Tag: sustainability
August 20, 2019
Designer Swati Soharia combines her passion for fabrics with respect for the environment. After graduating in 2011 from the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) in New Delhi, designer Swati...New life to textile industry waste: a project...
August 13, 2019
Visualizing the impact of our trash might help us get more conscious about it Back in 2011, photographer Antoine Repessé stopped throwing away his recyclable trash to make a point. Four years [&hel...Four Years Of Trash Become a Powerful Photo S...
March 29, 2019
Water from the air: the device just won the XPrize The new system, called WEDEW (was created by combining two existing systemsWater from the air: the device just won the X...
September 11, 2018
No bees no life! Here's BEEing, the revolutionary technology aiming to proctect the bees and their environment. Beekeeping 3.0: here’s BEEing, the inno...