Espositori 2019



Boboto è una Benefit Company, certificata B Corp. I suoi progetti principali sono "Montessori 3D" e "Coding & Digital Citizenship".
"Montessori 3D" ha come obiettivo l'accessibilità del metodo Montessori attraverso lo sviluppo e la produzione di materiali Montessori, con le nuove tecnologie, per ridurne i costi. "Coding & Cittadinanza digitiale" mira a valorizzare il pensiero computazionale nei bambini, attraverso laboratori che promuovano un uso attivo e consapevole della tecnologia, sviluppando competenze e abilità, nei nuovi media, che affondino le loro radici nei valori umani di rispetto, empatia e prudenza.



Iliana Morelli has a degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Perugia and specialize with two Masters, one in "Events Organization and one in "Coordination of Children's Services".
On 2016, she founded Boboto srl, a company certified B CORP. Boboto celebrates the world of children and develops projects that can have a strong social impact on educational issues. Each project is motivated by the conviction that every child deserves the same opportunities, the same rights, the same guarantees.
She is a trainer on innovative teaching methods, coding and educational robotics and also for the Montessori Italia Foundation, of which she is a reference point in southern Italy. It promotes and carries out workshops for children and young people on Montessori and computational thinking in schools and for public and private bodies. He has published several online and editorial publications on Montessori and on the conscious use of new technologies.

  KIDS ISLAND 8 (pav.
Dati aggiornati il 09/04/2024 - 16.17.20