Maker Faire Rome è la mia vetrina di innovazione e passione, un luogo dove il mio progetto “ANGELO” ha preso forma grazie alla condivisione di idee, feedback e connessioni con altri maker, permettendomi di portarlo avanti con successo.
Tag: Wellness & Healthcare
November 12, 2021
Society is changing. So too are people’s different approaches and expectations of quality of life. Healthcare is facing new scenarios and new demands. In this context, innovation is a challenge....Maker Faire Rome, starring projects | Wellnes...
October 10, 2019
Being on the patients' side has always been the goal of Sanofi Genzyme who, with the MAKEtoCARE contest, rewards the most innovative technologies that can improve the lives of people with disabilities...MaketoCare: Sanofi presents the technological...
October 10, 2019
Scientific research is increasingly fundamental for the protection of safety in the workplace. And the most advanced devices and projects in this area will be presented this year in # MFR19 by INAIL, ...Technology for rehabilitation and safety: INA...