Exhibitors 2021

Maker Faire Rome 2021: discover our makers, exhibitors and all the selected projects!

Discover here all the exhibitors of the 2021edition of Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition

Michele Tavolacci

feel free to explore remote place with an Actionoiseboard kit and a simple videocall. Muoviti da remoto con una semplice videochiamata.

We are Europes largest independent electricity transmission operator with over 74,000km high-voltage lines managed throughout the Italian territory. We work …
  F.08 (pav. F)

Claudio La Rosa e Cesare di Mauro

Artificial intelligence. IoT. Human Brain Simulation. Supercomputing. Overcoming Moore's law. All this in an innovative project!

The Ant Team

We propose a set of open projects dedicated to the manufacturing of diy electronics prototypes: our little "The Ant" CNC and our last top secret project!

Antonio Burrai - Selenia Marinelli

The corrupted body : a journey into the future of human-machine interaction.

  K.03 (pav. K)

Catherine DIgnazio, Lauren F. Klein, Marcia Diaz Agudelo

Data Feminism is a new way of thinking about data science and data ethicsone that is informed by intersectional feminist activism and critical thought - in order to imagine more ethical and equitable data practices.

  H.08 (pav. H)

La Bottega delle Idee - May

Three musicians a pianist, a drummer and a double bass player who play their instruments thanks to a series of gears, cams and wires.

  J.T.21 (pav. J)


A new way to see your city in the future. The LCIM app for smartphones gives you an augmented vision of the urban space

TAC is the application designed for companies and professionals, born with the aim of revolutionizing the dynamics of sharing business cards, business docume …
  J.T.20 (pav. J)

Virgilio Maretto

The goal of this project is to enhance the product chain of the HQF Agricola company, offering the producers a traceability service for all products and narration of key contents to the consumer, based on innovative technologies, first of all the blockchain.

Lupi Paola e Luigi Merz

Within the context, and in partneship with, Lazio's Food Hub we design and produce new products for the farmers.

Stefano Purchiaroni

The device allows to test DIY radio controlled clocks, or to synchronize clocks in a domestic or job building in case of poor reception of the native DCF77 transmission


It is a telerehabilitation platform for the autonomous but asynchronous monitored rehabilitation, with exergames controlled by worned sensors. u-do.it

Gianluca Sesenna DI U&O Technologies

U&O Technologies PER MAKE TO CARE U&O Technologies una startup innovativa MedTech che progetta e sviluppa esoscheletri medicali.


Studenti del 10 corso ITS Tecnico Superiore per l'innovazione dei processi e prodotti meccanici. Prof. Benassi, Prof. Da Bove

Our challenge consist in a prototyping of an automatic machinery for production of surgical mask in a flexibly, efficiently and innovative way

  J.2.23 (pav. J)


Dive in the underwater world with WSenses disruptive underwater wireless Internet technologies. Come at our stand to see divers chatting underwater, IoT systems to monitor the oceans, to explore the oceans with the eyes of an underwater robot, and much more

UniCredit is a simple successful Pan European Commercial Bank, with a fully plugged in Corporate & Investment Banking, delivering a unique Western, Centr …
  D.00 (pav. D)

For the ninth consecutive year, Unidata participates as Gold Partner and Technical Sponsor of Maker Faire 2021 - The European Edition. The Unidata pavilion w …
  D.01 (pav. D)

PIDS - Digital Enterprise Points of the Chambers of Commerce are 88 service structures distributed throughout the national territory to support micro, small …
  F.10 (pav. F)

Lisa Salaris, Massimiliano Ceppi, Gabriele Saba, Dario Vucinic, Fabio Zanchetta, Lorenzo Elia, Mariavittoria Ghezzi

UniTS Racing Team is the official student's Formula SAE team that aims to develop and manufacture an electric racing car.


Universal Space Connector allows satellites to be refueled with fuel and electricity.

  D.10 (pav. D)

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

UP Raccoon is a ROS robot capable of AI and SLAM.

Stefano Converso

Architects and Designers to Hybridize waste sites and Fab Labs to build "design upcycling centers". The main concept is: Bring Your Waste, get your furniture!

Gian Paolo Leone, Daniele Pizzichini, Claudio Russo

Circular Bioeconomy - intelligent use of renewable bio-resources, wastes and by-products to obtain bio-based high added products.

  J.S.16 (pav. J)


My new toilet for the disabled was developed to give life to an inclusive and innovative project, it does not exist on the market.

  J.1.02 (pav. J)

Giuseppe Marotta

The VERITAS project uses precision viticulture in order to realize wine with sustainability attributes

Vitalii Kotovskyi, Alice Voltan, Mauro Riva

Technology for a smart experience in the venetian villas and Italian Heritage

  J.2.24 (pav. J)

Barbara Caputo

In this project, we will demonstrate state-of-the-art methodologies that Politecnico di Torino is currently exploring to develop the body of theoretical knowledge and algorithms necessary for robots and intelligent systems in general to learn autonomously about objects in an open-ended manner.

  B.03 (pav. B)

Arianna Arienzo

VoiceMed identifies diseases at an early stage and monitors the health status remotely by combining Artificial Intelligence with sound recording.

  J.1.11 (pav. J)

Tommaso - Luca - Desiree - Daniele

RECO2 is a Cleantech startup that through a revolutionary production process based on the circular economy produces products for green building.

  J.T.13 (pav. J)

Antonio Pallotti, Leandro Lucangeli, Emanuele D'Angelantonio

Sensory suits for human kinematics, sensory socks for posturology, electroencephalographic and electromyographic bands for workplace safety, sensors for Covid-19

  J.T.19 (pav. J)

The Working Bees

Wastology is a product that allows you to repurpose organic waste by composting it in the comfort of your kitchen. The compost created from your daily organic trash is then used to nourish and grow the plants placed at the top of your Wastology compost pot. It is one concept aiming for a closed-loop.

Manuel Favaron, Riccardo Sassetti, Vittorio Stefanini, Simone Franceschetti, Mario Villano, Gabriele Pollastrini, Francesco D'Urso

WeCare aims at providing a sustainable, ride-by-ride sanitization for vehicles in a fast, automated and eco-friendly way. The validation allows expanding our scope to higher volumes as well.

  J.05 (pav. J)

Team WEEE Open

We are a student team of the Politecnico di Torino. We repair broken hardware and write and install open-source software.

  J.T.07 (pav. J)

  J.06 (pav. J)


The Yeastime team offers devices that optimize the fermentation process by reducing time, costs and environmental impact.

Gianluca Micheli, Maria Vittoria Modugno e Ilaria Todeschini

A service that supports families and doctors in the management of allergic rhinitis in childhood.

Jake Elwes

Zizi - Queering the Dataset aims to tackle the lack of representation and diversity in the training datasets often used by facial recognition systems.

  H.05 (pav. H)

La Bottega delle Idee - May

Wooden car with elastic propulsion using a "Lantern gear" by Leonardo da Vinci.

  J.T.21 (pav. J)

kapi (aka Filippo E. Paolini)

Sounds in space and fractured images merge, thus redefining the perceived reality as a function of a non-linear synaesthetic montage.

  H.E (pav. H)
Data updated on 2025-01-26 - 1.29.09 pm