Maker Faire Rome has always been one of my favorite shows. It brings makers, hobbyists and enthusiasts of all ages and genres together in one place. The ability to show the newest technology and the coolest STEM products is something that can’t be done to this caliber anywhere else. We at DigiKey are lucky to be a part of this great maker event.
Tag: Food System Summit
April 26, 2022
eFOOD 2022 – The international Food Design Conference – is coming on 28-29-30 april “Experiencing and Envisioning Food: Designing for Change” is this edition’s main focus ...EFOOD2022 I International Food Design Confere...
July 13, 2021
Egypt’s farmers: a new irrigation system to tackLe water shortage In Egypt, farmers consume more than 85% of the Nile. The project is part of Egypt’s 20-year plan to tackle […]Egypt: farmers tap new technology to save wat...