Come rappresentante Automotive per ST ho avuto l’occasione di presentare dei casi reali nell’ambito automobilistico, dove siamo presenti con i nostri prodotti: ho conosciuto i maker e gli appassionati di tecnologia che li usano, ma soprattutto ho avuto modo di consolidare e tessere nuovi rapporti e collaborazioni con le diverse Squadre Corse universitarie presenti, ed ingaggiare nuovi partner interessati al loro utilizzo. Un’esperienza di grande valore da ripetere.
Tag: sensor
August 19, 2022
Fiumicino Airport is rated among the best in the world Fiumicino acknowledge that delivering a better customer experience is an important business tool; it relies on startups, too Rome’s...Fiumicino Airport choose Ottonomy.IO for supe...
August 11, 2022
How much vitamin C is in an orange? A new biosensors detects the exact number of vitamins in fruits and vegetables How much vitamin C is in an orange? […]The smart sensor that could transform food an...
July 13, 2021
Egypt’s farmers: a new irrigation system to tackLe water shortage In Egypt, farmers consume more than 85% of the Nile. The project is part of Egypt’s 20-year plan to tackle […]Egypt: farmers tap new technology to save wat...
April 19, 2021
The Exopulse Mollii Suit can improve mobility for people affected by a stroke or Parkinson’s disease The single-piece suit is equipped with 58 imbedded electrodes, which are adjust to the user’...This suit can improve mobility for stroke or ...
July 14, 2020
Lydia Denton learned about kids dying of hot car deaths because accidentally left behind Hot car deaths: Lydia decided to find a solution, and she did! Lydia Denton invented […]12-year-old girl wins $20,000 for inventing d...