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A fast and intuitive drone control system, which can have applications in many different fields.

If you think that special joysticks or complex radio-commanded controls are needed to pilot a drone, this project will change your mind. In fact, Andrea Chesi, a young student at the  IIS Tito Sarrocchi of Siena, has not only imagined but has also realized Leap Drone, with a piloting system that responds to commands generated just by the movement of the hands.

Leap Drone (photo: Andrea Chesi/Youtube)
Leap Drone (photo: Andrea Chesi/Youtube)

The drone piloting system includes the use of a “leap motion”, i.e., an infrared camera capable of recognizing hand movements. During piloting, the right hand represents the flight path of the drone, and therefore, controls the inclination in the three dimensions, while the left hand manages the engine speed and travel direction. 


The movements of the two hands, captured by the camera, are sent to a computer, which reworks them and then sends them to an electronic card. The latter has the task of transforming those coordinates into electronic impulses and, consequently, into commands destined for the drone.

The project, born from this young maker’s passion for leap motion cameras, explores the possibility of controlling a device in a fast and intuitive way, which can find applications in many different areas.

Andrea Chesi piloting the drone with his hands (photo: Andrea Chesi/Youtube)
 Drone in flight (photo: Andrea Chesi/Youtube)

Andrea Chesi, with his Leap Drone, is one of the makers selected by Maker Faire Rome – the European Edition 2019, the world-famous innovative technology fair that will be held from 18 to 20 October at the Fiera di Roma.

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