Maker Faire Rome è un’esperienza straordinaria che arricchisce profondamente il significato della creatività e dell’innovazione. La visibilità ottenuta ha contribuito notevolmente a valorizzare i progetti degli studenti della nostra scuola, mettendo in luce il loro talento e impegno ed aggiungendo autenticità e riconoscimento al lavoro della scuola, evidenziando il nostro impegno nella formazione di menti creative e innovative.
Tag: Massimo Banzi;
March 17, 2024
Arduino triples: the Arduino Days become three To mark the 11° edition, Arduino Days take a twist and turn into a full 3-day celebration. Save the dates: March 21-22-23! […]March 21-22-23: join the Arduino Days
November 3, 2022
How do we engage people of all ages to explore with technology interactively? Massimo Banzi has the answer Massimo Banzi teaches at CIID Copenhagen and there, together with the students, […]How do we engage people of all ages to explor...
March 10, 2022
All eyes on Nicla Vision: the new ultra-compact solution that combines machine vision and edge computing Analyze and process images on the edge, with Arduino Pro’s new ready-to-use, standalone intel...Arduino Nicla Vision, the new low-power solut...
April 22, 2020
Maker Faire Rome 2020 is the place to be next winter.Mark it on your agenda On site? Online? We can't tell you yet. Surely though, it will be "onlife".MAKER FAIRE ROME IS BACK ON DECEMBER!
May 31, 2018
European Maker Week 2018 confirmed the maker movement across Europe is strong and healthy Maker Culture represents a huge opportunity for Europe. In recent years, new tools for democratized production...Ops, #EMW did it again!
December 8, 2017
MakerFaireRome Recup: where everything is possible! The Eternal City is re- conquering the role of the capital of #innovation.MakerFaireRome: everything is possible!