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Maker Faire Rome 2021, starring projects | AMMILAB

AMMILAB is the laboratory of the Italian Association of Mechanical Music (AMMI). The group aims to develop solutions to revive early music and make mechanical musical instruments play. Its participation in Maker Faire Rome 2021 featured three automatic musicians: a bassist, a drummer and a glockenspiel player. Real instruments played automatically. The bass is held by a figure named “Ray”. He can turn his head up and down and change the colour of his eyes. The ‘Rays’ played together with other mechanical musical instruments and a ‘human’ saxophone player. We met the guys from AMMILAB. Here’s what they told us. 


«AMMILAB is a small group of people passionate about Mechanical Music, both ancient and modern. The intention is to apply new technologies to preserve or, as in this case, revive the purpose of Mechanical Music. In each case “analogue” sounds controlled digitally or mechanically or pneumatically».

What kind of background do you have?

«AMMILAB is made up of people with different skills (mechanical, electronic, computer science), with the sole objective of preserving and making known the Mechanical Music of the past and future».

Why did you decide to bring your project to Maker Faire Rome? 

«Maker Faire Rome is the ideal context for meeting and appreciating this type of project. Right from the first edition in 2013, we felt we were in the right place».

How would you recount your experience at Maker Faire Rome 2021? 

«We met old and new friends, who appreciated and were curious about our projects. For us too, it was a source of inspiration and curiosity about other projects».

What do you think of the location? 

«For the type of project, Ancient and Modern Mechanical Music, there could be no better location than the one you proposed this year. We were really amazed that a place born of early 20th century technology was reborn to host new projects and so many young people. This edition of Maker Faire Rome has rediscovered the spirit of Makers, a concept that was being lost in recent years in more functional but anonymous locations».



cover photo: AMMILAB


Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition has been committed since nine editions to make innovation accessible and usable to all, with the aim of not leaving anyone behind. Its blog is always updated and full of opportunities and inspiration for makers, makers, startups, SMEs and all the curious ones who wish to enrich their knowledge and expand their business, in Italy and abroad.


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