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Guide to Maker Faire Rome: Tracing the Evolution of the Premier Innovation Event


Retrace with us the history of the event that has changed people’s relationship with innovation. Discover the evolution that Maker Faire Rome has undergone over the years

Guide to Maker Faire Rome: Tracing the Evolution of the Premier Innovation Event

Maker Faire Rome stands as a pinnacle of innovation on both the Italian and European stages. Over the years, this event has gained significant traction, solidifying its status as a must-attend for innovation enthusiasts, tech creators, businesses, and industry aficionados. Now in its eleventh edition, Maker Faire Rome is a hub for forging connections, networking, and generating real business opportunities. This initiative, backed by the Rome Chamber of Commerce and organized by Innova Camera, collaborates with national and international institutions to drive Italy’s entrepreneurial landscape forward through the PID project (Digital Business Point). The objective is to inspire innovative entrepreneurship, combining tradition and innovation to represent cutting-edge advancements in “Made in Italy.”

Maker Faire Rome: The Evolution of Themes

This event’s conceptual foundations trace the trajectory of innovation and technology. Its history mirrors the evolution of innovation in Italy. From 2013 to today, Maker Faire Rome has embraced diverse themes that reflect emerging trends, technological challenges and societal shifts.

From understanding the rise of web artisans at its debut edition, the fair’s focus has evolved into action that can shape our world. The event spotlights how the protagonists of the third industrial revolution continuously reshape our world, and year after year, it has showcased the cross-sector importance of innovation. The integration of machines into production and daily life marked a pivotal moment, explored in the “Life with Machines” edition.

In recent years, the fair has explored the construction of a shared future, presenting innovation as something that holds society together and serves the common good. This approach was the focus of the 10th edition “Commonground, Innovation Keep Us Together.”

Maker Faire Rome 2023: Updates in This Year’s Edition

Maker Faire Rome 2023, which will take place October 20-22 at Fiera di Roma, promises an enriched line-up of innovative content. Explore facets of innovation from digital manufacturing to the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence to circular economy, agritech to e-sports, and more. Forge B2B and B2C relationships and connect with stakeholders. The exhibition will cover learning and technological innovation.

A highlight is the “Learn” area, which offers an interactive program with four modes: Interactive Installations, Stands, Play (educational labs), and Live (live performances). Technologies like Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and educational video game stations cater to teachers and students.

Complementing the educational focus, Maker Faire Rome 2023 features a significant B2B area hosting the 0100 Conferences Mediterranean, a version of a format dedicated to private equity and venture capital. Two-hundred high-level investors will converge for two days of sessions, panels, workshops, keynotes, and networking, connecting exhibitors and investors.

Moreover, Maker Faire Rome 2023 embraces sustainable innovation, with the “Life” area hosting circular economy and ecodesign proponents. Main topics include sharing, reuse, recycling, and FoodTech that revolutionizes the agri-food sector with advanced technology.

Participating in Maker Faire Rome offers a preview of research trends and the market landscape. Witness practical, daily, and professional applications of leading-edge technologies and methodologies. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Join us in Rome from October 20-22. Secure your tickets exclusively online via the official event website,


Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition has been committed since its very first editions to make innovation accessible and usable to all, with the aim of not leaving anyone behind. Its blog is always updated and full of opportunities and inspiration for makers, makers, startups, SMEs and all the curious ones who wish to enrich their knowledge and expand their business, in Italy and abroad.

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