Exhibitors 2023

Maker Faire Rome 2023: discover our makers, exhibitors and all the selected projects!

Khaled Megahed CEO and Business Development Manager,Dr M.Nazmy Co-Founder e CTO

Transforming parking management with Parko: a cutting-edge solution for efficient and sustainable parking services. #SmartParking #Innovation #Sustainability



(PATENTS EUROPEAN EP3743290, U.S.A. US16961833)

Mirko Tumbiolo & Simone Fusco

We make your desktop finally portable: the revolutionary backpack that lets you take the power you need with you, everywhere

lab3841 s.r.l.

Pera® is a compact and rugged IoT sensor that measures temperature, humidity, and other environmental parameters, seamlessly blending into the landscape.

  F14 (pav. 4F.14)

Simone e Silvia

Driven to Perfection

  D2 (pav. 7D.02)

Moni2BSafe - Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

Internet of Things to support the continuous monitoring of structure for safety purposes

  F1 (pav. 6F.01)

Fausto Arpino, Giorgio Buonanno

Personal air cleaner reduces exposure to environmental and respiratory particles both in close proximity and in shared indoor environments.

  A11 (pav. 4A.11)

Giuseppe Talarico

The Personal Satellite is a "Sprite Class" Satellite. It is a sandwitch of three very small electronic cards: 1) The mother Board 2) The Payload Board 3) The Power Board.

  L6 (pav. 3L.06)


Spirulina farming for extraction of nutraceutical and medical biomolecules

  F13 (pav. 4F.13)

Prof. Roberto Moscetti, Prof. Riccardo Massantini, Dott. Andrea Bandiera, Dott. Alessandro Benelli

Piaccadino^2: Affordable and customizable automatic titrator for organic acid analysis in plant tissues. Precision, wireless connectivity, Python programmability.

Dario Ferretti

Pick-Roll APP is the first APP that connects basketball players on courts.

  B14 (pav. 7B.14)

Lino Pellecchia

We propose and create solutions for the construction or redevelopment of educational spaces, outdoors and indoors.

  E1 (pav. 7E.01)

Alexandra Covor

Program your own butterfly-shaped wearable electronics with PicoFlutter, a STEAM kit for young learners!

  H11 (pav. 3H.11)

Alexandra Covor, Mihnea Stoica, Constantin Craciun

PicoLight is a pocket-sized adjustable light for low-light photography, based on the Raspberry Pi Pico.

  H11 (pav. 3H.11)

Giosuè Caliano, Francesca Mariani

The PICUS is a dedicated "tester" for restorers for rapid diagnosis at low cost.

  F13 (pav. 6F.13)

PID - Punto Impresa Digitale - is an initiative promoted by the Chamber of Commerce System, within the National Business Plan 4.0. to promote the knowledge a …
  B12 (pav. 5B.12)

Ideato dal Prof. Piero Alabrese e realizzato dalla classe 4A di Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica dell'I.I.S.S. "Del Prete-Falcone" di Sava (TA) nell'ambito del P.C.T.O., con il supporto del Prof. Carlo Calò e del Prof. Dario Panariti.

"Ping-Pong" was specially designed for people with disabilities, in order to stimulate them in basic motor and cognitive activities.

  C5 (pav. 8C.05)

GenB, BlueMissionMed

Discover green and blue economy, for a sustainable and healthy Planet.

Medere s.r.l.

Custom-fit and sports 3D-printed insoles with green materials for sustainable and comfortable foot orthotics, reducing environmental impact.

Gentile Michele, De Nardis Andrea, Triveri Samuele, Nardone Riccardo

A way to take care of your plants. A way to help our planet.

Matteo Beccatelli

Plantvoice helps farmers save water and maximize production, thanks to real-time plant sap reading.

Gabriele Galbato Muscio

We made a cheap high resolution laser profilometer with high vertical resolution (up to 5 micron) and large available surface

  H3 (pav. 6H.03)


PLASTICDRAWN with the help of 3D FDM printing, aims to raise awareness of the recycling of plastic packaging

Università Roma Tre - Laboratorio Prototipi - Urban Retree

A space of interaction, made of upcycled components, free to assemble and disassemble live

Marco Ciarletti

Irrigate only when the crop needs it. Saves water, money and resources at the cost of a coffee a day

Università di Pisa

Sensorized aerostatic platform combined with a ground-based wireless sensor network for expert irrigation monitoring and management

Il Frastuca Team composto da: Mattia Azzarello, Andrea Guarnera, Salvatore Papotto e Maurizio Parasiliti.

Particular electronic tank that can be adapted to any drone which allows for the artificial pollination of plants at 360°.

