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From Friuli (northeast Italy) a versatile, efficient, and economical project to make the most of this renewable resource


Are you familiar with sunflowers? They are those wonderful yellow flowers that follow the movement of the sun throughout the day, moving in its direction and are truly unique natural elements of their kind. As a matter of fact, these special mobile solar panels, which were designed by the students at the Ipsia Giacomo Ceconi in Udine (Italy) are based on a principle that is not so different.


These high-performance accumulators, in fact, are able to follow the path of the sun throughout the day, always guaranteeing the most favorable angle of incidence of the sun rays so that the greatest possible amount of solar radiation is stored.


Compared to similar solutions to produce energy, this invention by the members of the FabLab Ceconi Creative Laboratory allows for greater architectural integration with buildings wherever these solar panels are installed.


Sunflower BIPVps


Thanks to its particular structure and the presence of a single motor, it can also be mounted on flat surfaces, on south-facing roof pitches, or even on a special frame that creates a “solar roof”, with an underlying space specifically designed for electric cars.


Therefore, integration and versatility are the keywords that distinguish this original solar energy system. It is no coincidence that it is called Sunflower BIPVp, or Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic panels. And, if we factor in that these solar panels guarantee greater robustness and reliability over time, lower purchasing, operating, and maintenance costs, it is easy to recognize the numerous important advantages that this project offers.


photo: pxhere


Green, reliable, efficient, economical, and suitable not only for domestic environments but also for zero-emission cars. In fact, this “hi-tech sunflower” could really be a great find to produce clean and renewable energy in the best way!



This particular solar energy solution project, together with many others devoted to the use of renewable energies and the defense of the environment, will be present at the Maker Faire Rome – the European Edition 2019, the world-famous innovative technology fair that will take place from 18 to 20 October at the Fiera di Roma.

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