MindsHub APS

An app for taking care of the environment while having fun

  G10 (pav. 8G.10)

Autori: Andrea Abita, Francesco Onorati - Gruppo: Intelligenza Artigianale

Smart book storage with RFID detection for effortless book tracking and retrieval.

Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Sapienza Università di Roma
Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale

The future of sustainable agriculture will also depend on the adoption of innovative technologies like those being experimented with by researchers from some universities in Lazio.

  B1 (pav. 4B.01)

Maria Clelia Scuteri

Invaerso challenges the limits of the conventional world through a unique and innovative supply chain to create non-ordinary jewels that have the ability to leave a significant and profound mark.

Luna Rasetti

Recycle for the future, do it togheter!

  D3 (pav. 7D.03)

Paride Duello (e-Nable Italia)

Design of assistive devices led by children with disabilities. An application of a new design paradigm: Disability led Design.

  D4 (pav. 6D.04)


The most innovative IoT technologies for satellite and terrestrial communication anywhere

  A18 (pav. 3A.18)

Carmine Bourelly, Luigi Ferrigno, Gianfranco Miele

IoT smart sensor for Radon gas concentration monitoring in indoor working places according to the EU Council Directive 2013/59/EURATOM.

iotilize.me - Matteo Giaccone, Francesco Goberti, Francesco Castellano

iotilize.me shows the real-time amount of waste inside any kind of container, taking collectors work to a new level

Avelon Bardhi, Pietro Chillè, Giorgia Grilli, Francesco Tuzzi

A game designed to help teach children about sustainability and waste recycling through a fun challenging game.


Federico Giannakopoulos

IT2 in italian stands for seaplane test number 2. The objective of this project? Making experiments and explore innovative building methods between past and future.

Upg S.r.l.s. / Andrea Marotta

KeyGest is the electronic key that manages the complete access control and management

  E19 (pav. 3E.19)

Paolo Cintia

Kode has been creating Artificial Intelligence products and solutions for its customers for over 10 years in the logistics, industry 4.0, chemical and healthcare sectors. Thanks to its experience and mix of multidisciplinary skills, it is the ideal technological partner for companies that want to embark on a path of digital transformation, leveraging Data Science to improve and simplify own business thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

  B16 (pav. 7B.16)

Jerelyn Creado

Bringing together old age art and new age art to make the perfect artisanal pair of shoes.

  H6 (pav. 4H.06)


Our ethical fashion vegan and cruelty-free Promoters of our ethical fashion since 2019, we believe a way of life respectful of the environment and animals is not made up of renunciations, but of choices. Every choice we make is a challenge we accept

  H16 (pav. 4H.16)

f.lli garuti srl / centro studi doria

innovative packaging, eco-sustainable, 100% recyclable, FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified.

Marco Baruzzo e Carlo Fonda

By re-using a water fountain we built a "Wilson's Cloud chamber" particle detector, come and enjoy electrons and muons!

  E2 (pav. 3E.02)

Susanna Cattaneo, Alberto Carugo, Giulia De Gois, Andrea Delaini

La giusta via is a fun game that teaches children general knowledge and gestures.

  I10 (pav. 3I.10)

La tana del mago

The first Italian magic wand that shoots real fireballs.

  L15 (pav. 3L.15)

Invisible Cities srl

Discover how timekeeping has contributed to the evolution of technology through an exciting VR 360 journey

  C1 (pav. 5C.01)

Massimiliano Di Cuia

LabelBay the first software for automatic creation of print-ready graphic files for personalized products sold online on marketplaces and ecommerce

  F5 (pav. 5F.05)

Maker Camp, Marco Vigelini

Explore, learn, and grow with Maker Camp's educational labs! We fuse Minecraft, Roblox, Splatoon, Super Mario and simracing into unforgettable learning experiences

  MAKERCAMP (pav. 8)

Ideatore Claudio Gioserio

Innovative LED lamps thanks to exclusive invention patent, with unique design, high luminous efficiency, and anti-glare technology

  C13 (pav. 3C.13)


Using 3D technology for inclusive teaching and learning, making scientific divulgation more accessible to everyone

Castiglione Carola, Cappiello Mattia, Frova Giacomo, Macciachini Mattia

A game that aims to enhance fine motor skills, logic, observational abilities, creativity and that teaches the child balance.

MuSEd – Museo della Scuola e dell’Educazione “Mauro Laeng” – Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione – Università Roma Tre - Italy

Educating for memory and cultural heritage by giving a voice to the objects of material and intangible history of education.

  E8 (pav. 8E.08)

Liberini Giorgio

Simple, cheap, affordable LIDAR using TF-luna, nema 16 slim motor, nodemcu, a4988 stepper driver, for robotic obstacle detection.

  C20 (pav. 5C.20)

Marco Bascietto, Alessandro Alivernini, Loredana Oreti

LIFE FOLIAGE aims to improve forest governance through the digitization of administrative procedure and the implementation of satellite imagery.