Abbruzzese Marco

Polyter®: The innovative fertilizing hydro-retainer that saves up to 80% water, boosts productivity, and enhances agricultural sustainability. The vital energy for lush growth, sustainable farming, and a greener planet.

  C3 (pav. 4C.03)

Diana Ciufo, Alessio Placitelli, Daniela Dispoto

Pop Up City is a territory exploration project that through the use of personal devices adds, overlays, writes and reads virtual information to the physical context.

  H3 (pav. 6H.03)

marco liguori

POPPASTELLA - a corner of Naples worldwide

Gruppo Ecosistemi & Tecnologia - I.I.S. Piazza della Resistenza Monterotondo (RM)

POT is an instrument capable of measuring temperature, pH and TDS in water and understand if it is drinkable.

Astorino Flavio, Duino Claudio, Gallucci Michele

smart metering and energy analysis

  E20 (pav. 3E.20)

Ivan Martini

Precious Plastic Torino deals with the recycling of plastic at a domestic level through self-built machinery.

Team ThunderVolt - Istituto Superiore Volta di Castel San Giovanni - Piacenza

Applying piezoelectric sensors to vehicles to generate power in a completely green and free way

Enrico Santangelo (CREA), Silvia Arnone (ENEA), Eleonora De Santis (CREA), Francesca Lecce (ENEA)

An application to organic agro-food waste of CORS (Conversion of Organic Refuse by Saprophages) mediated by Hermetia illucens L.

IIS Giorgi-Woolf (RMIS121002), classe 4Bs, autori: Andrea Bianchi, Mattia Esposito, Davide Giardino, Emanuele Masini, Giulio Mischi , docente: Benedetta Macina, Angela Testa Piccolomini

The greenhouse is designed for environments where the growth of vegetation is hostile or specific periods of the year where climatic conditions do not allow it.


SPORTECH's objective was to create a sporty and elegant double jacket, made with a fine fabric and a technical fabric, using 4.0 technologies in different phases of production

  D9 (pav. 6D.09)

Simona Errico, Stefania Moliterni, Salvatore Dimatteo, Alessandra Verardi, Anna Spagnoletta, Paola Sangiorgio, Roberto Balducchi

The project promotes the use of an alternative and sustainable biological source for proteic food and feed production

  C5 (pav. 4C.05)

Enrique Canessa e Livio Tenze

glasses-free real-time 3D vision to generate light-fields (or Native) 3D images or videos from a single webcam and in real-time

  E2 (pav. 3E.02)

In the era of Industry 4.0 and IoT, where it is taken for granted that different devices within companies are interconnected, it is essential that there is p …
  A13 (pav. 5A.13)

Prusa Research was founded as a one-man startup in 2012 by Josef Prusa, a Czech hobbyist, maker and inventor - and now one of the most famous names in the 3D …
  C3 (pav. 3C.03)

Antonio Durbé, Daniele Tommei

Sistemi di riflessone della luce solare: per illuminazione, cuocere, tostare il caffè, riscaldare, per concentrare l'energia termica.

  B4 (pav. 4B.04)

Giuliana Lantino, Lorenzo Gallone e Valerio Cianfrocca

Enter the Game. Enter History!

  D1 (pav. 8D.01)

Classe BioqualTECH22 - Fondazione Vita

The project that we will bring to Rome for Maker Faire is called "Question of Chemistry" and it is the same project that won the first place in the category of "Immersive Technologies" of the ITS 4.0 project. The primary aim of our project was to find an innovative training solution capable of stimulating the curiosity of children , making the learning of scientific subjects a unique experience. The project was developed by our class of students of the course "BioqualTECH22".

  D15 (pav. 6D.15)

Enactus UniTS

Discover Quiet Office: a harmonious fusion of remote work, stunning landscapes, and cultural immersion. Redefine work-life balance.

3CE _ ITIS "G.Galilei"_IIS Pontecorvo

This is a project about an intelligent system which, through an IoT application, makes waste collection more efficient and smart

ARI - Associazione Radioamatori Italiani - Sez. di Roma

Ham Radio

  A11 (pav. 3A.11)

Arash Moazenchi, Marco Oliva, Matteo Villani

Rcoffee recycles and turns coffee grounds into a biomass,the first product will be pellets

Marco De Spirito, Giuseppe Maulucci, Giada Bianchetti, Cassandra Serantoni, Alessia Riente, Alessio Albetino

A tool for real time and personalized improvement in cardiovascular fitness

Totaro Christian, Periccioli Francesco, Mercadante Emanuele, Pintilie Eduard, Valentini Alessandro, Viscione Francesco.

RecAIcleBin is a device that, thanks to Artificial Intelligence, can sort waste according to recycling rules.

Data updated on 2025-02-14 - 11.16.46 pm