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IoT, now things talk: 5 projects for Maker Faire Rome 2021

Thermostats, household appliances, production plants, cars, all objects that are at the heart of our daily lives, these are the protagonists of the Internet of Things, or IoT. These are smart objects that can connect to a network to process data and exchange information with other objects. The IoT is a breeding ground for creative makers. Here are some interesting projects that you can see at Maker Faire Rome 2021.


DiaPro 4.0

DiaPro 4.0 stands for Diagnostic | Prognostic for Industry 4.0, a multi-sensor system integrated into mechanical drives, able to guarantee high reliability diagnostics for faults on rotors, gears, bearings and electric motors. The project is co-financed by POR Fesr Emilia-Romagna 2014-2020 and the Fund for Development and Cohesion and developed by Giorgio Dalpiaz, Professor of Machine Mechanics and Vibration at the University of Ferrara. Scientific Director of the Advanced Mechanics Laboratory (MechLav) of the Technopole of Ferrara.

Alert Genius 

Alert Genius is an anti-intrusion system, which allows an alarm system to be kept active at all times even in the presence of subjects in the monitored area. The technology of Alert Genius distinguishes between authorised persons detected in the monitored area, preventing the activation of the alarm, which will always be activated when an unauthorised presence is detected. This allows the user to keep the intrusion detection system active at all times, protecting their home or workplace 24 hours a day, even in the presence of known people or animals. The distinction between authorised and unauthorised parties is made by the interaction between the motion sensors and a small, personal, wearable active tag. The hardware and software are the result of a synergy between Alert Genius and the Swiss company Hemargroup. The authors of the project are Alberto Goffi, creator and founder of the group, and Stefano Purchiaroni, technical consultant. 

Tv Phone

Innovation does not necessarily mean inventing new technologies, but also making the best use of technologies that already exist and that people are familiar with, such as the television at home. Transforming the TV into a smartphone with Sicure-Phone also makes it possible to provide tele-assistance to the elderly. The project is curated by Roberto Manenti.


Atticus is a system that features a smart T-shirt capable of monitoring the wearer’s main parameters. The project was developed by LESIM – Università degli Studi del Sannio, STAKE Lab – Università del Molise, Regione Molise, DISC S.p.A.. ModaImpresa S.r.l., Consorzio Italia Cooperativa sociale.




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