  D8 (pav. 6D.08)

Team Rookeys

LIFE PILLARS: a green infrastructure capable of mitigating urban heat islands and increasing biodiversity

Matteo Di Troia, Andrea Bachini, Multiconnect, Alessandro Splendori e Manfredi Scanagatta. Come consulente tecnico la Reelco di Paolo Aliverti.

We have created Light Wheel, an open-source board that repurposes components from discarded scooters, reducing environmental impact. We present a prototype application for manual wheelchairs, offering low-cost autonomous mobility for disabled individuals. The board provides advanced functionality and safety features, including speed control, anti-tipping measures, alerts, and collision sensors. Our project promotes innovation, social well-being, and the versatile potential of Light Wheel.

  A1 (pav. 6A.01)

Alessio Sansò ed Emanuele Battista

We have designed and created an innovative wheelchair for people with disabilities, featuring a modern design and made from sustainable materials. We have incorporated all the desires of individuals with disabilities or reduced motor functionality into a single device, including portability, verticality, electric power, cool aesthetics, and indoor use. Thus, we have developed a prototype, and the device will be on the market in 2024.


Helios Domotics S.r.l.

lit has developed a user-friendly product that allows you to monitor domestic and commercial electricity.

Augusto Federici e Francesco Gasperoni

We connect small producers to families who want to go back to their roots, eat what has been harvested in the morning and delivered to their tables in the afternoon, fresh, seasonal and at Km0.

  F10 (pav. 4F.10)

Giuseppe De Lorenzo

LUCIESP - A real time display monitor for zucchetti, sofar solar and voltronic solar inverters and related batteries

  D16 (pav. 4D.16)

LVenture Group S.p.A.

LVenture Group è una società di Venture Capital quotata in Borsa Italiana che investe in startup digitali

  D4 (pav. 3D.04)

associazione culturale Infomadarte

The art of using fantasy, creativity and imagination to conceive something useful and enjoyable at the same time!"

  Experience Lab 12 (p


MaCh3D is a smart Material Testing platform aimed to speed-up and democratize material testing moving it outside laboratories directly to industrial production or makers/students/innovators' desks.

Sartorato Caterina, Vanini Fabiana, Maistri Gabriele, Gorra Elisa

Macro-Micro allows you to learn fundamental categories and their subcategories through an immersive experience of images, opening children's minds to discovery.

  I14 (pav. 3I.14)

Pierfrancesco Panunzi

Now you can do incredible magical effects with little expense and lots of inventiveness using only Arduino and App Inventor (Android) and 3D print.

  C24 (pav. 3C.24)

Alessandro Stroppa, Dirigente di Ricerca CNR-SPIN c/o L'Aquila e Karin Giorgini, Insegnante Scuola Primaria

How to explain the complexity of symmetry breaking to primary school children, using simple games with geometric figures?

  C14 (pav. 5C.14)


Maria Patrizia Marra Jewels - Salento designer This is where her jewels are born, inspired by memories of the past, nature and her homeland. Jewels that speak of the sea, of fragrances, embellished with starfish, prickly pears, seahorses and corals. His creations represent a bridge between the past and the present, between Salento and the new context of the modern city, without losing sight of the details of the refined craftsmanship of each jewel, all made in bronze and silver. Intended for women of all ages, the fundamental characteristic that unites them is feeling free, refined and elegant.

Pierluigi Zerbini e Luigi Cirulli

In this project we use a plastic bottle of mineral water to simulate the resistance that the abdomen of the human body opposes during compressions in emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ETC). For the training of people in this type of maneuvers, are generally used specialized mannequins that, while reproducing in an exact manner the human anatomy, are on the other hand very expensive, limiting in fact the number of people who can try at least once the experience of simulation.

  A13 (pav. 6A.13)


MAUS - Arduino Clone that acts as a Mouse Jiggler. With on board RED LED and WS2812B RGB LED. Fully Customizable.

  E4 (pav. 3E.04)

Cesaria de Vincenzo, Emiliano Piccinin

MeeTravel is the social network powered by AI for finding your ideal travel buddies.

  G2 (pav. 4G.02)

Rossella Manganiello, Mauro Pagano, Roberto Ciccoritti, Roberto Tomasone, Carla Cedrola

The micro-lab is an innovative portable and easy-to-use system equipped with low-cost digital and sensorized devices to continuously monitor the main chemico-physical parameters of storage liquids of some agri-food products.

Isabella Pisano e Antonino Biundo

With a creative scientific and culture approach MICRO4BIO project aims to promote the impact of biotechnology on everyday life.

Jack Daly

A palm-sized Build-Your-Own arcade cabinet made entirely from PCB

  B15 (pav. 8B.15)

Luigi d'Aquino

The 'Microcosm to grow plants under biotic and abiotic conditioning' is an innovative device for growing plants under laboratory conditions like under wild and crop conditions, suitable for basic and applied reasearch.

  C4 (pav. 4C.04)

Mind Room Lab s.r.l.

VR apps for concentration in Sports

  A1 (pav. 7A.01)


Experience the future of control surfaces with Mine S - a versatile, customizable, and innovative modular controller for diverse applications.

Data updated on 2025-02-12 - 7.20.29 am