Participating in Maker Faire Rome 2023 was a rewarding experience for Team HULKs. Collaborating with fellow robotics enthusiasts and showcasing our soccer-playing robots allowed us to exchange ideas and explore the latest advancements in the field. Maker Faire serves as a valuable platform for us to share our passion for robotics and engage with a diverse community of makers. We look forward to future Maker Faire events as opportunities to continue learning and innovating in the realm of humanoid robotics.
Eventi 2024
Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Innovative technologies for sustainable and healthy cereal-based foods - Tecnologie innovative per prodotti a base di cereali più sani e sostenibili
Il seminario illustrerà le attività di ricerca dell’Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma nell’ambito delle Scienze e tecnologie alimentari, con focus su materie prime, processi e tecnologie per lo sviluppo di prodotti a base di cereali innovativi.
Agrofood Stage (Area S)

Categoria Makers · Type Talk