Espositori 2021



NOTTURNO (2020), the work captures what the artist sees outside his studio: an electromagnetic storm during the end of the summer. For a lengthy time-frame, a series of electric discharges follow one another. The perception of the discharges is amplified by the artists post-production. This landscape, charged with mystery, emanates ambiguous and not entirely definable forces.


Daniele Puppi

Daniele Puppi lives and works between Pordenone and Roma. Since his debut in the 90s, Puppi attempted to unhinge the conventional idea of space that still evolves around Euclidean coordinates. Privileging video installations, he manifested a new attitude towards this medium, radically subverting the employment of sound and emphasizing a new visual-architectural reconfiguration.

Dati aggiornati il 06/12/2024 - 15.16.29