Joaquín Fargas’s artistic-technological installations actively intervene against melting glaciers and drought
Art is a patrimony that belongs to the whole of humanity and that, as such, must also act as a concrete stimulus towards reflections on universal concepts linked to contemporary society. In today’s society, there is no doubt that technology plays a preponderant role. In fact, everything is technological, moving rapidly towards progress, innovation, and the future. But is there a useful technology for noble purposes, which gives a helping hand to nature, which has been put more and more to the test by human activities? The answer is yes, and in the artistic field there is no lack of confirmation in this sense.
Glaciator and Rabdomante are two artistic-technological installations that draw attention to the current climate problems and actively intervene, symbolizing an utopian ideal of recovery and resurgence. The author is Joaquín Fargas, an Argentine artist who integrates science, technology, and art into his works, united in symbolic concepts about the reality that surrounds us.
Glaciator is an artistic-technological installation located in Antarctica and composed of solar robots that accelerate the formation of ice on glaciers by compacting snow. Rabdomante (Dowser), on the other hand, is an artistic-technological installation found in opposite contexts, that is, in deserts, and stores solar energy to generate water – hence life – from the atmosphere, in some of the most arid places on the planet.
These original projects that combine art, science, and technology could not be missing from the Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition 2019, from 18 to 20 October at the Fiera di Roma. This year, in fact, this international event dedicated to innovative technology will also present the new MakerArt section, curated by Valentino Catricalà, with artists from all over the world who will bring and showcase their artistic-technological contributions projected into the contemporary world.