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A wearable that promises to shift your mood

Picture yourself wearing a small device that might instantly infuse you with energy, soothe your nerves and shift your mood


Picture yourself wearing a small device that might instantly infuse you with energy , soothe your nerves or shift your mood. Thync makes wearable devices that send electric stimulation programs – designed to specific areas of the brain and peripheral nervous system – to instigate the desired positive effect. The wearable zaps your brain to make you feel either calm or energized (or both) – and it works exactly as advertised.  

Thync claim to be able to change your mood by stimulating nerves in your head and neck with low-level electrical pulses. Thync refers to these pulses as “vibes,” and the user manages them with a companion app. 


Mood plays an important role in our life which is illustrated by the disruptive impact of aberrant mood states in depression. Brain stimulation has been shown to improve dramatically symptoms of bad mood and light anxiety and non-invasive VNS could be used to swiftly and robustly improve mood.

Non-invasive brain stimuiation offers a great help in improving quality of life thanks to a modular and efficient mood shifting and uplifting.
FeelZing, the patch device by Thync has been testes on athlets, too I Photo: Thync

What Thync device do

Thync makes devices usable by everyone, that improve brain function via electricity, the natural language of the brain.

Language of the brain: the brain is an electric organ; electricity is its language
Localized treatment: controlled electricity only impacts specific brain areas
Easy-to-program: electric waves are easily programmed for specific outcomes
Healthy for users: electricity doesn’t result in tolerance overuse or addiction

Benefit of non-invasive brain stimulation

  • Thync neurostimulation improves mood and sleep quality. Electric stimulation of trigeminal and cervical nerves prior to sleep produced significant improvements in sleep quality and mood
  • Thync stimulation reduces stress. Published in Nature, this study shows Thync stimulation to the trigeminal nerve significantly reduced tension and anxiety by reducing sympathetic nervous system activity

  • Thync is safe and tolerable. In the longest longitudinal study ever run using neurostimulation, has been demonstrated the safety and tolerability of such technology for consumer use


Learn more about Thync wearables

FeelZing Energy Patch is the latest product developed by Thync. It is a disposable easy-to-use neurostimulation device that improves energy and focus. No chemical stimulants, no side effects.

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