Espositori 2022

STEMerica by Fablab Zagreb

STEMerica by Fablab Zagreb

For Maker Faire Rome visitors we will present some of the work done in Fablab Zagreb and some activities related to STEMerica project. We will involve visitors in practical experiments with tensegrity and interactive hands-on activities related to STEAM and with electronics. We will engage visitors with some capacitive sensors experiments and human-to-human interfaces.

STEMerica by Fablab Zagreb

Roberto Vdovic

Roberto is an architect, researcher, educator and entrepreneur. He is the co-founder and president of FabLab Zagreb and national coordinator on several European projects. He is Maker Faire Zagreb producer since 2019. In 2020. he became Head of the Research, Development and Innovation Department at the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb.

Dati aggiornati il 11/02/2025 - 19.38.01