Enrico Bassi, graduated in “Design & Engineering” and “Product Design” at the Milan Polytechnic, worked as an Innovation Designer in Milan and Miami for three years. He coordinated the first Italian Fab Lab in 2011, Fab Lab Italia. Later he was president and coordinator of Fab Lab Torino, the public laboratory of Officine Arduino.
In 2015 he completed the international “Fab Academy” course, a study program on Digital Manufacturing taught by MIT lecturer and founder of the first Fab Lab Neil Gershenfeld. In 2016 he became “instructor” of the new edition of the Fab Academy, held at Fab Lab Opendot, which he has been coordinating since 2014. He is the referent for several European and international projects, in particular on the theme of the circular economy and in support of people with disabilities. He has taught “Digital Manufacturing” and “Design & Engineering” in various universities and academies, including: LABA (Free Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia), NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts of Milan), Domus Academy (Milan) and the Master of advanced studies in interaction design of SUPSI (Lugano).