What we already thought would be a fun trip turned out to be so much more: the love and enthusiasm of the exhibitors, attendees and Maker Faire Rome’s team for innovation, education, and general celebration of the maker movement was awe-inspiring. There is so much to see that a single year in attendance is not enough, so if you ever get the opportunity, head to this show, soak in the sea of inventions, and make some great friends along the way.
Eventi 2024
CNA Roma
CNA Changes Award - Premio Cambiamenti CNA
Presentazione delle idee innovative da parte delle start up
della Regione Lazio.
Il Premio Cambiamenti 2024 scopre, premia e sostiene
le migliori imprese italiane nate negli ultimi cinque anni
che hanno saputo riscoprire le tradizioni, promuovere
il proprio territorio e la comunità, innovare prodotti
e processi e costruire il futuro.
Spazio CNA (Area Q)

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