Espositori 2024

Categoria "Robotics"

Centro di Ricerca "E. Piaggio" e Dip. Ingegneria dell'Informazione - Università di Pisa

Cobots with advanced general purpose grippers equipped with sensors working in smart warehouses and quadrupedal robots for monitoring unstructured environments

Chiara Scognamiglio, Martina Marcotulli, Efsun Senturk

The biomimetic tissues are substitutes to implant in the human body or models to study the cure of human diseases


L. Provenzano, A. Frisanco, M. Lisi, M. Scattolin, M. Fusaro, Salvatore Maria Aglioti

In the Shoes of a Leader, Embodied Honesty and Social Touches: Transformative Experiences of Immersive Virtual Reality


F. Cordella, A. Demofonti, A. Scarpelli, E. Stefanelli, R. Billardello and L. Zollo

Development of a closed-loop upper limb prosthesis restoring a bidirectional communication between the patient and the device.



The competition challenges teams to develop technologies that assist disabled individuals in everyday tasks, demonstrating how innovation enhances daily life.

SIRSLAB dell'Università di Siena

I visitatori potranno vedere applicazioni robotiche indossabili per aptica e riabilitazione


Antonio Bicchi

Soft Robotics for Human Cooperation and Rehabilitation

Università di Padova

Lo stand ospita la ricerca svolta dall'Università di Padova nel campo della robotica.

F. Taffoni; F.Cordella, N.L. Tagliamonte, L. Nini, A. Ceccarelli, S. Li Gioi, I. Cardiello L. Zollo

Low-Cost Prosthetic Devices Leveraging Digital Manufacturing for Customizable Patient Care


N. Tagliamonte, B. Campagnola, L. Cricenti, F. Bressi, L. Zollo, V. Di Lazzaro

Using the lower limb exoskeleton Ekso to assist walking of people with central nervous system lesions.


Consorzio BioARM/BioARMnext/HABILIS Plus Plus

Esoscheletri portatili per aiutare persone con disordini motori e sensoriali dell'arto superiore a compiere attività della vita quotidiana

Edoardo Lamon, Davide Nardi, Luca Beber, Daniele Fontanelli, Matteo Saveriano, Luigi Palopoli

Un sistema di telemedicina che sfrutta interfaccia aptica, VR, sensori, camere e un cobot per effettuare ecografie e palpazioni teleoperate o semi-autonome .

Ferdinando Cannella e Arianna Traviglia

Robot autonomo

I-RIM Competition Chairs: Michele Focchi and Andrea Pupa

The competition aims to encourage the development of innovative solutions for robot locomotion in challenging environments.

I-RIM Competition Chairs: Clemente Lauretti and Andrea Pupa

The competition aims to advance the field of agricultural robotics by encouraging the development of innovative solutions for fruit harvesting.

F. Scotto di Luzio, C. Rondoni, N. L. Tagliamonte, L. Zollo

Smart robotic platform for monitoring and assisting hospitalized geriatric patients in performing rehabilitation exercises to prevent loss of mobility


C. Bianchi, F. Federiconi, C. La Sala, M. Scuderi, Y. Le Jeun, E. De Santis, M. Vendittelli

SoftTouch is an innovative project for surgical training and navigation through the integration of immersive virtual reality and wearable haptic devices

Dati aggiornati il 07/12/2024 - 15.01.02