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Tag: researcher
August 28, 2022
Will plastic-eating robo-fishes save our oceans? Chinese researchers have designed biocompatible robots resembling tiny fishes that are able to ingest microplastics Microplastics are an increas...Will plastic-eating robo-fishes save our ocea...
December 8, 2019
Grape berries capable of blocking the growth of cancer cells: this is what has been shown by some research conducted by the National Research Council (CNR), by ENEA and from the University Federico II...CNR and ENEA research study: Combating cancer...
November 8, 2019
The ambitious project by Valentina Sumini, researcher at MIT in Boston and collaborator of NASA, who wants to give life to a real city on Mars to make human settlement on the Red Planet concretely pos...The space city of Valentina Sumini that has c...
September 3, 2019
A device that monitors and controls the composting process, allowing organic waste to be transformed into a valuable resource. Composting is an aerobic biological process in which a mixture of [&helli...A low-cost compost monitoring system called ...