Mouser Electronics at Maker Faire Rome 2018 with mood detecton tecnologies!
When thinking of visiting Maker Faire Rome 2018 is it more annoying to take the car to the Fiera di Roma venue where it is held, or use public transport? Whatever your choice, after arriving, go directly to the Mouser booth and find out: he mood detection devices that the student teams from Politecnico di Torino have designed and built are going to help you there!
With support by Mouser Electronics, two student teams that participated in CLIK (Contamination Lab and Innovation Kitchen), a special innovation laboratory at Politecnico di Torino worked on mood detection with feedback. Their systems „”Doory“ and “PYna” use different approaches to detect the moods of users in reach with various sensors and use lighting and sounds to influence them. One of them acts as a platform to interact with different types of infrastructure – a very open approach that doesn’t focus on a single device but on building and home automation systems.
As soon as the devices have calmed you down, the students are going to answer all the questions you may have about the project and the solutions – while one of them uses neural network technology, the other is designed to use a cloud calculation system. With identical basic hardware (Raspberry Pi 3, actually), the two solutions don’t only look completely different but approach the problem “mood detection” from very different angles.
Is facial recognition the ultimate answer? What other sensory inputs are neccessary for a complete mood analysis? Can smartphones with their already built-in sensors be helpful? What about privacy? Many questions, some answers.
The two teams emerged from a hackathon at CLIK and subsequently spent 3 month working on their systems, refining and redesigning them. Their ways to success can soon be seen on – until then let’s just say that not every approach is successful, and designing an electronic device gives more than enough reason to detect mood swings. The video shows an early success.
With the expertise of Prof. Massimo Violante and his team, and full support by the faculty, the students were able to access the vast portfolio of electronic components at Mouser Electronics. On this basis, they had to combine electronics, programming, designing and project planning in order to present their innovatons to a large audience – in this case, the one of Maker Faire Rome.
The student maker’s situation may be comfortable, but it’s easy to become a pro maker, too: the experts from Mouser Electronics on the stand at Maker Faire Rome 2018 are eager to support you there.
Marcel Consée, Mouser Electronics